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Monster Man Contest II!


The second Monster Man contest has started! As my Afelyn won the grand prize in the first MM contest, I feel obliged to push the second one, so here's the link. This time, the goal is to make monsters out of neural network generated monster names...

Here are the rules:

--- Quote ---1. Go to this article about D&D monster names created by neural networks.

2. Pick a monster such as the Slug, Spectral or the Mommy, Greater

3. Create a Monster Manual-style entry for your chosen name, with a description and stats for your favourite edition of D&D. Or your favourite RPG, whatever it might be. I'm not the boss of you! If you want to add a picture, that'd be double cool.

4. Send it to me (James Holloway) by July 14th. You can email me ( or share it with me on Google+.

5. I will post the entries here and ask listeners to vote on them by August 1st, choosing the top three entries.

6. I will create an episode of Monster Man for the winning monsters. Winners will also receive a print copy of The Hyqueous Vaults (with removable cover!) and more. And everyone who reads this will get tons of fun monsters to read about and enjoy!

7. You can enter more than once if you like, but you can't win more than once.

--- End quote ---

And here's the blogpost link:

I certainly have an idea already which hopefully I'll manage to write up...

Voting has now started! You can go vote on some monsters here:


I and the Wolls thank you for your vote :)


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