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As Jubal knows, I'm also one of these fabled microfiction writers. I went through a period of posting daily microfic for a while in 2022, and I've got over a hundred microfiction stories in my archives at this point.

I recently put up all my microfiction on my website, but here's one of my favourites:

While We Run

The Millennium Hounds are on our trail, and reality collapses in their wake.

All they do is hunt, through metaphysical space and digital bolthole, and all we can do is flee.

But while we run - while we cling on to those dear to us so none become misplaced along these liminal routes - we tell oral histories of what brought us here. The shared mythology of our childhoods, our adulthoods, the before-times when we could speak freely.


It began with embargos and user agreements, as if art only existed to be used. Then, emboldened, they reached further. Opinions, love, nostalgia, all fell beneath their purview, enshrined in unjust law. They spun up walled gardens, temples for adoration of their properties beneath the all-seeing algorithmic eye of our new media gods.

When we took a stand - the collective “we”, across disparate countries and cultures and communities - they set the dogs on us.

We dare not invoke true names, for that only draws the Hounds quicker. Instead, we speak in metaphor, in twice-displaced synonym of the Unknown Physician and their empathy, of the half-decade Galactic Journey, of the Pantheon of Many Worlds.


We have been running for so long now, there are those of us who know nothing but our Hound-fueled retellings. Sometimes we wonder if our stories have deviated far enough from their sources that we are free.

But still we feel the breath of the hunters, hot on our necks. Still, we lose friends to the ether as each transient community we build is shattered and rent in the pursuit of profit.

In our darker moments, we fear - collectively, huddled around our intangible campfire - that the Hounds have hunted too long; that in seeking out adaptation and inspiration, their instincts draw them to the very concept of fiction.

And yet we persist, telling stories in the dark.
General Gaming - The Arcade / Re: Elden Ring
« Last post by Rob_Haines on May 28, 2024, 04:15:20 PM »
Yeah, I find doing in-game photography is a great excuse to spend more time in a videogame world I enjoy, once I'm technically done with it. And going back to Elden Ring at this stage has really given me a fresh appreciation for how breathtakingly gorgeous it is.

(And yeah, I did a similar Outer Wilds project back in 2022 [Caution: contains game-ruining spoilers for anyone who hasn't played Outer Wilds]: Link )

I think Elden Ring is definitely the most approachable FromSoft game so far; it does require a degree of learning, and there's a real mindset of "progress until you run into a roadblock, then if you get frustrated, there's a thousand other things to explore" that it helps to cultivate. That said, I think the core design is superb, the dungeons iterate in wildly imaginative ways, and - as FromSoft's first open world game - it avoids almost all the pitfalls of boilerplate open worlds.
General Gaming - The Arcade / Re: Elden Ring
« Last post by Jubal on May 28, 2024, 03:52:05 PM »
Oh, that's all wonderfully pretty. :) You're quite into screenshot projects, right? I seem to remember you doing something for Outer Wilds on a similar basis.

Elden Ring is on that list of games that I'd sort of like to play but the mechanics, some of the vague vibes of the theming (I don't actually know much about the setting in depth at all) and bits of FromSoft's general attitude and reputation, kind of put me off. I don't generally deal well with the sort of combat that is about pacing and timing: I eventually taught myself some systems for a couple of more action-driven games like The Witcher 3 and Hades, but the reputation of the Souls/Elden Ring genre is rather a step beyond that. Also I dunno how well they work as mouse and keyboard games and I've never liked using controllers.
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Jubal on May 28, 2024, 03:49:51 PM »
General Gaming - The Arcade / Elden Ring
« Last post by Rob_Haines on May 28, 2024, 02:27:06 PM »
Ahead of the forthcoming DLC, I've been diving back into Elden Ring over the past few weeks, with two goals: to set up a new faith-build character suitable for the DLC, and to do an in-game photography project that I've wanted to do since I realised how absolutely beautiful this world is.

Slash-cut to me trying to play Elden Ring without the HUD, and regularly jumping off my horse and backing my butt up against nearby rocks so I can force the camera to clip through my character and I can get nice clear screenshots xD

A few examples (with only *very* early-game spoilers):

~ Rob
Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Re: UK Politics 2024
« Last post by Rob_Haines on May 28, 2024, 02:16:44 PM »
I was talking about this with my wife earlier, and while I'm pretty disappointed in how firmly embedded in centrist values and anti-immigration rhetoric Labour have become, I still think there's enough of a difference between the parties that it's worth holding out some hope.

And then, if Labour do finally get back in, there's then an opportunity to apply pressure to make it clear that compassion is *actually* a virtue. (How effective it will be remains to be seen, but surely it *has* to be better than trying to make the Tories care.)

~ Rob

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Rob_Haines on May 28, 2024, 02:07:40 PM »
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Jubal on May 28, 2024, 10:25:50 AM »
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Tusky on May 28, 2024, 04:55:07 AM »
I'm guessing from the name that this is thought to be a common ancestor of the echidna and the platypus - is that right?
My impression is that it's more that it shares typical features of both, rather than definitely being an ancestor of both, but I've not dug out the actual papers to check
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