Using mods; a guide for beginners (by DvD)

Started by Jubal, October 27, 2008, 09:02:01 AM

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Thanks to Dvd to writing this guide, also shown on Taleworlds;

Mod Types:
There are three types of mod packages: Packed, Installable, and Crappy-Idiocy. Packed and Installable are the most common. Luckily I have not yet encountered Crappy-Idiocy. In order to use a mod you must first install it, however first some definitions:

The most common type for "small" mods. The mod folder is packed in a .zip, .rar, or other file.
For these see this thread:
The most common type for "large" mods. The mod folder is packed in an executable, so simple!
An extremely odd way of packing a mod. Crappy-Idiocy CAN include, but is NOT limited to: Multiple .zips, .rars, duplicate files\folders, broken files\folders, executables that don't work, viruses, misplaced files\folders, wrong files\folders.

How do I install a mod?
See Mod Types *Above* for information about the different types of mods.

Unpack the folder\file to your desktop. A folder with the mod's name should appear. Move this folder to your Mount & Blade\Modules folder. Simple, eh?
Double click the install icon and follow the instructions! Pretty simple.
You will have to create a new folder with the mod name and with the proper folders inside. Then move, mix, match, and fix the data inside the downloaded folder until it works. Note: If a mod is this badly packed it probably isn't worth the effort. Either wait for a new download or just leave it dead.

How do I play a mod?
After installing a mod double-click your Mount & Blade icon\shortcut\executable. Do you see the the screen that pops up? The one that allows you to register, check for updates, start the game, ect? Well, in the top center section of the screen it should read "Module ----------------------------------- Native ------------------------------". Click Native and move your cursor down the drop-down screen to the newly installed mod. Double click! Now start the game. You are now playing a mod!

My characters are missing!, why?
Some mods require you to make new characters, don't worry. When you start up Native again your old characters will be back. :) Also, you can IMPORT your old characters into the new mod, see next for information.

Importing characters? How?
In order to import a character you need a second character in the mod you wish to import the first character into. For example, if I download The Last Days (TLD) and find I do not have my male barbarian, "Gro-Go the Cool" then I must create a new character named exactly "Gro-Go the Cool" and select the same sex as my old barbarian, in this case male.

Now, save your new character, exit the mod, and start up the modded or Native Mount & Blade by using the "How do I use a Mod" tutorial. You want to select the mod that has your old "Gro-Go the Cool" in it. Load up your game with the old "Gro-Go the Cool" and enter the character screen. Find the "Statistics" button. It is by your name, on the left. Click it and you will see a new menu. Click "Export".

Now, exit the game and head back into the you wish to import your character into. In my case, The Last Days. Open up your new character's character menu, click Statistics, and click Import. Tada! You are now new & improved!

* At this point you may also wish to rename your character to something more in-theme with the mod - just click on the name in the character screen, press backspace to delete, and type in your desired name.
* Enabling cheats and pressing CTRL-X at the inventory screen gives you 1000 denars, which may help you rebuild your inventory.
* Enabling cheats and pressing CTRL-X after selecting a party troop on the Party screen gives that troop 1000 experience, which may help you rebuild your army.
* Disable cheats after making your adjustments for maximum fun.

-Thanks fisheye!

Character Replication:
In order to bring a character from pre-.730 versions you must replicate him/her. Replicating can also be used to cheat, though I do not support that use.
Open the pre-.730 version, the one with the character you wish to replicate, and open the Character Screen. Write down the stats, attributes, and other important information on paper. Download the new version and update. Your old character is gone.
Create a new character in the modded or Native version of the game you want your old character replicated. Note: The character must be replicated in a post-.730 version.
Name your new character the same as the old character, the one to be replicated. Also, the same sex as the old character. Now, go to the Character Screen, press Statistics, and click Export. Save & exit.
In the Mount & Blade/CharExport folder you will find a text file named after your character. Open this file and change it to suit your needs, either cheating or replication through the stats on paper. Save the text file, exit, and open Mount & Blade. Load your new character, go to the Character Screen, click Statistics, and Import. Ta-da! You have now replicated an old character into a new version.

* At this point you may also wish to rename your character to something more in-theme with the mod - just click on the name in the character screen, press backspace to delete, and type in your desired name.
* Enabling cheats and pressing CTRL-X at the inventory screen gives you 1000 denars, which may help you rebuild your inventory.
* Enabling cheats and pressing CTRL-X after selecting a party troop on the Party screen gives that troop 1000 experience, which may help you rebuild your army.
* Disable cheats after making your adjustments for maximum fun.

-Thanks Deus Ex!

How do I update a mod with a new version?
The best idea is to listen to what the mod creator has to say but this is usually true: Just unpack or install to the same folder as the old version, overwrite as you go.

How do I uninstall a mod?
To uninstall a mod simply delete the mod folder from your Mount & Blade\Modules folder. Simple & easy.

Links to Helpful Sources:
Detailed Importing\Exporting Walkthrough
Detailed Mod List
Mount & Blade Mod Related Websites
Mod Maker's FAQ

fisheye (for Inport\Export information)
Deus Ex (for Replication information)
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