Art, Writing, and Learning: The Clerisy Quarter > Arts, Crafts, Music & Drama - The Artisans' Guilds

What acting have you done?

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From local pantomimes to school musicals, what have you people had to make yourself do in view of the public?

I played Villebrequin in Moliere's The Jealous Husband my senior year of high school.

Then there's my movies, such as The Invisible Soldier  :D

I've never done anything on film, stage-wise...

Two school musicals (at high school but in Y8/9), where I kept getting given joke roles. I've done a pantomime, as the son of Big Chief someoneorother. The most serious thing I've ever been able to do was Jaffett in the Britten operetta Noye's Fludde. The part is meant to be for a high tenor or unbroken voice, so having a low bass singing it was unusual to say the least... but it went okay. I quite like acting, I just never get the opportunity to do any.

I performed in a Scout Gang Show, but my main stage work has been my juggling and fire shows I have done, which is more performing than acting.

Ah, I was never in the gangshow, though I'd have liked to have been. In my time, I've done various sketch performances to usually smallish audiences. Oh, and I was Clod the gravedigger in my school's production of the musical, The Dracula Spectacula, when I was in lower sixth.


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