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Topics - Jubal

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Who's your favourite, and why? Also, please write a minibiography about them, particularly if they're not well heard-of.

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Copenhagen
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:03:23 PM »
It's the biggest Climate summit in a long time. But what does Copenhagen mean for us? Will bit be a success? How worried are we all about Climate Change anyway?

So... what do you people think about the new troop surge? Should the US and UK really even be there? What will become of the region if we pull out? Wil it be a success?

Mount and Blade Discussion - Sargoth Town Square / So who's got Warband?
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:01:02 PM »
I still haven't gotten round to installing my testing copy yet. But what do y'all think of it?

Music Rant - Critical Thinking Homework

Preamble; the aim of this homework was to write an argument that fell into the "slippery slope" fallacy - the idea of making leaps in linkages that were far too big to be reasonable. I thought I'd post the result for the lulz.

It is clear to all that there has been a significant and worrying increase in young people all being fed the same brands of music by industry. Without exception, these songs

Announcements! The Town Crier! / I'm actually back this time!
« on: November 27, 2009, 12:53:38 PM »
Mock GCSEs are over, so I should be spending a bit more time & love on the site soon. :)

Arts, Crafts, Music & Drama - The Artisans' Guilds / Are you in a band?
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:12:06 AM »
Are you in a band - and if so, what's it called/like/etc?

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Afghanistan
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:08:38 AM »
Is clearly one of the largest issues in today's world. Should the US & UK be there really? What would happen if we weren't? Can we really leave Islamic militancy alone to prosper in south-central Asia? Is Karzai's government even a legitimate alternative?

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Swiss Minaret Ban
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:06:50 AM »
The biggest party in Switzerland is attempting to pass a law banning minarets being built as they are a symbol of Islamic power. Is this just Islamophobia, and what should be done about it?

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Healthcare in the US
« on: November 08, 2009, 10:05:50 AM »
So... the healthcare debate rages on. What should be done about the US healthcare system? Is Obama right, or should it be left alone - or reformed still further, NHS-style?

Which part of science interests you the most, and why?

This is for itneresting chat about the Exilian World Service thread.

Right, the idea of this thread is as follows; each member gets one and only one post, in which they can go into as much detail as they like about their home town, village, or region. (If someone's already done your town/village, do the region, and vice versa). We then get loads of interesting info about interesting places, in theory. Note that if you're not keen on people knowing where you live you can do another place you know well, or even not give the name of your town. Do include lots of history, local politics, geographic features of interest, and so on.

Tottington, Near Manchester, UK (Son Of The King)
Lopham, South Norfolk, UK (Jubal)

...where and when in History would you visit, and why?

General Chatter - The Boozer / The randomest piece of physics homework EVAR
« on: November 02, 2009, 10:35:31 PM »
My friend's physics homework, read and enjoy;

Ok, How nuclear power works is, well a long story so i'm going to explain it in uber brief bits so it is quicker to type. So here we go Number one. The power plant byes some uranium-235, a radioactive element. Not like nuclear terrorists, They buy 90% enriched  U-235, not 2-3% its too weak to even blow up me (I think), so yeah not like nuclear material smugglers that you see on call of duty and have to blow of his arm and that stupid helicopter gets in the ****ing way and you have wait for the right wind direction so it goes right in the bastards head, but you miss (shoots off his arm. kind of miss) and he lives and sgt paul jackson dies. Ok enough about games more science I don't say, Number deux, ok, Then they put it in a uranium-235 (which is not smuggled, bought safely from some safe people) into a reactor, where some science happens. Which funnily enough i'm going to explain, due to the fact that i think i have too. Ok, This "science" is the breaking up of the element where it splits the element in two lighter atoms (no ***t, of course its going to get lighter nothing can duplicate its self and produce energy while doing so :P) and throws of two or three neutrons. They split because another neutron hits another atom. When it does split it produces high amounts of heat and gamma radiation and some beta radiation, which was in the form of those neutrons things.

The uranium-235 when it decays produce 200 million electron volts ( OMG what. which is nor of those you ask and so do i),when you think how small a atom is (yes its smaller than your knob). One pound, thats a 1 just like number one, of uranium is equal to about 1000000, yes, one million, 1 million, 1x10*6 gallons of fuel.

Ok the uranium is made in to rods and gets dipped in to some water, so the water can cool them down, well steal the heat from them (evil water steal its heat maybe it wants to be warm). Number three, 3, uber scientist worked out that the uranium would melt to death (ok, would not melt but chain react and blow up some happy peoples and some unhappy peoples, mind you there are going to lots of unhappy peoples if  happy peoples die from nuclear power station, cuss all the happy people would turn unhappy and give the retard scientist, that forgot to put them there like all the other power stations, evils, fun fun fun, physics fun) if it was left like this so some person put some rods called "control rods" over the outside of them, made of thick metal. :D They lower or raise these to loser and raise the heat.

Number 4 ok the water that flows pasts like, i said heats up (after steal some heat, bitch slaps), so it then is moved along in to a second camber (and then another then another until it finds the camber of secret and battles a giant snake to the death) that boils water into steam, Number 5, the steam then gets sent into a turbine. Number 6, the turbine turn, whoooooo. number 7 the turbine turns a generator. Number 8 the generator makes some powers.

Number 9 ok i've made some power now and now i need to cool the steam done, so thought a condenser it goes, cooling, cooling, kooling, koolioing. Done cool steam, now water fun enough :P. now the condenser is hot, so it needs cooling with

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