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Hetairos / Test 11 May
« Last post by Jubal on May 12, 2024, 01:21:04 AM »
Had a short test today, of the The World Above scenario. We didn't get that far before my unfortunate test partner had his character eaten by a gryphon, but it was an interesting test all the same. I think I may need to make the chaos in the scenario somewhat greater, a double one (which is what triggers caverns collapsing) isn't a high roll, but that said it's a game where tunnelling is hard so a full tunnel collapse is a big deal. Maybe I need a lesser but more frequent option as well as the current "full collapse".

Also not really sure what to do about the typical-for-the-game scenario where someone at the end of their move just walks into a monster lair or lava flow and gets disembowelled or deep-fried respectively on the spot. In some ways that sort of randomness is a bit of a joy of the game, but if it happens early and nobody can help the player character it can be a bit rough. I think maybe just better and clearer rules for player death might be worth having. Also it's partly that I often play this game with two players rather than the four or five I originally wrote it for, which means in "normal" circumstances another PC is more likely to be in reach to help a player. Maybe I should balance for four characters more heavily and make it such that in two player games the players get a hoplite companion or similar?
Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Re: Cultures are Weird
« Last post by dubsartur on May 11, 2024, 11:47:59 PM »
Doug Saunders has a journalistic essay from 2015 on the type of people who migrate from Africa and West Asia to Europe (a lot of people with training or education looking to turn a good-life-for-Nigeria into a good life and limited by state policies which make migration an all-or-nothing process rather than something you can try out for a few years)
General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: May pub - 30th or 31st?
« Last post by Spritelady on May 11, 2024, 07:57:58 PM »
I can make either of those options 🙂
General Gaming - The Arcade / Re: What digital games are you playing?
« Last post by Jubal on May 11, 2024, 12:38:42 PM »
I've been starting makign some runs at Hades II: I think I'm about twenty runs into the game now, so I've got as far as the third boss going down and the first going up (which I promise makes sense in-game). In terms of an initial review, it's pretty much exactly the game you'd expect from "Hades II", at least if one has played Hades and has the expectations from that. HII I think expects you to have played Hades and has a slightly higher overall difficulty, a bigger world and more complexity, but I've not found it too overwhelming. If you liked Hades for style, plot, characterisation, etc then you'll probably like Hades II. Will write up more on it when I've got further through I expect. :)
General Chatter - The Boozer / May pub - 30th or 31st?
« Last post by Jubal on May 11, 2024, 11:51:57 AM »
Any preferences? We're due a Thursday which would make the 30th the right option I think, but I'd be willing to switch to the 31st if people would prefer.
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Jubal on May 11, 2024, 11:23:56 AM »
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Glaurung on May 11, 2024, 10:50:25 AM »
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Jubal on May 10, 2024, 01:49:30 PM »
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« Last post by Glaurung on May 10, 2024, 01:45:39 PM »
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