Off-topic and Chatter: The Jolly Boar Inn > General Gaming - The Arcade

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc)

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This seems a good sort of thread for a more in depth discussion of Baldur's Gate 3 (as opposed to my initial slightly rambly thoughts over in the 'what digital games are you playing' thread).

Has anyone started playing this? I am finding I have a lot of thoughts about it, most of them very positive, but I haven't played the first two games and have no idea how well it holds up in general.

That said, I particularly enjoy the well balanced group of companions that you can add to your party while playing. The spread, not only of classes, but also abilities, personalities and aesthetics means that you have a lot of flexibility in putting together a party that has good options in most situations, and it also lets you put together more specialist teams for some of the harder quests/locations.

I have some minor criticisms, mostly mechanical. There are a few features that I felt would have been useful, and I believe easy to implement, like the ability to scroll up and down floors while moving the camera around. If such a button does exist, I don't know what it is and haven't yet worked out a good way to do it. This has occasionally made it hard to navigate and more frequently made it downright annoying to attempt to target an enemy on a different level than my own, although there are workarounds for this issue.
Note: if anyone does know of a handy way to actually move the camera up and down floor levels, please let me know and I shall retract this comment!

I cannot start playing it until my fancy new computer arrives, which has now been ordered so hopefully soon... I'll let you know how it compares to the first two when I get into it! There's a few things I do know: combat in BG1 and BG2 is also D&D based but of course from a different edition, and also is pause & play so BG3 in a sense gives you more fidelity to the turn-based natured of the tabletop game. I am going to be really interested to see how many BG1/2 nods we get when I play through it.

What's your character/any pics? Interested to see who everyone's come up with :)


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