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Messages - Quinn_Inuit

Pages: 1 [2]
Stories and AARs / Re: Short story: Invasive Species
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:38:57 AM »
Thanks, both of you!

Stories and AARs / Short story: Invasive Species
« on: July 24, 2016, 01:00:27 AM »
Hi, all! If anyone is interested in humorous science fiction, I've just had my first short story professionally published at Stupefying Stories:
 I hope you like it!

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Ancient Nabataea
« on: July 24, 2016, 12:58:16 AM »
Tactic: Some Quotes:

Obodas I (96 - 86 BC) became ruler of the Nabataeans, and he continued his father's expansion by moving on northward into Syria as Seleucid rule disintegrated. Obodas managed to ambush Alexander Jannaeus near Gadara, just east of the Sea of Galilee. Using a mass of camel riders, he forced Jannaeus into a deep valley where the Nabataeans completed the ambush and gained their revenge over loosing Gaza.

Another facet of the Nabataean defense was their use of cavalry. They had both camel and horse cavalries, but in the end, horse cavalries were by far more common.

It seems that the Nabataeans had a poor reputation as warriors among both ancient and modern historians. However, the Nabataeans did win their fair share of battles.
In 87 BC the Nabataeans fielded 10,000 cavalry and defeated the Seleucid ruler, Antiochus XII. The Nabataean king, Aretas II, then took control of Damascus and Syria.
Twenty two years later, in 65 BC, Aretas III sent 50,000 horsemen as well as infantry units to support the Jewish prince Hyranus II who was contesting his brother for the throne of the royal house of Judea. The Nabataean army pressed the siege of Jerusalem so vigorously that the Roman envoy Scaurus intervened in the dispute and ordered the Nabataeans to withdraw or be declared an enemy of Rome. The Nabataeans withdrew, as Rome was their principle trading partner. Isolating themselves from Rome would have caused the end of their lucrative trading business.

Interesting, thanks for the citations.  I think you're misinterpreting Josephus, though.  He says Alexander J. was pushed into the ravine by a multitude of camels...not that they were camel cav.  I suspect this is why DBM gives them the option of stampeding camels as an expendable unit.  In general, your sources seem to point to horse archers as being the primary combat arm, not camels.

For historic reference to the two camel riders, check Orientalia Vol 78, No. 3 Page 409 and the reliefs on page 410 and s on.  Many of the reliefs show the rear rider facing back and armed with an bow. 

Since they bred both horses and camels, they had litterally thousands of these. They were not expensive, and could move through the desert where horses could not. They were unarmoured because they came out of the desert and disapeared again back into the desert much like the North American Indians. They were light cavelry units, and very hard to pursue. Sometimes came around the back of a marching army to harrass it.

the Nabataeans were in Arabia since very early times. They moved into the Edomite Empire after Nebedcenezer took the Israelites captive, and later they moved into Damascus after the disintegration of the Greek generals. During the time of Christ, there was a Nabataean governor in damascus and Knig Herod married a nabataean princess.

Well, they'd be hard to pursue with one man on them.  With two...not so much. 

I'm not at all disagreeing that they had a lot of camels.  What I do disagree with is that they used two-seater camels often enough to even make them worth having as a recruitable unit, much less as the primary unit.  The citation you pointed to was very interesting, since I've never seen a two-seater camel archer before, but it occurred long before the period our mods cover.  Bar Kochva covers the major power conflicts in that region in great detail in The Seleucid Army, and he simply never mentions a unit like that.  It clearly existed at some point, but so did chalicotheria.  Neither belongs in the Hellenistic Era.

Rome - Total Realism / Re: Ancient Nabataea
« on: July 23, 2016, 05:15:37 PM »
Would you mind providing some sources for the claim that Nabateans used 2-man camel-mounted archers as their main troop type?  That's not how DBM treats it--to the contrary, it says they used very few camels.  I'm especially skeptical because 2-man mounted cavalry of any sort strikes me as one of the worst possible military units.  Expensive, slow, unarmoured, big's like the Damogran Frond Crested Eagle was put in charge of military R&D.

Also, when do the Nabateans appear on the scene as an independent polity?

Extended Realism / Re: Extended Realism v4 Beta 5 Feedback Thread
« on: July 18, 2016, 12:26:22 AM »
One thing--since it occurs to me:

I know it hasn't been finished--that is a given, and that RedFox has not really returned to it. However, I can't help but feel we could enhance the beta by integrating the already unlocked hardcoded limits from that injection project. This can then be released to the Public at large. All we need to do is to compile the injection .dll (or is it meant to be .exe? the notes aren't clear). This will then be released.

I ask, because we might just attract more support if we just release what has been done so far (included within the mod), which is already considerable as is (BI features in ALX, ALX ones in BI, unit size increases, etc). We'll have to contact Redfox, or alternatively find someone else to compile the code into something the average Joe can use.

I've been giving it a go myself, but haven't been as successful as Redfox (not as well trained).

I know, not directly related to the Beta, but I feel the beta would be more attractive with this when its public release comes--call it advertising with goods.

That's a good suggestion.  I don't know how to make use of the injector, though.  Can you point me to any of the documentation for it?  He developed it while I was on hiatus from modding.

For the record, this beta is pretty close to complete.  The changes from here on in are likely to be mostly cosmetic.

Extended Realism / Re: A board?
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:35:18 AM »
It's very nice, thank you.

The Iberian Conflict / Re: Testing topic
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:34:31 AM »
I'm not entirely sure what the question is, but the answer is clearly Gunnerkrigg Court.  :)

Extended Realism / Re: A board?
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:12:59 PM »
Thanks!  It works perfectly.

Extended Realism / Extended Realism v4 Beta 5 Feedback Thread
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:12:43 PM »
Played the beta?  Leave feedback here, please.

Extended Realism / Extended Realism v4 Beta Documentation
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:09:49 AM »
Please see this thread over at TWC for detailed documentation about the features implemented in the ExRM:

The mod is in an advanced state of completion, and at this point we are focusing more on fine-tuning.  All feedback is welcome, though.

Extended Realism / Extended Realism v4 Beta 6
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:06:11 AM »
Sorry for the sparse instructions for this download.  It's not in an installer; it's just in its modfolder:
 This time, I'm trying something new:  a Bittorrent file.  Let's see if it works.
 Torrent file available here: 
 Download it, put it in your fully patched RTW+BI directory, create a shortcut, and you're good to go. Don't overwrite the old ExRM—just delete it and use this folder instead.  Please feel free to post any questions you have to the forum.  I recommend playing it on Hard Campaign and Medium Battle difficulty.
 One important caveat:
Quote from: Wien1938;13911246
After trying to install the latest ExRM, I kept getting crashes on as the game engine could not locate the models and gave address errors. I worked out that I needed to rename the folder from ExRM_v4-beta_3 to ExRM as the pathing was looking for ExRM\data\etc.

 Current hotfix: No
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 In case you're a more visual person and want help with the installation, here's what my current RTW-BI directory looks like:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Extended Realism / Re: A board?
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:04:02 AM »
Hi, welcome! Do you want moderator access to this board? :)


Yes, if you would be so kind.  That would be helpful.

Extended Realism / A board?
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:29:21 AM »
I have a board here?  Sweet!  Let the party commence!

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 07, 2014, 04:26:42 AM »
Hello, things are going as well as we can make it :)

Excellent.  So, where does this project stand, precisely?  I'm curious about how far along it is and what needs doing.  Ahowl invited me over, so I'm being nosy.   8)

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 07, 2014, 02:29:44 AM »
Hi.  How are things?

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