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Topics - ObsessiveScience

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone!

I am developing a game called 'Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze.' It's a whodunnit with a different culprit for each playthrough. You play as Hank and have to figure out who stole the Golden Sneeze from the museum of ancient history. The story changes depending on who did it, but you have to be careful as clues in one story line can be red herrings in another.

We are currently trying to get greenlit on Steam. If you could give us a vote at the following link, we will be eternally grateful.

If you want to try the gameplay out, you can play the demo prelude on The prelude has a completely different story, so it can be played without spoiling the main game.

If you are more visually oriented, I present to you our trailer, voiced by the lovely Francesca Hogan:

'Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze' is planned to release mid-june 2016. We hope you like it and, please, tell us what you think of it down below.

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