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Messages - Ottorommel

Pages: [1]
It is good :) We've got a political compass graph of Exilian members in this thread, though it hasn't been updated in a while:

Also, welcome to Exilian! Hope you stick around, do give us a shout if you have any questions/issues!
Wow, that is a whole lot of left libertarian! Haha, thank you for welcoming me! Between the board games, Mount and Blade, and politics- I think I'll fit in pretty nicely.

2 is a nice political quiz. It shows a series of questions on a certain topic and asks you to, "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree". When you take the test it will plot you on a graph measuring how authoritarian/anarchist you are on the y axis, and how socialist/capitalist you are on the x axis. I am Authoritarian Left.

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