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Messages - Death on Wings

Pages: [1]
Adventures of Soros / Re: General Discussion
« on: December 31, 2013, 12:44:17 PM »
I don't know if this is the place to put my initial reactions to the game (which is good overall, sorry if I sound very critical of it), but here goes:

Code: [Select]
# Rather than:
name = input('What is thy name, stranger?')
# Putting in a space after the end of the sentence so that it leaves a gap after the question, making it look better:
name = input('What is thy name, stranger? ')
It's also fairly hard to work out the actions you can do. For example:
Code: [Select]
elif actionfixed == 'GO DOOR' or actionfixed == 'LEAVE':
# this seems fairly obvious, except that when I was playing through the game I tried "go out door", "go to door" and "leave tavern",
# none of which worked despite seeming like the things to do... Similarly,
elif actionfixed == 'TALK MAN':
# perhaps might be better if it was changed to:
elif actionfixed == 'TALK MAN' or actionfixed == 'TALK TO MAN':
I understand it would take a while to go through this though, perhaps if you gave better instructions in the help section?
Code: [Select]
print ('GO to... go places. I mean, duh.')I understand the word to is in lower case, but it's not particularly clear still. Perhaps examples would help?
Code: [Select]
elif actionfixed == 'GIVE BEGGAR FOOD':
# But not:
elif actionfixed == 'GIVE BEGGAR BREAD':
Sorry for being nitpicky here, but... Perhaps a guide or something to tell players the commands that are likely to work in most situations, or something?
This would also have been useful when I wanted to re-equip my awesome sickle (being left wing, I automatically jumped on the opportunity to get one) when I'd bought a saw and found myself using that... Perhaps having somewhere to sell things as well?

Oh, and the gambler in Dorudor tavern is more likely to lose money than gain; the only reason I didn't end up with loads of money is my hand was getting tired. On average you gain a sorin every three games, so it's not much but enough. You could fix that by not giving back the stake if the player wins to make it even if you want.
On the subject of the cups minigame, the code looks a bit untidy.
Code: [Select]
# rather than:
        n = 1
        while n == 1:
            k = input ('text')
            k2 = str.upper(k)
            if k2 == 'LEAVE' or input == 'QUIT' or input == 'EXIT':
                n = 0
                return 0
# Couldn't you use:
        while 1:
                k = input ('Text')
                k2 = str.upper(k)
                if k2 == 'LEAVE' or input == 'QUIT' or input == 'EXIT':
                        return 0
# Or am I being a noob?
I'd also prefer to use random.randint rather than using non-integers then turning them into integers, but your method works I suppose.

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