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Messages - Jubal

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 2104
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: Today at 10:25:50 AM »

I'm guessing from the name that this is thought to be a common ancestor of the echidna and the platypus - is that right?
My impression is that it's more that it shares typical features of both, rather than definitely being an ancestor of both, but I've not dug out the actual papers to check

The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Re: Hi there!
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:44:19 PM »
Welcome, welcome! :) Anything you need/any queries about how anything works, don't hesitate to ask, and otherwise generally make yourself at home.

Utherwald Press / Re: May 2024: Per Ardua
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:42:44 PM »
Nice to hear from you :) Looking forward to hearing about the lore changes! I really need to run some more Savage Worlds games of my own over summer somehow...

On behalf of Exilian I will happily accept this and all future catgilds you wish to grace this inn with :) What is your excellent feline called?



I am getting an unreasonable amount of enjoyment from the news that someone has discovered the echidnapus, a new prehistoric species of monotreme, among finds which are significantly expanding the range of monotremes we know about. Also the reconstructions look adorable and I'm a bit sad they're long extinct.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 26, 2024, 10:10:46 PM »

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:35:54 PM »

Exilian Media / New Exilian Media channel video
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:27:44 PM »
Finally got us a little channel trailer-video recorded. Thoughts welcome :)

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 26, 2024, 12:12:58 PM »

Cepheida / Re: Cepheida Captain's Log
« on: May 26, 2024, 10:58:04 AM »
Making another push on writing the exploration game rules this weekend: I'm getting close to finishing the first draft of the objectives, which are quite complex and frankly probably horribly unbalanced due to the dual-objectives system. In other words, every player has two things they can try to do, a scenario objective for all players and a faction objective for themselves, and either one can win you the game. By and large, the faction objective is meant to be grindier-harder: the scenario objective is often "do this to stabilise or exit the planet" whereas the faction objective is often much more about establishing your faction on the planet. However, you're less likely to be in direct competition over doing the faction objective so if the players are deadlocked on the main mission they might switch to trying their faction objectives. This also provides more exploration push: there are few objectives where squabbling over the centre of the map is helpful, especially as players are hard to totally shift (the ships especially are pretty rugged). I don't think I've got the system right yet and it needs more testing, but I think it's a good theory for making the game asymmetrical which was always the plan.

I also need to add some more to the item chart, and I've not done the terraforming rules yet. But things are getting towards a complete, albeit minimally tested, setup.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 26, 2024, 10:35:25 AM »

There's definitely room for someone to write a D-Ream parody entitled "Things Can Only Stay Similar" for Starmer's election campaign.


The Glorious Twenty-Fifth Of May cometh round again, for those who remember. :)

Yeah. If I wanted to be fair to Labour (I usually don't, but if I did), I'd say there also feels like a competence difference. I do genuinely think that on basic keeping the wheels turning stuff Starmer is likely to be functional in a way that Sunak has failed to be and Sunak's predecessors very definitely haven't been since at least 2016. Tons of Tory MPs seem to be stepping down to leave the sinking ship, so I think it's fair to say they do know they've lost already.

The assumptions that different models are making do make a huge amount of difference to the outcome. Not in terms of who will win, but in terms of whether Labour will fall just shy of 400 seats or break the 500 (!) mark. Blair's big majority in 1997 was 418, the Conservatives in 1931 got 470 but that's rather unique circumstances. A lot depends on tactical voting: you'd expect very high tactical voting in this election, given that a) kicking the Conservatives out is a priority for a lot of people and b) to be frank if you're willing to vote for one boring man in a suit you're probably willing to vote for another, the gap between the opposition parties is much lower than in 2019. I think some models which look better for the Conservatives, like the UK Polling Report model, underestimate tactical voting in that their seat-by-seat results show too many seats with Labour a hair's breadth from winning and a 16 or 20 percent Lib Dem vote which would be pretty odd IMV. OTOH a friend pointed out to me that some models that are exceptionally bad for the Conservatives will assume too efficient a vote distribution for the Lib Dems, on the grounds that there's fewer places to tactically vote Lib Dem and, if you're assuming people vote tactically and balance out the topline numbers, that means you give the Lib Dems a huge amount of squeeze efficiency to make the numbers balance.

I think at the moment if the polls don't change we're looking at a solid 450-470 Labour MPs, 100-120 Tories, maybe 25 each SNP and Lib Dem, and then the NI/PC/Grn/Miscellany. That said, the polls might well change, The Conservative election campaign has had an awkward start in particular and if Sunak falls further then the Tory numbers might drop off even more of a cliff which would lead to an even more eyewatering result.

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