Art, Writing, and Learning: The Clerisy Quarter > Exilian Media

MUSIC: Jubal Sings Stuff!

(1/17) > >>

Starting with me singing about Cambridge exam stress, fittingly :P

do you take requests?

That is likely to depend upon the request :P

(And I do have a backlog of songs I'd like to record, though I'm not averse to ideas if people want to throw them at me)

Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men sounds much better with male lead imo.

Silver Wolf:
That was really good Jubal. You have a good voice. ;D

The guitar is a bit too loud, though.
Right now it it's muffling your singing.

Sorry, I hope you understand what I meant to say.
I'm really bad when it comes to musical terminology and to be honest my English has deteriorated a lot in the past few months. I should fix that when I get a chance...


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