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Messages - Scarlet

If he gets compensation, he might take up a hobby.. say.. trampolining?
Oh yes, epic film soundtracks too.
My friend spent an entire day telling me about them a couple of years ago.

From what I can remember, the main problem is that there seems to be is that as more of them are mined, the codes get more complex and so it become harder to gain Bitcoins. Mining essentially seems to involve letting your computer run with it and seeing how far you get. Though there seemed to be some irregualirty with regards to how long it took to mine a Bitcoin There was some debate about whether mining in groups (so you get less Bitcoin but faster) or just doing it one your own was better, those with large amount of computing power at their disposal get richer quicker. When it first was introduced it was relatively easy to get Bitcoins but now it is much harder. There was also a problem with the fact that each time the Bitcoins (or small subsections of Bitcoins) were transferred, this added to the list of transfers (the Bitcoin is recorded as a series of transfers so it is unique) and so the more they are exchanged the more labour-intensive it is to find it again. This could obviously be problem. The changing/ increasing number of Bitcoins in the world would be interesting and I would be intrigued to see how that worked.

One advantage seemed to be that the "money" is far more difficult to track as it is a code transferred between computers (which may explain why the only place I really know of them currently being used are in the somewhat darker (less friendly) areas of the interwebz). I remain unconvinced that the banking services would be overly happy with any developments which take their power away.

This information could, of course, be hokum (laced with the cloud of two years of not thinking about them at all) but I am inclined to trust this friend's knowledge. A friend who, come to think of it, I should probably send in the direction of this website at some point.
Because you are Xingu.

Why can I no longer weep?
I'm probably going to have to go with creepy on that one :P
General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Playlist
March 28, 2013, 01:35:27 AM
That would be because it is awesome, friend.
Can I join in the folk-five even though, as the warning is so kindly informing me, I am over 120 days late to the party? I feel that folk music is sufficiently awesome that the folk-five would still be continuing despite the time. A short high-five-and-you're-done is simply not up to scratch when we're talking about this level of amazeballs (dear god, did I use that term).

Generally, most music is okay until you get to the last 5 years or so.. R&B and (ohlordhelpus) Dubstep are not so much up my street. Things with a tune are good: Tom Lehrer, Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Oasis, Abba, Queen etc. (I blame my parents entirely). Musicals are often(read:nearlyalways) good. There is also an embarrassingly large amount of 80s/90s/00s pop which I enjoy.

Lyrics have a wonderful ability to stick in my brain and stay there, which probably helps quite a lot :P
General Gaming - The Arcade / Re: Assassin's Creed
March 28, 2013, 12:36:39 AM
Well the most recent one is appears pirate ship based, which looks to be very interesting (and totally awesome) but also very different from the previous games. Not entirely convinced that it will work quite yet.
Just yell if you want me to do anything. You already know my lack of skill at everything, Jubal. :P
A mystery.
Curse you! :P

Silver Wolf?
Spamfest! / Re: PI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 28, 2013, 12:23:36 AM
e^(i*pi)+1=0                          ...        o.O

More maths:
Today is the 168th day of this thread. We are (as of this one) 364 posts in.

Expected number of posts (assuming one-per-year hypothesis)=168/365*1000=460(ish)


Conclusion: Post more things! POST ALL OF THE THINGS!
General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Playlist
March 27, 2013, 11:50:51 PM
Oh look! My embarrassing music tastes!