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Topics - PiesDX

Pages: [1]
Hello Everybody!
I am happy to announce that BrainGoodGames 3rd title SkyBoats is live on...
and Greenlight:

SkyBoats is a turn-based single-player strategy game which puts you in control of treasure collecting, wind sailing SkyBoats. You are a skyfaring merchant doing your best to become the best SkyCaptain around!

We would love it if you checked it out, or even backed/voted for us!  ;D
Feel free to leave any questions or comments here!

The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Hello from the north!
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:45:25 PM »
Hello everybody, my name is Caleb Friesen or PiesDX I am from Winnipeg, MB and I am (trying to be) a game designer! I love board and video games, I like philosophy and food and I would like to say hello to you all!

Hello Exilian,
I would like to share with everyone my game, Axes and Acres! It is a video game heavily inspired by board games. It is deeply strategic and single-player, and would be greatly enjoyed by anyone looking for a game with tough decisions! You can learn more/we would love your vote on our greenlight page:

You can play the demo right now in your browser:

We also have a kickstarter going here:
Your pledges will make us love you forever. Yes, its that easy.

Finally, I am thankful of anyone who takes the time to read this, try the game, or click on any of our links. Feel free to throw any feedback/criticism/random outbursts our way. Thanks!

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