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Messages - pixeldungeonadventure

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That's a really good idea. I have embarrassingly little planned for PDA. I just have a couple of comical situations jotted down with a fuzzy idea of how I'll get the gang from point A to point B. So, plenty of room to add new ideas.

I am very much here for the bard turning out to be surprisingly competent :P
If I were to ever do a spinoff series, it would probably be about all the crazy stuff the bard did before getting kidnapped by Auto.

Hey all, sorry about the long break. A mix of a new baby, grad school, and some family issues kind of threw me for a loop these past few months. I think I had several strips scheduled to release through January on my website which is why they were releasing there and not here. Things are starting to get under control again and I'll hopefully be able to get back to work on PDAdventure soon.

He's supposed to be laying on the ground. I think I'll redo it to be in the same style as the demon that's passed out next to him.

I can't really tell what's happened in the last panel - is he lying down, or dead, or just frozen? I can tell his eyes have disappeared and the guacamole has moved, but not much else.

He's unconscious, which should hopefully be clear from the next strip, but if it's not I may need to redo that sprite or find some other way of keying the reader in.

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