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Messages - PiesDX

Pages: [1]
Thanks Jubal!!!

Thanks Koobazaur! We actually just released on Steam today! Check it out everyone!

Hey Jubal that would be awesome!

Hello Everybody!
I am happy to announce that BrainGoodGames 3rd title SkyBoats is live on...
and Greenlight:

SkyBoats is a turn-based single-player strategy game which puts you in control of treasure collecting, wind sailing SkyBoats. You are a skyfaring merchant doing your best to become the best SkyCaptain around!

We would love it if you checked it out, or even backed/voted for us!  ;D
Feel free to leave any questions or comments here!

Thanks! We will take a look at that

Awesome. Excited to hear the full review.

Thanks! There have been some minor issues we've been working through but overall we've been happy with the way its been going! Have you had a chance to try it yet?

Today is the day! Axes and Acres will be available on Steam in less than 4 hours!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that Axes and Acres will be coming to steam on April 7th! You can find it here:
Hope you guys have a chance to check it out!

Hey guys, just to update we have now been greenlit! We can't wait to bring Axes and Acres to everyone and we aim to release some time in April! Thanks a ton to anyone who voted for us.

Yeah, unfortunately Unity is no longer supported in chrome. I normally use chrome myself, I hope they will fix it in the near future. Thanks for the interest!

BrainGoodGame's previous game is Militia and it is available through steam, it is on sale right now actually! Militia is less complicated, Axes and Acres is a bit of a more ambitious project for us. Militia is similar to chess in some ways, while Axes and Acres is more similar to designer boardgames like Dominion, or Castles of Burgandy or others. Let me know what you think once you've tried the demo!

The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Re: Hello from the north!
« on: February 09, 2016, 05:55:04 PM »
Thanks, you guys are all so friendly!

The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Hello from the north!
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:45:25 PM »
Hello everybody, my name is Caleb Friesen or PiesDX I am from Winnipeg, MB and I am (trying to be) a game designer! I love board and video games, I like philosophy and food and I would like to say hello to you all!

Hello Exilian,
I would like to share with everyone my game, Axes and Acres! It is a video game heavily inspired by board games. It is deeply strategic and single-player, and would be greatly enjoyed by anyone looking for a game with tough decisions! You can learn more/we would love your vote on our greenlight page:

You can play the demo right now in your browser:

We also have a kickstarter going here:
Your pledges will make us love you forever. Yes, its that easy.

Finally, I am thankful of anyone who takes the time to read this, try the game, or click on any of our links. Feel free to throw any feedback/criticism/random outbursts our way. Thanks!

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