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Messages - ObsessiveScience

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I'm a bit late, but I wanted to let you know Detective Hank is released on the first platform,, here:

The game will be available for more platforms and systems in the near future.

We have also released the full soundtrack here:

And if you want more, here is a blog post with the making of Detective Hank:

One question: is it customary to edit the main posts on this forum if there are any updates? If so, I will do that later on.

Announcements! The Town Crier! / Re: June: Updates from the forge
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:26:19 PM »
About that release date for Detective Hank: It will be 17 june 2016, next friday. Hope to see you all then!

Just a quick update: We are in the final testing stages and the release will be 17 June 2016.

I might be a bit late, but I just want to let you know you got a PM from me with an application. Good luck on launch!

Just to keep you all updated: Today I finished the first version of the full beta. It's with the testers now. From here on out it's just polishing the details. I haven't got anything to show for it, because this needs to be kept under wraps, but it is very likely we will release in 2 weeks.

Thank you very much and good luck with your launch too. Absolutely would like to review your game. Where can I get my hands on a copy?  :D

I'll add you to the list of people to receive a review copy. You will probably receive the DRM free from, since Greenlight has become quite the hassle.

You will receive my application as soon as I am out of my pre-release crunch. I will give you a shout-out on my twitter when you launch.

Any interest in reviewing my game as one of your firsts? It's coming out at the same time as your site, being mid-June.

Good luck on your launch!

The play time depends on how fast you read and make decisions. If you don't read and just click through, 1 playthrough is about 5-10 minutes long, because the text-delay is skipable. I haven't timed an actual playthrough yet, but it might just be 3-4 hours. The second playthrough will obviously be a bit shorter, but if you want to read all the text, you'll have to include all the wrong paths as well, including 2 fake endings (the dialogue planning was INSANE). In total you might just have 12 hours of playtime as an average reader, but only if you guess all perpetrators on the first playthrough of their storyline.

As for Karaski: it's already on my steam wishlist.  It will be a nice treat to congratulate myself on the release of Detective Hank.  ;D

Thank you for the tweets and upvote!

When deciding on an art style the artist really loved the steampunk theming, so we went with that. It came out really well with the film noir and Agatha Christe direction we were going for.

I have never even heard of Karaski, but I will put it on a pretty high spot of my list of games that I still want to play. Thanks for the recommendation!

Hello everyone!

I am developing a game called 'Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze.' It's a whodunnit with a different culprit for each playthrough. You play as Hank and have to figure out who stole the Golden Sneeze from the museum of ancient history. The story changes depending on who did it, but you have to be careful as clues in one story line can be red herrings in another.

We are currently trying to get greenlit on Steam. If you could give us a vote at the following link, we will be eternally grateful.

If you want to try the gameplay out, you can play the demo prelude on The prelude has a completely different story, so it can be played without spoiling the main game.

If you are more visually oriented, I present to you our trailer, voiced by the lovely Francesca Hogan:

'Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze' is planned to release mid-june 2016. We hope you like it and, please, tell us what you think of it down below.

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