Dun dun dun...
Here we go again, in the fifth great Booze Up of this noble forum - may its days be long and prosperous!
And may CG's too, since it's his BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday :) Have a good day :)
Happy Birthday CG!
Thank yous. :)
Happy birthday Mr Coobeasty.
Happy super belated Birthday! You even got the honour of having your Birthday marked as the thread title (you can consider it as my present to you :D )
LOL, he's lucky, I got happy Brithdays a few months after mine. ;D Happy Birthday CG.
Medieval population modelling; a new addition to the list of things that sound better with Hans Zimmer blasting out in the background.
Thanks all! You're the best, deebz. :P
Celebration ensues.
@Jub, is that one of your assignments for uni? Didn't understand :P
So let me tell you: 25 feels exactly the same as 24. ::)
portugaling hell, best buy yourself a zimmerframe soon CG you crumbling old bugger.
It would be kind of weird if being 25 suddenly made you evolve into a new form of being altogether, though.
In news of that ilk, there's a person on the floor above me with a pet axolotl called Chalchiuhtlicue. Which is rather cool. :P
That's beyond cool.
Hello all, how's things going? I'm hoping to get a job as a trainee mechanic at a garage about 7 miles away, which is great. And I have reached that happy point of running out of things to fix on my van. W00t!
Hi Marcus! :)
Hi Marcus, hey CG. How does it feel to be the oldest active member on Exilian? :P
I'm in my first term of Uni, and it's hectic as hectic can be. :P
Well just remember Jubal, there's allways time to armadillo in a harvest.
I myself am not in a state of hecticity but I am ill-ish and feeling very much unmotivated.
Just submitted my Cambridge application
Wanna see something hectic, come to my college for a week. Today I waited a bit more than 1h cause they couldn't find the professor to sing a damn paper I needed :S
I don't get it, how do you "lose" a person ffs.
And once we had a professor who walked into our classroom and handled us some tests.
When we wanted to tell him something he insisted that we stay quiet during the exam.
Finally, like 10 minutes later he realized he's in the wrong classroom.
But nothing beats the guy that was teaching philosophy to my older sister.
One day he was late for the lesson and his excuse was that he forgot to wear shoes and only realized it once he left his apartment building.
That's disorganised rather than hectic. :P
Wait. until. you. get. a. full. time. job. (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/307/5/c/Art_Fail_Suicide_Emoticon_by_Your_Fantasy.gif)
Hmm, dunno much about full time jobs, no1 in my closer family has a full time job.
But this Sunday I woke up at 5:30 am and worked till 21:30 pm with 2 or 3 40 minute brakes.
I never felt that tired in my life.
At the end of the day, when I got to the bed I immediately fell asleep, didn't even get my glasses off :S.
Oh, and happy B-day CG, although I'm a "bit" late with that.
Are you arguing that full time jobs are more disorganised than Ash's college, or more hectic than Cambridge?
Because right now it's 2:13 AM and the idea of working 9 'til 5 and only doing a 5 day week seems like blissfully short hours. :P
Thanks, Ash. :)
It's not the hours, it's the bullarmadillo.
Let me guess, it's the part that you do same thing over and over again that it gets so dull you basically just want to kill yourself.
That's one part of it yes.
I just want you guys to know that if I had the money I would totally be employing all of you.
Hello all sorry I'm late took a bit of holiday and told no one so, yes right merry birth-celebration C_G and happy days to all.
I must ask how exactly would you employ us Jubby?
Ok roll call everyone! List skills (yes even silly ones) you have or will have in the future.
Nunchuck skills, bow-hunting skills, computer hacking skills, ...
*Arrives late* For what?
I think I'd probably start an indie game design company, given our collective skillsets. Or maybe some kind of information service.
I can play the didgeridoo! ;D
I always pictured us forming a private detective firm operating on the mean streets of London investigating what some would call... Unusual cases, cases that no one else will take, cases of the... supernatural.
I still trying to figure out what everyone would do.
Sort of like Dirk Gently but real. :P
Can I be Horatio?! I have sunglasses and can do bad puns!
I have to be the American spin-off. :P
Quote from: Jubal on October 16, 2012, 11:04:55 PM
I just want you guys to know that if I had the money I would totally be employing all of you.
That would probably be a bad idea. As you can clearly see the BOOZE thread is only one really active around here.
And it depends what the employment is, most of everyone on here is below 20.
never stopped apple :P
sorry i meant foxconn
Textile mills a couple hundred years ago were happily employing people half your age, Khan. ;)
Perhaps not "happily". :P
Well my idea of employment isn't a textile mill so count me out of your child labor plans... unless you'll pay me lots. ;D
Quote from: comrade_general on October 19, 2012, 12:03:01 PM
Perhaps not "happily". :P
The MILLS were happy. I never claimed the children were. :P
Aaand I'm back.
Blame my internet connection back there on college. :P
Skip a few, 99, 100.
Bottles of beer on the wall...
(Just in reverse)
That must be how they sing it at bottling plants.
Or at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting when it goes wrong.
Empty bottles of beer on the wall in that case...
is it the carlsberg bottling plant where they had a strike as the managers wanted to stop the workers from having their 6 pints a day allowence
Warhammer fanatics! Check these out :
Is it just me or does time seem to fly by these days?
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Cheery message there. I think armadillos just been changing more rapidly over the last few years goldy.
Light a man a fire, he shall be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire, he shall be warm for the rest of his life.
Quote from: Dripping D on October 25, 2012, 06:48:54 PM
Light a man a fire, he shall be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire, he shall be warm for the rest of his life.
+1 I use this one a lot. :)
Should we change the title, or is it going to be CG's birthday permanently? :P
can we change to 50 years of James Bond films?
Something like this? :P
Stable internet connection.
The name's Kirk, James Kirk?
Bashir, Julian Bashir. :) (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Our_Man_Bashir_%28episode%29)
Ello people, how's things going? I'm planning on a road trip through France and Spain soon, any suggestions on places to visit?
Don't visit Nice.
The whole place is one friggin' huge ghetto.
Cannes and Monte Carlo are wonderful though.
Go to Gibraltar and bask in British dominance.
Really that place exists for no reason other than to get the Spanish mad.
Northern Spain - Cantabria and Asturias - is very underrated in my opinion. Bilbao is nice, there are some lovely beaches, and the mountain scenery in the Picos de Europa is amazing when you get inland.
I'm afraid I'm no help as I am an untraveled, culturally ignorant fool.
Ma mums been to gibraltar the only thing she says was bad about it was the monkeys
Yeah go there and just bask in the britshness, well you could just go to Benidorm for the same effect lol
Here's one for you CG: :P
Btw. Bura happens like 40-50 times a year.
I guess I screwed my education up real good, since I'm not yet going to school and it started like full month ago.
And all because 1 exam that we were supposed to be able to transfer to next year, but due to some change in school system we can't.
I might just have another go on making a longbow, since I have loads of free time until they find a solution for 15 of us.
That sounds pretty bad Ash... and there's absolutely nothing you guys can do to improve the situation?
I on the other hand, really can't wait for my finals... the points you score is directly proportional to the amount of hours you've spent memorizing the content, rather than testing your real capabilities. What drives me sick the most is the fact that depending on how good I do there will pretty much say how good my superior education will be.
In other news: Hey deebz! ;D
Quote from: debux on October 31, 2012, 02:10:32 AMthe points you score is directly proportional to the amount of hours you've spent memorizing the content, rather than testing your real capabilities.
== highschool education everywhere on the planet. :P
@ Ash - Still nothing?
They are really a bunch of assholes.
Quote from: Jubal on October 31, 2012, 11:19:13 AM
Quote from: debux on October 31, 2012, 02:10:32 AMthe points you score is directly proportional to the amount of hours you've spent memorizing the content, rather than testing your real capabilities.
== highschool education everywhere on the planet. :P
not really, I actually had to understand biology, chemistry, philosophy, logic, politics, sociology and maths to pass them
rest was like you said =)
oh, I got something, apparently we'll be pausing a year, fck yea, pretty epic, just what I needed :S
and guess what, now I need to do armadillo load of paperwork and list myself as unemployed and looking for job
oh, and when I do continue my education, it won't be free anymore (unless I change college), couldn't be better...
at least the guy that screwed us up got fired, not that it helps my situation, but it makes me feel a bit better.
Well... it's something. Hopefully the next guy will be slightly more competent. Also, hopefully this experience will end up as a positive one, can you draw anything good out of it? Something you learned (like not to trust any incompetent to do his job? :P )?
Hai CGz! :D Belated congrats on the new relationship status!
Thanks, deebz! ;D
I learned to ask for a second and third opinion on everything and not to delay anything.
I could have done that exam and cleaned up the 1st year but I was lazy and now I'm suffering cause of it.
Oh well, life goes on, it's no use crying over spilled milk, right.
And gz CG on whatever new relationship status debux is talking about =)
I really want to curl up and hibernate/die temporarily right now.
What happened?
I'm suffering from the common phenomenon of "Week 5", pretty much (basically in Cambridge it's a general saying that people are usually incredibly stressed and tired by the fifth week of each eight-week term).
More accurately, I'm low on sleep, I really don't like the topic I have to write about this week, and generally things are a bit naff at the moment. It'll get better though. (We do a research/essay project every week as our main form of learning/teaching, which is theoretically about 20-30 hours reading then 10 hours planning/writing a 2000 word handwritten essay, and then there's a 2 hour supervision and about 8-10 hours lectures on top of that.)
God. That sucks. I am in the last week of classes for my high school years. I can not wait to get out.
Hey LH! :)
What's happening with you and PG?
Haven't heard anything from you guys in a long time.
Ditto the Wolf!
Trying to manage to work with my father, go to colledge every second day for info on my education, still do some stuff in blender, get first win of the day in League of legends, Tribes ascend and World of tanks and play guild wars 2 a bit.
I would suggest less of the games. They're usually not worth the time.
I only play the games cause I play them with friends while we talk on teamspeak. And all that gaming sums up to a bit more than 2h playing per day, sometimes even less.
It might just be me but playing games a bit relaxes me and my concentration is better after a bit of mindless shooting =).
Btw, can any1 suggest me a good sf or fantasy book?
His dark matierials trilogy (the northern lights and so on) if you haven't read it. Also very much I would recomend the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
read any discworld? by terry pratchett
Myself. In a lab.
The microscope on the far right has a wicked hairdo.
Sorry I haven't been around, I've just been really busy, as has Ladyhawk for that matter. ;)
We're still going well though, she's got her formal tomorrow night and her last day of school not long after that. But yeah, we're both well. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to drop in more often than I have over the last month/s.
Well, nice to see you for once! :P¨Can't say I've been especially active, but it's nice to see relatively old faces over here. Good luck to y'all!
Quote from: Pentagathus on November 07, 2012, 10:23:12 PMAlso very much I would recomend the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
A thousand times this. Such a breath of fresh air (no pun intended). Just finished reading the sequel,
The Wise Man's Fear and very much looking forward to day three.
Ooh, I need to get the sequel.
its official, streaming sites are the bane of my sleep
Late medieval literacy rates are kind of soul destroying...
How so?
In that nobody's actually done a very effective assessment of what they were, and most people writing on the subject tend to use single indicators of literacy in a fairly blind fashion rather than, for example, aggregating those indicators and trying to fit them together into a single model. This leads to the untimely death of many trees as different authors trade shouts of "My indicator is right, yours is wrong".
In all these years I never mentioned that I have an aquarium...
Pictures demanded!
For last 8ish days I had a strange case of incorrect username and password although I copy paste them and today they are correct again.
I had aquarium too, now It's more of a terrarium (no fishes atm. gotta sort an algae problem)
Quote from: Ashanorath on November 21, 2012, 05:24:58 AM
For last 8ish days I had a strange case of incorrect username and password although I copy paste them and today they are correct again.
I had aquarium too, now It's more of a terrarium (no fishes atm. gotta sort an algae problem)
As always acid is the answer.
I already used dissolved bleach (1/10) and it couldn't kill them, and I don't want to ruin the plants =(
I should prolly get my hands on those Siamese fishes that eat the black brush algae but I'd have to order them or travel ~300km to buy them :S
And my aquarium need a new spot, too much natural light at current one and it helps the damn black algae to spread around.
Bleach is a base.
Quote from: Ashanorath on November 21, 2012, 06:41:44 PM
I should prolly get my hands on those Siamese fishes that eat the black brush algae but I'd have to order them or travel ~300km to buy them :S
I had two of those. They really do their job.
Quote from: comrade_general on November 21, 2012, 09:55:30 PM
Bleach is a base.
I never said it's acid :P and dissolved bleach is only thing that can be used to get rid of them without destroying the plants and it didn't help a lot.
I got rid of most of it, but not all and it's spreading again =(
Take pics of the growths and discover what is and what is its natural predator, the rest is up to you.
Note: This may require a lot of money and time which you do not have.
The most frequent species we have here are the black brush algae.
I had some too in my tank, but I got rid of them quite easily.
Got a bunch of Black Mollies and two Siamese Algae Eaters. It's also important not to feed them too much during the period of cleaning.
Today on Natural Predator: WOLF versus ALGAE...
Heh, that's somehow even more appropriate...
I just passed my algae and fungi college exam today.
I so want to play this mod...
After watching a few more gameplay videos, I decided that I don't want to play it.
It gets too repetitive quite soon, and the whole thing is more of a huge, complicated and pointless player vs. player deathmatch. Zombies are there just as a pointless distraction.
A cross between this, Resident evil and The walking dead would be ideal.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oh, and if you're in a mood for a horror movie, take a look at this:
The best horror movie I've ever seen.
Or should I actually say the worst?
Anyway, this one is actually scary and not too predictable.
I watched like 1/2 of that movie, had to stop for some reason and I never finished watching it.
Oh, Exilian. Gone are your glory days. :(
My christmas holidays are starting later today and I have relatively little holiday reading to do. Don't be hasty, master Cody. :P
you have Christmas hols already! im still here for two weeks!
didnt you start mid October as well?
Sorry for not really being around that often people. I have been around, just not posting much.
Quote from: Dripping D on December 02, 2012, 03:19:14 AM
you have Christmas hols already! im still here for two weeks!
didnt you start mid October as well?
What date you back slagwagon? I was thinking of watching this thar 1st hobbit film with our usual nerdizzles on the 14th or whenever everyones around.
well im back on the 15th, so i may end up watching it here but no problem seeing it again
I'm back now.
Honestly given the workload I don't think I could have physically lasted another week.
Massively up for hobbitness though. :)
Uh, the Hobbit movie has already been released?
Not here it hasn't. :-\
But only 8 days to go! I had no idea it was even released, I though it was barely going to be finished by 2013
Hold the portugal up what is THIS?!
Thread already begun:
I'd be happy if a) I trusted GW's current track record on delivering good games and b) I was less concerned about CA trying to kick my ass for undercutting their product.
'Tis a bit of a kick in the teeth I imagine.
Have you actually physically returned from uni yet jubal and if so are you likely to be judoing next week?
Yes, I am home. I might be judoing next week, I'm recovering from a pretty bad throat bug but if that's properly clear I should do at least one evening.
Amazing horse!
you should go on the weeblstuff website they have that on a loop
Ah, weebl's stuff.
(Stephen Fry, anyone?)
Now this is creepy:
Congrats to Jubal on 7,000 posts! :)
Snow! Snow! Soooo much snow!
In case somebody didn't notice...
I love snow.
Luckily we have none here. :P
Congratulations Jubal.
But we'll catch up.
Yes, we will, my precious. We will.
Also, today we had the sad news that Sir Patrick Moore died, one of Britain's greatest modern eccentrics (a monocle wearing astronomer who played the xylophone, put it that way).
Yo jubal if you're coming to judo on wednesday howard says to bring you're license for a grading.
Eep, okay, I've been ill most of the past month so I've not set foot on a mat in ages :S
just getting link to disney.com when i try to view that img
Works fine for me.
It's a picture for "The god in the bowl".
Are you sure? It looks remarkably like a white box with a red cross through it to me.
well this is a bummer for christmas
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20730717 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20730717)
It's appalling, and there've just been so many mass shootings these last couple of years, it does seem to be on the rise (possibly a recession/depression effect?)
I don't think any of them have been finance related.
In other news I saw The Hobbit tonight. It was good, but Pete should have toned it back by about 50%. Just a little over the top most of the time, like it was missing all the things about LOTR that made it awesome. Pete should have made it like we had never seen Middle Earth before, with drops and splashes at a time, instead of just dumping the bucket on us.
Watching TFOTR on television right now and suddenly it hit me that what The Hobbit is missing is a "Samwise" element; an aspect of realism/a real-world quality.
Edit: Oh and the orcs should have remained like they were in LOTR. Other changes also seemed a little severe in comparison to LOTR, which I will not go into detail here as to avoid spoilers, but let me just say coughradagastandazogcough.
Edit 2: It was AWESOME!!! ;D
Ifeel that seeing as this is the boozer i should post thatt im inebriated and loving it
ok so noe im mildly inebriated and it all started as an evening to collect my A-level certificates...
Are you ever not inebriated? :D
Oooh that's a burn. :P
CG, I have to ask with regards to the Hobbit, at which point did it end? How have they decided to cut the story?
Quote from: Phoenixguard09 on December 18, 2012, 12:54:09 AMCG, I have to ask with regards to the Hobbit, at which point did it end? How have they decided to cut the story?
It ends right after the Eagles rescue the clan from the frying pan and they first catch glimpse of the Lonely Mountain from way off. It was a good stopping point I think.
The second part is called The Desolation of Smaug and the final part There and Back Again. I'll have to check the book again, but obviously the next part deals with getting to the mountain and handling Smaug, and then the last part would include the strife afterwards between the Dwarves and the men of Dale - not to mention The Battle of Five Armies. Then home. :)
I really hope I can see it soon...
When should we expect the second part?
I'm actually tempted to wait until all three are out, or at least not see the first part until I read the book one more time. Both English and Croatian version.
Hello, vertebrate biology. We meet again.
Quote from: Silver Wolf on December 18, 2012, 01:25:36 AM
When should we expect the second part?
Not for another year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Jubal on December 18, 2012, 01:22:08 AM
I really hope I can see it soon...
Are you about tomorrow? I should go to work but I need to get my mother a christmas present, preferably before the crazy last weekend before christmas, so I shall be heading into our fine city.
Yes, I'm around. Shall we see if DD's free and do the hobbit thing?
Sounds like a plan.
I'd choose pink.
Yellow as a second choice. It's would be great, but 30 min per day is just not enough.
Green pill most likely. That way I can see my girlfriend much more frequently.
But you could shape-shift into an eagle if you take the pink pill!
And the effect would last twice the time.
Yellow, so so so much.
The red one looks really enticing... that's using the Internet for 1/4 of the day without typos and errors. ;D
Apologies, edited.
nah its cool, im facebook friends with most people on here lol
How are you all enjoying the End of Days, guys?
I'm feeling ill but not dying ill.
The end is nigh!
And thou shall be saved...
Ah nice one Silver.
Does anyone here know someone who actually thought the world would end?
the internet?
Nah I meant real people. ;)
There was a psycho guy at work who did, but then he kept coming to work. :P
It's quiet around here.
But beware. There's a twist in the plot.
Her hair?
Somehow I don't think thats her natural color...
a relative of yours?
thereby eliminating her from your list of potential mates?
it used to be a dude?
The latter.
Used to be is very far from is. But her assets are disproportionate to her body, it just looks wrong. Do you think lots of women who used to be men overcompensate?
Merry Christmas Exilian. ;)
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! :)
Merry Christmas Exilian! :D
Quote from: Pentagathus on December 25, 2012, 12:10:46 AM
Used to be is very far from is. But her assets are disproportionate to her body, it just looks wrong. Do you think lots of women who used to be men overcompensate?
From what I've seen that seems to be the case. Probably because of HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) which usually starts early for the most convincing transsexual females. Their doses of estrogen an progesterone must higher than those of regular females, which apparently leads to some real breast development.
I went through 169 of pages of the Boob thread on Taleworlds yesterday.
Now I went through like 20 pages of the trap thread and I realized that you just can't spot the difference.
I turns out some men are even better at being women than women.
Quite confused.
And I was always interested in how do they possibly get that kind of money?
The expenses of hormone treatments and plastic surgeries must be obscene. Especially reconstructive surgeries.
the collar bones gave it away for me
Murry Krissmiss ervryone!
Quote from: Dripping D on December 25, 2012, 04:20:33 PM
the collar bones gave it away for me
Damn, good point.
True, female collarbones are supposed to be shorter and less curved, even nearly horizontal (in contrast to male which rise up laterally).
But from my experience as a collarbone lover, this isn't always so pronounced, so you can't take that as a sure giveaway.
Now the funny part is... In most artistic drawings, you'll see the exact opposite.
Shall we finally have our big Skype conference?
Now's are best chance, imo.
Yeah, that'd be a good idea.
Also, Gerry Anderson died! Another great nerd passes from us. :-\
time to watch those 17 thunderbird videos i got earlier this year then!
Behind the scenes shot. :D
This is a morgul-brolley, retrieved from the hat stand of Angmar...
A map icon I made for Dimos.
(Next to usual Kergit town icon from M&B Native)
Nice, looks more real in a way, I like it. :)
Hello people, how's it going? I see new faces, and notice Dripping D became Sebastokrator, how, I will never know. :P Although if Cameron can become PM, I guess anything is possible...
Try to guess the name of this city. (Hint: the blue building)
Eternal glory to the victor.
Isn't it Jerusalem? That looks like the Dome of the Rock to me.
+1 Karma.
This is my second term!
I thought i might as well upgrade my position
Kalindra Chan.
Well it turns out some girls hide really big surprises.
- - - - - - - - - -
This reminds me...
Can I start a new thread in the backroom, where people can throw weird, dark and kinky stuff (but not porn)?
I'm into weird stuff. Really stirs up my imagination.
And I need that right now, as I'm working on a relatively weird project...
As long as you keep it within the Terms of Service (ideally PG-13 but at least make sure if it isn't the thread is suitably labelled with warnings).
Quote from: Silver Wolf on December 29, 2012, 03:35:10 AM
Kalindra Chan.
Well it turns out some girls hide really big surprises.
Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap?
A HUGE trap. :D
Failed to mention that she looks just like one of my friends.
Just without the curly hair.
An example of DX11 tessellation.
QuoteTessellation is the technique of changing the amount of polygons in an object being rendered by your GPU dynamically. Your GPU is creating polygons on the fly. As you see above, it is capable of creating very complex geometries that can greatly add to the immersiveness of a gaming environment. It is quite simple as to why we would want to use it in games. As objects get closer to the camera, the game developer has the ability of increasing the amount of polygons used in an object so it appears more lifelike. Or, you can look at it from a traditional Level of Detail (LOD) standpoint where as an object moves away from the camera, the polygons are lessened so there is less strain on your GPU rendering polygons that are not needed.
Wakka nut. :o
Just makes that path look even more uncomfortable to walk on.
Actually, makes it look as bumpy as that texture would look in real life.
I gathered that, in which case that path is very poorly made. Or badly in need of re-laying.
It is one of the amusing things about anything with a medieval setting - because medieval stonework looks old and crumbly now, game designers have a tendency to assume that it should look old and crumbly for their games and suchlike.
Happy New Year! ;D
happy new year!
Welcome to 2013 chaps.
Since this is the boozer I might as well mention it here, to all of yous who came out/were invited to the highly successfull ( :-\ ) drinking session last friday I updated the event instead of making a new one to say I/we are probably going to the fat cat this thursday.
I was out in London at someone's birthday party on Thursday. I found that looking after very drunk people is not my life vocation.
How about poking them with sticks?
Unfortunately it was a fairly good friend of mine so they actually had to be looked after. :-\
I know the feeling...
Were they insulting you at the time and telling you to portugal off whilst you looked after them? I find that amusing whilst I'm drunk myself, probably annoying if sober though. I was in london on wednesday, but I neither looked after nor poked drunkards with sticks.
What I should have been doing this morning: working hard
What I was doing: practising the Ballad of Serenity on guitar and sleeping too much.
Revision fail. :/
Well I'm joining the ranks of the great unwashed for a short while. I Hope it's a short while anyway.
Bah you don't need to revise stuff Jubal.
Pokemon Gen VI announced this morning
Anyone planning on getting it?
The last one I played was Pokemon Crystal...
I decided beyond the first 150 or so I wasn't thaaaaat excited about millions of new ones. I'd have preferred the series to develop by adding depth rather than just "OMG MOAR Pokemon!" every time.
GIMP just crashed on me. I am a very very annoyed person.
What were you doing with it that makes you a very annoyed person? And do you have the latest version?
@Jubal: Have you ever actually played a pokemon game?
Marc: hopefully you'll see soon, and yep.
DD: I've never owned one, I've played other people's quite a bit at times. I just never saw why the franchise needed constant additional pokemon quite.
The premise with pokemon is collecting them and that's about it. In all the games I've played, the plot is pretty shallow and consists of a kid starting out in a strange new world, discovering things and proving himself against gym leaders, and at some point in the middle you have the protagonist defeating a plot by some overtly evil criminals. Eventually he fights the very best and triumphs, and that's about it. Beyond battling other trainers and proving how wonderful you are, it's about trading and collecting as many pokemon as you can. The reason it gets away with it I think is that the original premise is quite an enjoyable one on its own merits, so no matter how shallow the tacked on plot is, it still works. Tbh, the plot is merely a vehicle for collecting and battling pokemon. There's an interesting bit in the first game when you find this abandoned building and through scraps of notes, you learn about the horrific creation of Mewtwo, but when it comes down to it, it's just another pokemon. Nobody expects it have a deep plot, they expect more pokemon to collect, battle and brag about. Sounds pretty shallow, but Nintendo have proved that latching on to a good idea and milking it for all its worth makes an awful lot of money, so I doubt they're going to stop soon.
i enjoy enjoy them along with many others probably due to the nostalgic value of them and the fact they are fun games, tedious at times (isnt every game though?) but very enjoyable the rest
as with all things you have some people, who dont shut up about how you should all play pokemon or that you should all grow up, actually the worst people are the ones who say that anything beyond Gen I is armadillo
@marcus: you summed it up quite well, its a cash cow with a structure that works (however they have removed proper 'rivals' and replaced them with 'friends' so no Gary Mother portugaling Oak :'( , and due to European law they had to ditch the game corners (slot machines))
In Pokemon Black & White the villainous team is actually trying to free all pokemon and question whether or not they should be captured and forced to fight (apparently its a nod at PETA) however in the end its revealed the bad guys were tricked by their boss who just wanted world domination etc...
I don't have a moral objection to multiple Pokemon generations certainly, I just guess it's not the sort of game series I inherently see the appeal of without more depth over time. Also whilst I can never remember which Gen is which, I really felt that the rubbish bin pokemon was stretching it rather.
yeah him and vannillish the ice cream cone of Gen V were pushing it
I didn't mind until Gen III, then in Gen IV they began to run out of ideas, which meant they presumably had to start finding more obscure real life creatures and adding fancy colours to them. They must have stagnated into foods and everyday objects however, seeing as ice creams and hot air balloons are now pokemon. That said, I still enjoy the old games for pure nostalgia, many an hour was spent on those games: me and SotK racing to beat the pokemon league, me wanting to wake up at midnight for the sole purpose of booting up my gameboy advance and playing on Pokemon Sapphire, teaching the move "surf" to nidoking for the pure hilarity of something what resembles a giant boulder floating across the sea. Those were the days...
Quote from: Othko97 on January 09, 2013, 08:18:08 PM
me wanting to wake up at midnight
I remember the days of being asleep before midnight... those were a long time ago. :P
I know, bear in mind this was around 8 years ago... :P
Dungeons and Dragons 3.
I liked the movie and the storyline, even though the end was anti-climatic.
And Eleanor Gecks is hot.
Yes, she does appear to be. Is Gecks a geek or just an actress in a geeky film? Also are D&D films generally filled with stereotypical fantasy cliches?
I believe she's just an actress.
She also had a role in Burton's Alice in Wonderland.
And about the movie...
There are a few stereotypical or bad scenes, but they are really rare. (namely, the shop scene, which looked like it fell out directly out of a gaming session)
All together, it's a huge improvement when compared to D&D 1 & 2.
Especially 3d renders. Magic and monsters are quite convincing in this one.
The story is ok and it's actually following a band of murder hobos.
The acting isn't phenomenal, but it's good enough.
The atmosphere is quite good.
Anyways, it's not perfect, but considering movie's budget, you really can ignore most of it's shortcomings.
Whats a murder hobo? Is it something like the hobo from Hobo with a Shotgun?
Just saw Les Miserables. SO GOOD.
(With a few caveats; they made it too god-ish and Enjolras the revolutionary leader was really un-firey and crap. Also the singing was at times sub-par. However, Anne Hathaway was amazing, Russell Crowe is a surprisingly good singer, and whilst Hugh Jackman couldn't quite deal with the most ambitious songs he was generally a very good Valjean. And it's Les Miserables and the most amazing musical ever.)
The apes are rising!
Hotel Transylvania, anyone?
I'm in love.
I've made so many doodles in these few last days.
Is the second paragraph in reference to the first or are they separate subjects?
I see its animated...
In reference.
So your in love with the film(?) or a character in the film?
Of, course. ;)
I fear I shall have to google it.
No, don't do it.
You'll lose the game. You'll fall in love in fictional character. Like I always do. :P
I notice its animated......
Yes? Sorry, I don't seem to get the point.. ???
And portugal, I just remembered this...
And I was wandering if you usually like your ladies animated?
In certain cases, yes.
But really, I just get hooked on randomly. I don't even try to understand the pattern anymore. It's impossible, really. :D
I'll just add my favorite quote to explain this better:
QuoteI like my women like I like my coffee, steaming hot and all over my penis
Lol, just joking.
About the quote, not the first part though.
Apparently IBM's difference engine has predicted Steampunk will 'explode' in retail towards the end of this year.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/barbarathau/2013/01/15/ibm-says-steampunk-looks-will-be-all-the-rage-at-national-chains-this-year/ (http://www.forbes.com/sites/barbarathau/2013/01/15/ibm-says-steampunk-looks-will-be-all-the-rage-at-national-chains-this-year/)
Who else is looking forward to all major retailers stocking top hats and goggles?
I think its just you.
Actually I'd like more reasons to laugh so it sounds good to me.
Top hats are awesome. ;D
I'd wear a top hat.
And I hate hats.
(Yes, I hate hats, wrist watches, loud wall-mounted clocks, slippers and umbrellas.)
What about pocket watches?
Still hatin'.
What about phones with clocks?
They're fine.
Constantinople map icon for Dimos' 1080 mod.
I tried to keep it simple.
Hagia Sophia still needs some texturing work.
When I finish it I'll move onto the Tower of London, which will be the last model for now.
Any info on how it looked around 1080?
Can I be picky and point out that Constantinople should only have the main (Theodosian) wall on one side? :P The huge Theodosian triple wall protected the inland side, with smaller walls & towers along the seafronts as those were easier to defend anyway. The crusader sack in 1204 came from the sea, the Turkish assault of 1453 finally breached the Theodosian wall (which was built in about 500 but still withstood six months of siege, twelve to one outnumbered, where the attackers had some of Europe's biggest cannon to date).
Apparently the White Tower, the innermost and earliest part of the Tower of London, was still under construction at this point (after all, the Normans had only been in power for fourteen years).
Yes you are absolutely right. I spent some time looking for historical maps, but in the end I just decided to keep it simple.
This icon is already too high poly for M&B map.
I just couldn't be bothered to make triple walls and divide the city in two parts.
But if you made a sketch I could definitely give it a try.
Finding info about Hagia Sophia's shape in 1080. was almost impossible, so I just made the main part of the building.
I'll have to skip the White Tower, then. :-\
Byzantium is very much my thing, I'll try and sketch a map later if I get round to it; got the full works of Thietmar of Merseburg and Liudprand of Cremona to get through this evening though. (My supervised subject this term is Europe 900-1200, so bang on the time period :P)
Thanks. ;)
Now for all RE fans:
today I walk to Uni and am greeted by the smell of rotten eggs, turns out it was France's fault
Speaking of uni, guess who just got an unconditional from Glasgow Uni!!!
Are you on a gap year too or did you get an unconditional for some other reason? On this note I have an offer from Aberdeen.
No but four A's last year really helped, also yes Aberdeen! AGHHHHHHH!
What are you going to do? I'm doing Pharmacy.
Oh arr, too much cleverness. Have you applied to Oxford/Cambridge? Suppose you'd have to pay tuition fees for that.
Biomedicine for me, probably of the physiology flavour. Are you studying straight up pharm or biomedicine with the brackets and the pharmacology hiding in those funny little half circles?
I managed to break a piece of a wall with a round kick. Accidentally.
And it looks like I fractured a finger or two. :P
You fractured your fingers by kicking something? I think you're kicking wrong brah.
I sliced my hand up today, painful high 5!
Nah, my kicking technique is fine.
I've trained taekwondo for three years.
It was just an unfortunate circumstance. :D
So, I'm participating in a debate at the Cambridge Union Society tomorrow, there's a student debate there each week as the warm-up act for the main debate. Unfortunately this time, the main debate is the biggest in a while (on religion) so it turns out I'm the warm-up act for Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams. :P
(My debate's a UK politics one, motion "This house has lost faith in Ed Miliband")
I'd pay Williams to punch Dawkins in the face. Please convey this message to him, but don't disclose how much I'd pay (not a lot.)
I didn't get to speak to him, sadly. I also lost my debate, but ah well, it was an interesting experience.
Is that because the house had no faith to lose in the first place?
Pretty big image, the different kinds of TW players
the bbc now have a box at the superbowl...
and it seems they talk for longer than they play
americans of exilian! why don't they just get on with the game instead of talking for 10mins about the last 10mins of the game?
Quote from: Pentagathus on February 01, 2013, 05:35:23 PM
Is that because the house had no faith to lose in the first place?
Actually, pretty much, yes.
Would skip ahead 2 seconds if I could. :-\
Longcat is dead. :(
Awww. Poor el gato.
Bad news.
The World Health Organization's ICD-10 lists schizoid personality disorder as Schizoid personality disorder.[33]
It is characterized by at least four of the following criteria:
- Neither desires nor enjoys relationships or human interaction, including being part of a family
- Almost always chooses solitary activities
- Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person
- Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
- Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
- Appears indifferent to praise or criticism by others
- Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect
I strongly exhibit all these signs.
Except for the third one, which is somewhat unstable due to fact that I'm obsessed with gray eyed readheads.
Eh, I wouldn't put too much stock by that.
I don't believe in that much either...
I find it more of a personality trait that actual condition, but there's still lots of negative stuff behind the curtain.
It's weird. I used to be an extrovert for a short time.
Were you drunk or high during that short time?
Hyperactive, actually. :P
All of us exhibit those signs, Wolfman; that's what it is to be Exilian. ;)
This one is hilarious:
So Canadian...
Its the way any Canadian would want to go, being straddled by a large furry beast.
Oh, Canada.
IIRC we have some resident croatians here. For those of you who plan on attending Soundwave Croatia this year I'd most mightily suggest you see Solko.
Myself. :P
If I get a good crowd I might go. But I highly doubt it, mostly because of my college.
And the fact that I'm a hard rock/metal/alternative/punk/industrial/weird-stuff-in-general fan.
I start Uni this year................. Don't like it already. :(
You don't like your uni or you don't like the fact you will be starting uni?
ive been at uni since september and doubt ill still be here by this coming september
my advice, really think whether or not the course you are choosing is right for you and always check the course content (my uni has a habit of lying about course content on open days)
I was promised Dinosaurs dammit!
To be fair, though, first year of any Uni course is usually a really really dull slog just to get you to a stage where you can reasonably be asked to do more interesting stuff. And part of it's just a case of being able to work through the crap bits to open up jobs in the rest of your life which won't involve you feeling utterly braindead permanently - in fact that's probably the main thing, really. My course is often pretty gruelling, but I think that it's really worth sticking with things as easy options in the short run may really suck long term. Agreed that checking course content is a good plan though. Are you still mostly doing minerals, earth science, etc DD?
EDIT: Just read up on your course content, yeah, your first year kinda sucks. The actual palaeontology modules and the practical bits in Year 2 do look a lot more interesting though.
You planning on switching unis then D? You know where you'd like to go if you do switch?
well I think I need to spend more time thinking about what i want to do rather than what i did nearly 2 years ago which was 'oh armadillo uni is in a year, ummm, ooh, dinosaurs and stars! looks like a good idea!' (i applied to palaeo and astrophysics)
i would love to stay at portsmouth and do a different course but between whats here and what my grades allow me to do i'll probably be looking at another uni or a completely different career path
@Pent: If you do choose to come here and dont get into halls just give us a bell and ill send you my landlords details
Howdy Doody
Danny : "I'm glad we never fight. Because you don't ever wanna make me angry."
Alan: "I know Danny."
Danny: "Seriously ."
Quote from: Dripping D on February 21, 2013, 12:02:06 AM
@Pent: If you do choose to come here and dont get into halls just give us a bell and ill send you my landlords details
Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to aberdeen or edinburgh. Aberdeen might let me slice up a dead peep and they'l give me a scholarship, which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
I approve of the University of Aberdeen. My parents met there. :P
Canada: they have their priorities sorted.
A bit late, but better late than never.
Communist Russia: Russia launches stuff into space
Capitalist Russia: Space launches stuff into Russia
I like that one.
Just a small question because I have no idea where else to discuss this, what's going on with the Academy? It's a ghost town in there.
It's waiting for me to get off my arse and do something about it, much like half the other projects on this site. We really basically need more people interested in running courses to get it going properly.
We really basically need more people around in general.
Yeah, but initially we need modders, people to run courses, etc. That generates content which then brings in other people.
People better get to posting around here! The rent for this place went up another dollar a while back which I continue to pay for this place. :P
Sorry! :(
It be not your fault.
It is, he's been manipulating the global economy again. Damn you Jubal! I demand a return to the days when 10p noodles were 10p.
Every little bit helps.
I am nineteen!
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday Jubal!!
Happy birthday Jubal indeed.
Happy birthday!
Thankyou, gentlemen ;D
Happy belated Birthday :D (Even though I said it on time on facebook ;) Woo!)
Thankyou Lady(hawk) ;D
happy belated birthday!
I really need to come on here more often...
please tell me this was for battle cats and not some lord with too much money
I'm 100% sure it's the latter. :D
Now that I think of it, this might be a re-post from the last booze up...
Or was it dog armour?
I need that.
And I also need this:
Whew, engine rebuilds are interesting. Just shelled out a whole wedge of money for parts including piston rings and big end shells from germany of all places. Also had dire warnings from forums that if I'm doing this, I should get the crank ground to make sure everything fits, else it will all fall apart. On the other hand, I'm working with a mechanic with an awful lot of experience with classic cars and engine rebuilds, and he reckons it's not necessary, so just hope the best really.
Sounds fun. :D
I don't have too much experience with that kind of stuff, though.
My biggest endeavor so far was loosening an engine block and replacing old pistons.
And the lucky car is?
Now I just have a hellish amount of revision to do instead :/
Quote from: Silver Wolf on March 12, 2013, 12:12:49 AM
And the lucky car is?
That'd be his Daihatsu Hijet.
@Jubal, glad and sad to hear that. :/
Five years. :)
I've only been around for 1 and a bit, but happy birthday Exilian! I'm glad I found such a great place to call my internet home.
This site has been my home for the last 4 years. Good times. :D
Btw. St. Patrick's day was celebrated in a proper manner. With tons of green beer. :P
When was St. Patrick's day?
I spent the time playing irish songs at a party my sister held, on guitar. Solidly for about four hours. My finger-ends are still painful. :P
Flogging Molly, perhaps? :D
Happy Birthday Exilian :D
Happy Birthday you lot
Well if I'd known that I'd have gone to the pub yesterday. I have had an entire half tonight to celebrate our birthday.
Stormcloud! You're back! :D
Happy Birfday E!
One booze up for each year...
Does it really take a year to fill these up?
They seem to average about that, yes. :)
If we have about 3 posts average in the WBU per day, we get through about one a year.
More maths:
Today is the 168th day of this thread. We are (as of this one) 364 posts in.
Expected number of posts (assuming one-per-year hypothesis)=168/365*1000=460(ish)
Conclusion: Post more things! POST ALL OF THE THINGS!
Please don't remind me how far behind our potential goals we are. :/
Yesterday was my day.
Spent the whole day slacking and reading, and spent the night at my friend's concert. He's the solo guitar in this really good AC/DC cover band, btw.
Also met this super awesome chick, spent half the night in conversation with her, and she actually happens to be single. Fingers crossed.
Sounds great, Wolfman! ;D
Well, probably beats sitting here failing to learn large amounts of detail about social conditions in the thirteenth century. :/
Also, as a Cambridge student, I'm obliged to note that today is the boat race!
(And Easter too; happy Easter, all!)
Do you know the results of the Boat Race?
In the last 24 hours I re-read the second two books in the Hunger Games series. I can't say I'm overwhelmingly impressed.
I do know. Alas, poor Cambridge. :(
I knew him, Horatio?
Horatio is actually quite a nice name.
Bleeeeeeeeeeeh dyingofrevising. :/
Not that bad, I'd agree.
Bleeeeeeeeeeeh goingtodieduetolackofrevision. :/
This is such a fun time of year :P
Every time is a fun time!
To entirely change the subject:
I have to say I can't help feeling distinctly annoyed at the end of the Hunger Games trilogy.
*hasn't read them*
*knows the plot anyway from Wiki*
I dunno, the wiki synopsis made it sound okayish. What were you hoping would happen?
Don't bother. It was not a valuable use of the last 24 hours.
It just didn't really make sense and seemed massively rushed considering what she did.
So my brother just told us he's going to be a father. A month earlier than my sister's baby (we knew about her baby since it was known by her.) This is weird.
That is weird. Though do pass on all and any congratulations that are in order. :P
Will do, although this isn't public information yet since a lot of people don't yet know its his. Its a former girlfriend who's pregnant (and with another guy) so the situation is a bit awkward. Sounds like they're all being reasonable about it though.
Ah, that is a bit awkward, yeah. Hopefully it works out okay.
Anyone got time for a group skype talk one of these days? ;)
Not a bad idea, certainly (do I even have your Skype, SW? Can't remember)
If you want me there (or even if you don't details are what they are :) ) skype is Robmitchell1992
IIRC Skype accounts are permenant, they cannot be deleted. Also was made in Estonia...The more you know...
Quote from: Jubal on April 09, 2013, 10:36:28 AM
Not a bad idea, certainly (do I even have your Skype, SW? Can't remember)
You do. :)
How does Thursday sound guys?
Quote from: luckynumber13 on April 09, 2013, 12:11:29 PM
If you want me there (or even if you don't details are what they are :) ) skype is Robmitchell1992
Sure, join us. :)
I'll add you later.
Thursday could work, certainly, though it's my Dad's birthday so I may not be around much.
Friday, then?
I'm away Friday-Tuesday, sorry :/
Just finished watching Leon the professional, extended edition.
This might actually be the 4th time.
God, I love that movie.
What is it about?
A professional hitman saves a 12-year-old girl after her whole family was murdered in a police raid.
She wants revenge and asks him to teach her to become a hitman.
That's more or less it. :)
Sound pretty awesome to me.
It's one of the best movies ever.
Worth watching, seriously. :)
I shall keep that in mind as I find more and more things to do as I ignore my ever more horrific work situation.
This guy is awesome :D
That is pretty amazing. I want to go that playground when it is finished.
It seems that he is the guy who created the sculpture at the Eden Project :)
I bring glorious news.
We should maybe keep a calendar of upcoming game release dates so we can put them up on site news when they come out. Any thoughts on that idea?
what games would we put up though?
Stick to genre/platform or any that take our fancy?
I think those which there is interest in can go on.
Whatever your fancy.
Whatever tickles your fancy.
Oh, that's dirty.
I'm back and stuff. Exams soon. Argh.
I fisnished exasms. Kindd of itred now, shoudl probablyt go to bwsd.
Go home Jubal, you're drunk. :D
Oh that song.. And the cake one too :D
Jubal, did you sleep? :P
There was someone at school that dyed her hair pink and she really reminded me of her.
Was she also overly athletic, enthusiastic and flexible? With a slightly irritating voice? :P
:O I forgot about the Spooky Song! Such joy!
cant forget best rendition of cooking by the book
caution: language
I am terrified.
Quote from: Scarlet Pimpernel on April 25, 2013, 11:41:03 AM
Was she also overly athletic, enthusiastic and flexible?
And if so do you have her number?
as far as i know she started university in the states hence the new actress in the latest series
I meant Khan's friend, not the lady dressed like a young girl/mental person.
i should really read the context for what im replying to, i presumed lazytown :(
I tried recording some of my Westeros-themed songs earlier, then remembered how much I hate recordings of my voice. The lisp is so annoying, and when singing it's ten times worse than when speaking.
I never thought it was bad.
I'm pretty sure that I never even noticed its existence..
I'm also fairly confident everyone hates recordings of their voice.
Songs with lots of sibilant sounds in it's noticeable, I think. Anyhow.
Been to EVE Fanfest, wore a bad shirt, had fun, go me
Got any dirty secrets or evil plans to share with us? Any interesting stories? Share them with us.
Sharing is caring. ;D
Btw, found this (10 Myths/Facts About Introverts). Quite interesting and quite true.
Which also makes me quite confused because I don't fit in neither of these categories.
I have both introverted and extroverted phases.
Those are fairly accurate for some types of introvert (reasonably accurate for me), but not all, I'd say, it depends a lot.
Number 1 is definitely true for me, I hate having to make small talk. But number 9 is bollocks, although it's true that I don't like to deal with talking to/within large groups that has nothing to do with "thrill seeking". I enjoy crazy scary armadillo as much as most, I also like to go out and dance like a lunatic at gigs and whatnot. Most of the rest are fairly true of me, but since introvert is a subjective term it clearly isn't going to apply to all introverts.
Intro/extraversion seems to me like an outdated concept that should probably be ditched from modern psychology, but then I know nothing of psychology. Was going to start a thread about it, but I really can't be arsed.
I dunno, what would you replace it with?
The Pentagathus school of psychology: "Humans. Complicated, huh?"
... I like it. :P
Haha actually that is pretty much it. But no, the problem here is that I wasn't sure what point my brain was trying to come up with, and I'm still not entirely sure. Expect a rambling and possibly long post.
I look forward to it, it'll at least probably be more fun than municipal government in 1905. :P
Ok it is a long, rambling and pointless post. The tl;dr version is pretty much what Jubal said in his latest post (the one above the one above this.) I got ninjad, I in fact meant Jubal's post which is just before the post I made previous to this one. ie the one above the one above the one above this. I think.
Alright so the only refferences I'm using here are a wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraversion_and_introversion Wolf's link and my own experience of possibly being an introvert. And again, I know nothing of psychology (although I did spell it right that time) and am not good at writing essayish stuff as my train of thought is very often derailed and my vocabulary is a wee bit armadillo, so I apologise.
The wiki article states that Extraversion is "the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self" and Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life".
Since this is my main source I'm going to assume that this is in fact currently the widely accepted definition of extraversion and introversion. And it makes no sense to me at all. Humans are highly social animals, we are all massively affected by other humans and that is pretty much unavoidable. Either as a result of this or the root of this is that we care about what other people think of us. Even those who say they don't care what society thinks will still try bend society's views towards them and their opinions. I think its safe to say that the vast majority of us seek to have society view us favourably, either by moulding ourselves to fit societal views or vice versa. I don't think I know a single person who is not wholly or predominantly concerned with how they are viewed by others, and I know plenty of people (myself included) that are considered to be introverts. So if I'm correct then either those people I know are not in fact introverts, or the definition of intro/extraversion is incorrect.
The wiki article list and wolf's list of myths shows other behaviour associated with intro/extraversion. I'll start with myth#9, it says that introverts "shut down" when they there is too much talking and noise. This suggests to me that introverts find it harder to keep track of multiple conversations at once and that they would rather focus on a small range of variables at any one time. It also wouldn't be surprising if this applied to introverts outside of conversation, that is that they prefer to focus on getting one task done at a time rather than multi tasking, or like to proceed with solving a problem by breaking it down into individual steps.
This leads directly into how I might explain myth #4, that introverts tend to have fewer friends, but that those friends are usually very close to them and are highly valued. This could well be because introverts tend to focus on one person/friend at a time, so are able to devote more of themselves to each friend but consequently are unable to devote themselves to a large group of friends. Effectively, if friends are a resource or usable currency in terms of our drive to pass on our genes then introverts are putting all their eggs in a couple of baskets whereas extroverts are leaving their eggs all over the place. Messy bastards.
If this preference for a few well developed lines of thought rather than more lines which are less well developed (can't think of a decent way to phrase that) does indeed permeate the introvert's way of being then it could also explain myth #1, in that introverts are likely to interested in fewer topics but be more interested in those particular topics.
Another difference in behaviour raised by the wiki article is that intro/extraversion "also influences how people arrange their work areas. In general, extroverts decorate their offices more, keep their doors open, keep extra chairs nearby, and are more likely to put dishes of candy on their desks. These are attempts to invite co-workers and encourage interaction. Introverts, in contrast, decorate less and tend to arrange their workspace to discourage social interaction." This could be explained again by my theory as it might imply that introverts try to keep their working life separate from their social life, as if they find it easier to focus on work and friendships separately.
From the Wiki article:
"One study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. Extroverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.[21] This study and other research indicates that introversion-extraversion is related to individual differences in brain function."
Clearly intro/extraverts do significantly differ in brain function, which presumably is why introverts might pursue one train of thought at a time rather than several at once.
So what is my point? I'm not too sure, but I think it might be that we tend to think of introversion as if is the cause of these associated behavioural differentiations, when of course it is the difference in brain function that produces both introversion and associated behavioural differences, and so perhaps it would make more sense to label someone according to their brain function rather than any particular behavioural pattern caused by the brain function. But of course this would be rather too difficult to measure for most people, and if a psychiatrist were evaluating a patient it would be much easier for them to simply use the usual introvert/extravert criteria to determine their likely brain function and corresponding behavioural patterns. But if you are not a psychiatrist then you shouldn't need to try to evaluate these things, so perhaps my point is that you shouldn't worry about whether or not you're an introvert or extravert and should act as you see fit rather than as how you think you should be acting as an introvert or extravert. Actually I probably don't have any point, I think I was just interested in why introversion is associated with other behavioural patterns.
Yeah, that's why I try not to bother with any form of psychology or philosophy, it usually goes the way of this post. I come to the conclusion that everything is pointless and I should give up on thinking about it all.
Also I'm afraid I had more things to say but I forgot most of them as I was writing that post.
Psychology's an odd business. I'll comment more sometime when I'm properly awake and my head doesn't feel like it's been hit with an ice axe maybe.
I should have studied psychology.
Now I'm sorry for choosing biology instead. This year on college was incredibly boring and full of biochemistry.
I also found out that I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, which explains a lot of my problems. ;D
I've never been taken for a diagnosis of anything. Possibly a good thing.
The Mobius Nautilus (36 interlocking mobius strips)
EDIT: http://www.shapeways.com/model/1038055/mobius-nautilus.html?li=productBox-search (http://www.shapeways.com/model/1038055/mobius-nautilus.html?li=productBox-search) you can buy these for just under 25USD
That is beautiful. A thing of wonder and joy.
That time when you notice it's half three in the afternoon, and your next thought is "I should eat sometime today".
That time when you notice it's twelve minutes past four in the afternoon, and your next thought is "I should eat sometime today".
That time when its twelve minutes past five in the afternoon, and you're next thought is "I should eat some more today".
that time when its quarter to six and you wonder if your pimms is ready for consumption yet...
I think yesterday was better pimms weather but whatever floats your jug.
shh, i forgot to get lemonade yesterday
Rookie error.
There is an awful lot of continuity in my life. Just like last term, this term I am being pissed off with people named Baldwin. All that has changed in the 600 year gap is that it's now their surname.
Well now you know how Blackadder feels.
I suggest turnips.
I suggest potatoes.
Potatoes gonna potate.
Taters gona tate.
Remember the thread a while back where we "discovered" giant earthworms? Link: http://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1908.0 (http://exilian.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1908.0)
http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/03/south-african-earthworms-can-grow-as-large-as-22-feet-long/ (http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/03/south-african-earthworms-can-grow-as-large-as-22-feet-long/)
Oh Christ. And this, ladies and gentleman, the miracle of nature!
Just got back from a four day long field trip.
And it was awesome.
Where to?
I met Kate Madison, creator of Born of Hope, last night, really interesting; she gave a talk to the Tolkien Society. :)
She is all of the (well, quite a lot of the) awesome.
Born of hope is some sort of fanfic tolkien film no? Sounds good either way.
Freely viewable on YouTube any time you have 70 minutes to burn, reasonably well worth the watch.
Meh. :P
Incidentally she said the main thing she got wrong with the plot was making Gilraen's character too weak/annoying, which is the main critique I think everyone else has of it too. :P
Quote from: Jubal on May 23, 2013, 09:43:47 PM
Where to?
Seaside. :)
It was hectic. Four days of intense work all day long and parties during the night. No time for sleep whatsoever.
The best trip I've ever had.
It's kind of sad that it's over now.
Also, I can't believe that I still haven't seen Born of Hope.
I've been meaning to do that at least 3 years now.
Sounds fun, I need to do something like that soon.
Which reminds me, are you likely to be busy this saturday jubosaurus?
Don't think so, possible my Ma might visit at some point but in general I should be free the vast majority of the day.
It's worth the time you spend Silver. Very well done for an indie film.
£25 000 budget she said I think?
Yep, 25k.
Well I might be in your locality on saturday (tomorrow?) because there's a gig I may be going to.
What is this gig? And why don't you know if you're going the day before?
I don't know because I'm a free spirit yo. Its in cambridge in a place called The Man On The Moon, but I have no idea where in cambridge that is, or what sort of venue it is.
Oh I've discovered its a pub, apparently in the heart of cambridge.
Ah, not so much the ticketed thing then.. Well enjoy :) I have now discovered this pub. You should come to Cambridge! And meet up with me! Who needs smelly Jubal :P
Hmm perhaps I shall. You know you could always throw the smelly one into a shower (or car wash) and bring him along.
Maybe we should just wait for his delightful mother to do so and drag him along afterwards :P
That does sound like a reasonable plan.
Yeah, I'll be around some of tomorrow certainly, my Ma will probably be around early to mid afternoon but I should be free late afternoon/early evening.
Kl beans, I shall probably get there mid afternoonish but shall see you once your mother is satisfied that you're relatively presentable.
and im still stuck at uni till next saturday :'(
i can't even go see Lindsey Stirling on tuesday cus of exams
My exams don't finish until 12th. I have an exam on my birthday. Do not complain.
Don't worry D, we won't miss you :P
Quote from: Scarlet on May 24, 2013, 11:47:08 PM
My exams don't finish until 12th. I have an exam on my birthday. Do not complain.
He's missing Lindsey Stirling, therefore he has permission for some complaints.
And what time will the scarlet pimpernel be around?
to whom are you referring to?
I am always around. Revision is evil.
Quote from: Dripping D on May 24, 2013, 11:38:24 PM
and im still stuck at uni till next saturday :'(
i can't even go see Lindsey Stirling on tuesday cus of exams
Screw the exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's always that option :P
Possibly not morally entirely correct xD
I wouldn't say it's immoral, just poor life planning. :P
I was making a very weak joke based on the double meaning of the verb "to screw" and the fact that sleeping with someone was a way to get your own way (In this case passing the exams). It clearly didn't translate well. I'll shut up, it was temporarily amusing in the a small part of my brain that is really active when I'm sleepy.
Dammit, I seem to have stolen Rob's job temporarily. Oops :P
It would have made sense if he'd said examiner.
I know, I know, I'm crazy. Ignore me? :P
Do you mean as a general rule of thumb or just in this particular instance?
Probably it's a pretty good general rule. But I meant in this specific case.
Very well, ignored you shall be, in this case at least.
It turns out there was a beer festival in cambridge this weekend. I was unaware :'(
Was there? I was similarly unaware, not that I would have gone :P
There was, my sister went with her fiancee. I could have gotten a lift there too. But I still would have needed to get the train home and since a single ticket is actually more expensive than a return it wouldn't have made much difference.
But I missed out on mead. And observing drunks.
I've not tried mead. I feel I should get some since I now have de facto ownership of a proper drinking horn.
Do it!!!!!!! ;D
I concur. After it has been washed xD
Yeah jubal wash your horn, its utterly filthy.
Edit:Sorry I'm in a weird mood.
Animals. They always find a new way to amaze me.
Wow, that's quite impressive, and just a little bit sad. :P
In my English Language exam today there was an article we had to talk about. The article was about this advert. For carrots.
Things blow up. There is a carrot machine gun. There is an "EXTREME PTERODACTYL!". There is an "EXTREME BABY CARROT STUNT!". There is "NEW EXTREME JUNK FOOD PACKAGING!". It is simultaneously the worst and most hilarious advert I have ever seen. Ever.
I am at once terrified and intrigued and entirely confused.
+1 to that...
What. Did I just watch?
I almost exploded with laughter in the exam room. I believe the article we had to analyse said "A pterodactyl swoops over as the voiceover shouts 'Extreme Pterodactyl!' (Why?)". I knew as soon as I read this article the advert must be found and brought to light in front of the world.
Interesting.. Well you've certainly done that.
I think Jubal was right, hell is descending :P
So what was your analysis?
Sadly the advert was only briefly mentioned in the article, but then writer was just confused as I was. I did try and find the article we had to analyse but I couldn't, the exam paper didn't source it.
Voting thread up for the elections.
Got my first year results back. Unexpectedly got a first, which is really pleasing. :)
And neither do these fake elections!
But well done on the results.
Quote from: comrade_general on June 08, 2013, 03:32:38 AM
Quote from: Jubal on June 08, 2013, 12:31:52 AMUnexpectedly
Your modesty fools no one. :P
No, it genuinely appears to have been unexpected. For him :P Unlike for the rest of us lowly mortals xD
Like I've said before, really really well done Jubal :)
Congratulations Jubal!
Congrats Jubal!
Has anyone been following this year's E3?
I've only heard about the new generation of consoles (and Xbox being a complete failure).
And Stronghold Crusader 2, which I'm actually interested in, even though it can't hope to match the original.
Is RTW 2 finally finished?
I'm sure we're all still waiting for some news about Warhammer Total War. :)
you can get RTW2 on steam already, well preorder
i was more excited by the new nintendo games coming :D
smash bros on the 3ds oh yiss...
Finally done.
Going to be collapsing for a day or so then I'll get back to work. :P
I'm back after exiling myself from here for ~5 month.
And SW, I've been following this years E3 closely and read tons of articles about games and new consoles and imho there is lots of good stuff coming up.
And yeah, PS4 prolly already dug up the grave for xbox1. Or should I say, Xbox dug it on it's own with their borrowing and gifting games policies and maximum 24h offline play before having to log on net again. Since Sony went back to old PS1 and PS2 style, put disc in and play. Also, 100$ lower price of PS4 is a really nice thing.
Welcome back Ashanorath from everyone except CG. He says go away, because he's a mean old man.
Welcome back! ;)
One of the biggest surprises of this E3 for me was the new Mad Max game.
And for what I've seen we can expect it to be properly brutal.
On a side note, I've always wondered why there was no Mad Max mod for Fallout 3.
They're very similar. The graphics style, the setting, atmosphere, weapons.
Minimal work, maximal results.
I like the new wolfenstein but game I'm really anticipating is new Santa Monuca Studios game. Since God of War series is pretty much over they ought to be making new 3p h&s for ps4. I'm also waiting for a game that will fully utilize all 8gb gddr5 in ps4.
Oh I forgot to mention a game which I've discovered not so long ago.
It's called Don't Starve.
It's a survival game and it's pretty similar to Haven & Hearth, but in twisted Burton-esque style.
I've been following this guy's videos for quite some time: (watch out, they're highly addictive)
I'm thinking about playing it myself once my exams are finally over.
So I'm being paid £50 for doing jack armadillo today. Nice.
@silverwolf: I think the settings are too similar to make a worthwhile mod, isn't dogmeat based off Mad max's dog? Actually A larger world with vehicles would be awesome
@penty: nice one ;D
This guy is amazing!
Playing AoE II against 3 allied guys and still managing to win and dominate thru out the whole game.
- - - - - - -
Aaand this one.
Probably my favorite. :)
Does anyone else ever question the life choices that ended up with them being an insomniac historian teaching himself to tie a bow tie more efficiently at 2:15am, or is that just me?
as i understand bow ties are vital to being a historian so no problem there :P
Bow ties are cool :P
I eventually got to the point where I can tie a scruffy but acceptable one without a mirror and a pretty good one with, so it paid off.
Just been ceilidh dancing. I should sleep as I'm exhausted and ill but still on something of a high. :)
Sleep Jubal silly :) Ceilidh is awesome but you should sleep.
Sorry for being a fairly armadillo admin lately, I'm going home tomorrow so I'll try and do stuff or something.
Coming home on yesterday's tomorrow or today's? Either way this sounds good.
we should do something...
.. What'll we do?
Bong and a crepe? Smoke and a pancake? And then we could sally forth and bring wisdom and truth and stuff to the world.
Or we could make miniature pretend people kill and maim each other for fun.
These all (well, mostly) sound like excellent plans!
Good start.. but we have so much truth and wisdom to bring! Wherever shall we start?
I'm home. Start at home. Or here. Here is as good a home as any.
Quote from: Scarlet on June 23, 2013, 11:39:09 AM
Good start.. but we have so much truth and wisdom to bring! Wherever shall we start?
And stuff, you forgot about the stuff.
Sleep then Jubal. You crazy foo!
I need to unpack though :/
To the pub?
Which pub
I'm currently rocking a frohawk. Not sure if I should keep it or not.
We demand pictures. :D
I currently have a cross between an undercut and a mohawk.
Got rid of most of my hair.
I'm still missing my old haircut, but it had to be done.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours ;) And if I can work out whether or not the webcam on my laptop actually works and how to use it.
The cock or barrel I ain't bothered
Yo Wolf I posted some hairy pictures.
Quote from: Dripping D on June 23, 2013, 08:55:38 PM
The cock or barrel I ain't bothered
...what she said?
I'm a smutty beast with a smutty mind. I'm a bad Jubal.
almost missed the fact penty edited that
well im good for any day after thursday
I get back friday afternoon so anytime after that
Well I work monday to friday evenings so anytime on saturday or sunday is good.
I want to visit. :(
Then visit. RIGHT NOW!
Visiting should occur; I still have DD's birthday present sitting around somewhere I think...
ooo I'm excited
I may have something for yourself also
Are you likely to be around tomorrow morning/early afternoon Jubal?
Aye, indeed?
I was thinking of popping round for a sighting of the wild Jubal.
Go for it, think I'm in all day :)
Then it shall be done. If I get up in time :P
Im back!
Pleasant time spent in the peaks, saw the place where they trained the dambusters and saw the devilsarse
Awesome, welcome back :)
Hello :) Welcome home :P
Devil's Arse as in the cave? That is a good cave.
I'm guessing its either the cave or he took some pretty funky substances.
I should go there sometime, I've never been.
(The cave that is. Not drugs. Or an actual devil's arse.)
So you've been on the drugs and in an actual devil's arse then?
It is an actual cave, well a hole within Peak Cavern
Which is large enough to be used frequently as a music venue
I can't make any of my grammar clear enough round here...
Isn't that in the peak district? I'm sure we went and visited it during a walking holiday..
apparently it is known as devils arse due to the flatulent noises it makes whilst it is raining
That I did not know, interesting stuff. :)
Hey guys I'm asking for advice, which I shall probably ignore if it doesn't agree with what I want to do because thats humans for you.
Theres a girl at work whom I enjoy chatting with and I was vaguely planning on suggesting a date of some kind. So the advice I am likely to ignore is is this a good idea? Because I do work with her, which could be awkward.
The other advice which I may not ignore is how to ask her in a way that makes it clear its supposed to be a date, but also that I wouldn't be bothered by rejection. I was just thinking of suggesting she comes to a gig next weekend if there's one on and then luring her in with the dancing. Its the usual Pentagathus mating ritual (well actually the usual Pentagathus mating ritual was to get insanely drunk and rely on luck and terrible chat up lines, but the species was threatened with extinction so had to do some serious evolving in this regard.)
Might as well ask, otherwise you'll never know. Whether you want to ask now or wait until you've known her a bit longer, I don't know. How closely do you work with her? If it is closely then perhaps wait and see. Not that you will heed my advice in any case.
That suggestion for a date sounds pretty sensible and also probably (not that I would know) is something that could not be mistaken for anything else if it's just the two of you. Do you share a music taste?
Other suggestions being getting coffee [hideously cliche but, because of that, clear] or bowling.. or a trip to the park or on a walk.. (I realise these are getting closer and closer to what I'd do on a date rather than the standard person..)
Tips (generally as well as specifically):
- Don't use the word "luring" in this context, it sounds creepy :P Unless it is entirely clear that it's a joke.
- Don't get more drunk than your date. Don't get horribly smashed. Believe me, people throwing up on you/around you generally doesn't endear them to you.
- Be polite and a gentleman, if possible :P (Debretts can help you here!)
By the way, I have been on one actual date in my life :P It went horribly wrong, Debretts says so. I am bringing you this advice from the variety of date-like-ish-maybe-kinda things I have been a part of.. and my knowledge in my brain..
She'll.. be unable to resist the frohawk? :P
^ This is all I can come up with in my possibly-not-entirely sane mental state currently. I'll let you know if I think of anything else. Any other questions?
Nah its cool, I don't like to drink these days, vomiting shouldn't be occurring. Although it does make the offer of buying her a drink kind of awkward, because getting her an alcoholic beverage whilst getting myself a soft drink would be weird. I think I'll just do my normal thing and not offer.
I think there's some sort of carnival in naaarch next weekend but I have no idea what it actually entails.
Yet again the working evenings is being a bastard since we pretty much have to do something during the weekend.
I think you should try NightAngel's dating advice, purely because some part of me has always wanted to know if it works...
Step one.
Obtain a platypus.
Or simply disregard females and acquire even more platypuses.
Penty, I have here the best chat up line known to man. Use it well.
'You remind me of my little toe, sooner or later I know I'll bang you against a table'
Oh that is nice, although it does sound a bit threatening. And probably not appropriate for work.
Well, to be honest, I just can't see the attraction of females when compared the the wonder of the platypus' form.
True, but with the right intonation it's funny and not at all really creepy.
Dammit you guys have convinced me. I'll tell her I have decided to pursue a life of celibacy and platypuses.
So glad we could help! :P
You got girl problems? I feel bad for you son, I got 99 platypi and errm. Something about women being problems that makes sense within the context of platypi and fits nicely into the end of that line, preferably whilst rhyming with son.
If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you, son, I got 99 platypi so women just run?
True lyrical genius.
Happy 4th of July everyone! :)
http://www.tickld.com/t/165862 :P
Happy 4. of July CG! :)
Side note:
Just found out that my friend got a visa and is actually working in Miami Beach.
And from what I've read from his post, you guys are living a life worth living. :P
Within 48hrs we should all be back in business. Fingers crossed.
Silver Wolf gained karma. :)
Yo to any of you slagwagons who are located around diss, if you're about tomorow then wow fest might be worth going to http://www.wow-arts.co.uk/
where the hell is that?
In a field around diss. But its sold out anyway. Which is weird, there was barely anyone there last year.
And all back.
It was weirdly nice suddenly seeing the guests (aka google crawlers and bots) spike up again in number. Like the rats coming back to a ship. :P
Watching the tennis final. Can't help feeling Murray's going to lose, but this may be my natural pessimism shining through. :P
Judging by the screaming that just occurred across the room, I'm going to guess you we're wrong? o.O :p
He was :D
And I'm glad I was. :)
See, if pessimistic, you are always right or pleasantly surprised :P
And yet still it works not!
I'm so tired. Not sleeping is a bad plan. Not that I planned not sleeping. I just didn't sleep.
Applications to be the new C&C admin now open!
Just need applicants now, which should be easy right?
Totally! Is will absolutely work!
Also, can someone please explain to me what the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the core of the earth look like? Here's me with this strange notion of east and west being directions on a globe.. Stupid bbc science reports >:(
Anyone remember this?
Manchester, Magnets, and Mass Transit: Solving the Mystery of the Spinning Egyptian Statue (http://whofortedblog.com/2013/07/07/manchester-magnets-and-mass-transit-solving-the-mystery-of-the-spinning-egyptian-statue/)
Quote from: Scarlet on July 10, 2013, 05:59:37 AM
Totally! Is will absolutely work!
Also, can someone please explain to me what the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the core of the earth look like? Here's me with this strange notion of east and west being directions on a globe.. Stupid bbc science reports >:(
I'd assume it takes the Greenwich Meridian as the divider as that's 0 degrees E/W, with the halves going east and west being the east and west hemispheres?
That's pretty cool, SW :)
Jubal - That was my immediate thought but that line is arbitrary and put there by Airy in 1851 (I think?). Why would make a physical difference? It should be clearer what that means.
(to clarify: I'm not poo-pooing the science :) , I'm complaining (in a slightly roundabout way) about the reporting of sciences in the media)
SW - Rather much the awesome :)
Yes, of course it's arbitrary, but in that sense most scales are. :P I admit it could be a bit clearer but there are much worse scienceinmedia issues.
My head hurts so much. All the ow.
YAY 1000! It only took me a year and a half :P
Nicely done, will you be wanting triumph points for that? What am I talking about, OF COURSE YOU WILL! So why not go and mention it on the triumph points page? OR get someone else to do so if you feel like that would be a bit too much like bragging..
Edit: Look! There's even a link to where you'll want to be posting!
xkcd <3
Done it, because I'm the best :P
I made a newspost about a world event for once, admittedly we don't usually do this but I just felt like it, feel free to raise any objections but unless very carefully worded I may shred your soul with the brimming power of FREEDOM AND EDUCATION AND KNOWLEDGE.
Also, we should change the WBU title.
I agree.
That looks like a werewolf or something!
I can't say I agree.. I think most animals when shaved are pretty goddamn terrifying and not overwhelmingly amusing :P
I like it, it is pretty werewolf-ish :P
I'm with scarlet here, shaven animals are odd.
Yes. It looks like a wrinkled old werewolf ready to dish out hate.
On the offchance this offends anyone for any reason, I apologise.
Game of Thrones spoilers!Phones are silly ~SotK
So, is this ridiculous heat too much for anyone else? I think I'm melting...
It's dreadful :/ Heat is not a thing I do well in.
According to my superstitious sister this is meant to last until mid august due to Saint Swiven's (sp?) day
Saint Swithin I think?
And yes, been reading & note-writing solidly for a few days, boiling all the while.
It's really warm. Apparently it was 30 degrees Celsius earlier today here in The North :P I heard it's here until mid-August as well...
We will all fry together when we fry...
We'll be English fried potatoes by and by? :)
Indeed. Here as well. :(
I'll never understand how you survive these temperatures being commonplace over there. 30 degrees C is TOO HOT.
In August we usually see up to and above 35C. :-\
Babies! :P
This heat is altering us significantly as it is, I can't bear to tgink of an additional 5 degrees added...
Luckily I have central air. :)
That's probably the difference, most of us can only hope for a fan and open windows :/
I really need to get a fan.
I keep hearing about these fan clubs famous people have... presumably thus doubling up as heat relief and deterrent to potential attackers. I should get one of those... :P
But Jubal, you only need to ask for the E-Team!
Well, the figures have been checked, old archives consulted
And that was our best day ever ever. Beating the previous record holder of Sep 25 2008 when there were 281 posts made by a very large margin. Well done guys. :P
Keep it up? :P
The A-Team song literally started playing in my head. ;)
How many did we manage today?
Three hundred and sixty five :)
Derrrrr that's one for every day of the year!
Stop complaining about the heat guys, its lush. CG is allowed too if he has to work in this too often.
It's not that I don't enjoy it, but it is a pain when you're rushing about in it and have things to do :P
I've been working in it in a library built like a greenhouse, if I could go an enjoy it I'd be complaining less :P
^ that puts my complaining about having to walk into town in the heat into perspective :P
A low front finally came through here, now it's down into the low 70's I'd guess. Or 20's if you will. :P
I am all of the jealous. Heat is not good :/ Well.. it is.. just within limits :D
Ren live launch event if anyone wants to watch (for Kate Madison's new webseries, from the Born of Hope team). :)
I'm currently playing DMC.
And I really don't understand why people hate it so much.
Sure, old Dante was better, but this is still a good game which runs perfectly and looks great even on my old configuration.
Parenting level: Timelord.
If I ever get a chance to be a dad, I'll try my best to be that kind of dad.
Right on. :)
The plans I have for my future children... :)
no pressure sotk :P
I have a long-standing plan to give a child the names of all the dwarfs in The Hobbit in a list as his middle names. I should not be allowed to procreate. :P
I've been told in no uncertain terms that 'Galadriel' and 'Luna Daenerys' will be bullied at school by friends...
And then, the problem with 'Primrose' is that it would be associated with The Hunger Games, but that's not where I got the name from. :P
'Marienna' is nice though. I read somewhere that in Elvish, it means 'towards happiness'.
won't most of the bullying come from parents though?
unless in the future children read considerably more books
That's true... and you'd hope parents wouldn't bully someone else's child...
Well, i'm very much hoping my children will be readers... :P
You really really would hope that :P
Do you expect that they wouldn't be? If they aren't, force it on them! Zey vill read!
Radical ;D
holy armadillo that was big
Black death?! I don't know why, but I have to laugh ;D
So my phones contract is up, time to get a new phone
Any recommendations?
Motorola DynaTAC 8000X !!
can you actually still use those?
Would be awesome if you could. ;D
Hello randomness, my old friend...
That. was. great!
Hello, Exilian. :)
Hi Scarlet. How are you? :)
I've been better, certainally, but not too bad. Your good self?
Peachy. :P
I must say it's a shame the :P is not blown up.
:O O.O o.O
Now that's colorful and capslocky.
Why hello there Exilian...
I'm on a train! With not enough to do it seems.
I like trains.
I'm not on a train, but I have just booked train tickets!
Going somewhere fun?
Stansted Airport, Cumbria, Norfolk (though I'm not quite booked with those yet).
Nice, I've never been out of Australia actually.
Be careful in Norfolk, its dark and full of terrors.
I've been out of britain once. Hope to get out again soon, just need to get a passport before the middlish of september.
Will do.
I'm the one you'll be running from. ;D
But you'd have to come over here first. Is Khan coming over here?
...No money to go. :(
^ Look! Someone else excited to see you :P
I.. think..?
Yeah, probably. It could be other things, like covering the Beer Cellar again. ;D
What the actual hell?
Running away from UK?
No mate, some of us are desperately saving money just to have a chance to go there. :P
It's not all it's cracked up to be, honest. Our government is full of self serving arseholes for starters. :P
I honestly don't think there's one single country that's not different.
Principality of Sealand?
A wild Marcus appeared!
A rare specimen indeed. ;)
Grab the pitchforks, I'll bring the torches.
I approve of this thread title.
:O A Marcus! This is a another (not so much) new person I have yet to meet properly! Don't chase him away :(
Lol, he pops around every now and than. But I think I remember there being a rule that Marcus wasn't allowed into the Beer Cellar or someplace like that. :P I forget. ;D
I have no doubt that that my co-tribunos will be able to inform of any and all Marcus-related rulings.
I've only heard whispers of this legendary marcus but still have no idea who he is or if he's active or not :(
Marcus is an old admin (he helped set this site up and ran Mixed Mods that it grew out of). He has since grown up and started doing things proper (weird, eh?) and so is no longer so active but he apparently still turns up sometimes.
(Am I right, guys? o.O)
I still haven't entirely discovered what happened to make him an enemy of Wibbulniblia..
I think he still runs and looks after the site. I'm not sure. He was last time I was here... I think. ??? :-\
He keeps us protected with his magical powers.
I actually missed the day Marcus and the Wibbnublibs (Penty) became mortal enemies
Lets just say abuse of admin power can be horrifying....
I can't say I was around for that, well, not active at least. :P
I hadn't realised I was such a legendary figure. I hope I'm not being sought after by some bounty hunter to put on his mantlepiece...
Us Exilianites will fight for (over) you (your head) to the last.
Well I don't know if anyone else has a bounty on your head, but if I wanted it I'd try to get it myself, hiring someone else to do it would seem a bit rude. But I'm far too lazy for such things, and I've actually forgotten why Marcuses were banished from Wibulnubniblia anyway.
Penty hath forgiven Marcuses??? What is this madness???? :o
QuoteFreddie Mercury once cancelled a duet with Michael Jackson in the 1980s because Jackson insisted on bringing his llama to the studio.
Now that's just racist.
And suddenly, that feeling of "where did everyone go?" returns... :P
Still too soon to bring out the dead cow methinks.
Living cows are better. The dead ones are a bitch to milk.
Welcome to Will, our newest citizen. :)
Welcome Will! :)
Welcome Will :D
So I was starting my turn as America when I got a message telling me that diplomatic relations between England and Spain are 'Very Poor'. What's that all about? :P
This is why I should not be allowed to have ideas.
What's this? You're on another forum?? Traitor! >:(
Eep! *hides*
Quote from: comrade_general on August 18, 2013, 09:52:39 PM
So I was starting my turn as America when I got a message telling me that diplomatic relations between England and Spain are 'Very Poor'. What's that all about? :P
What about this then? :P
They don't think Britain should own Gibraltar 'cos it's right next to Spain. The population of Gibraltar, on the other hand, are all Brits.
Recently the Gibraltar government put in some new fake reef or something and Spain thinks it's to be an asshole to their fishermen and Spain are putting in new border checks with Gibraltar which are leading to massive queues and it's all a bit silly really.
Well I heard the English are sending down a few units of Carracks and Gun Holks. :P
Or at least one of my Cogs saw them go by. ;D
the frigate that is on its way isnt a response to the increased tensions
also spain is quite the hypocrite with two similar territories on the north african coast
I only wish I had my M2TW disks. :P
MTW2 Kingdoms.
My favorite Total war game so far.
Sorry, being a useless admin lately. I'll get to some more work soonish. :/
Your apologies are not accepted. This calls for your immediate resignation with my fine self being placed in your current role.
Don't tempt me :(
so how is everyone doing?
Meh, pretty good I suppose.
Pretty good. Tired though. So tired.
Sea cow!
Grimness is grim :/
What sort of grimness? As in "eww thats grim" or "narr, these be grim times indeed"?
The latter.
The ladder.
So now we know the motivations behind the Coldrick clan all infiltrating the staff. :P
More wine, Jubal? :P
Don't forget the cheese. ;D
Best hybrid name is the Zeedonk, a zebra/donkey cross.
Here it calls it a Donkra.
I think it depends which animal is the father. For example a zeedonk has a zebra father and donkey mother whilst a donkra would have a donkey father and zebra mother. Could be bollocks though.
I saw it a few months ago. I don't get it. It's like the new Finding Nemo movie. They waited quite a while before they started on a new one.
It has Eva Green in it. I'm sold.
Omg omg omg. I have a cartain desire to play as Athens now...The trailer looks amazing and as I've said probably multiple times, big fan of Zack Snyder :D
Also dark haired Lena Headey looks better than in game of thrones imo.
I like how I recognised her from her voice not from what she looks like :P
I liked how I knew enough about the actual history that I immediately knew that she was Artemisia.
I clicked on that, fully expecting to have 23 seconds of my life wasted by that dreadful show.
First time I have been even remotely amused by it :P
Captain James T. Kirk: What's your name?
Khan Noonien Singh: Khan is my name.
Captain James T. Kirk: Just Khan? Nothing else?
Khan Noonien Singh: Khan.
I'm different, I've got "The" at the front so I'm obviously more important.
That's just mildly terrifying.
Good heavens.
^ What Jubal said o.O
Ah beating a beardy player at his own game
Wahey, hate it when players do stuff like that.
^ This is awesome (provided as link not embedded as it's a vast, vast image)
Had that one saved in my archives for some time now. Favorite ship? :)
Tough, most of the real classics are too small for the chart... I quite like the Eldar ships, neat designs.
But give me a Firefly-class any day. ;)
Other versions, without WH:
well i just got dumped someone post something to cheer me up
Yeah, saw those yesterday. ;D
It's like geek porn.
I love it.
Sorry to hear that DD, here's something:
Well that sucks. What happened?
Well not too sure to be honest, I think the root of the problem was that I didn't go to uni this year
Sorry to hear :/
Are you doing another UCAS this autumn then? Can't remember what was occurring with that...
well as I have my grades I'm not as restrained for time but I aim to have sent off UCAS before November
Well, that's WHTW done. What's next on the impossibly long list? :P
Do all the things! :) But have a rest first.
Quote from: Jubal on September 28, 2013, 08:56:19 PM
Well, that's WHTW done. What's next on the impossibly long list? :P
Total War: Warhammer II
Scarlet: Would love to agree with you, but given I did this release in patches interspersed with coursework and I'm behind as it is... :(
CG: No. :P
Only twelve hours left.
I'm stressed as hell.
Until what?
You okay Volf?
So some geezer in my house managed to get so drunk the other night that he not only shat himself, but got armadillo on the floors of two other peoples rooms. Grim stuff.
My third uni year has officially started yesterday!
I'll be pretty much absent next 4 weeks, because of my insanely crowded schedule.
Anyway, I'm also working on a biological essay concerning immune system and glucose metabolism interaction in schizophrenia. I chose the theme myself since it's quite interesting. Now let's find some neurobiology books.
Have fun Wolfman! We'll miss you. :'(
That is rather wonderful.
I'm sorry if I'm not around much in the next couple of days; I've got a lot of tiredness & illness hanging over me and an implausibly large workload to deal with :s
Good luck both of you!
First essay DONE! ;D
Seven more before Christmas. And I have to go and get savaged about it tomorrow :/
No work done! Should probably do some now.
Got less savaged than expected. Still too much to do though.
Less savaged than expected is always a good thing!
Nah, I've heard he enjoys a good ole savaging.
I've had enough savaging.
All the stress. Huzzah.
So tired too :s
In which time zone? :P
In whichever one you reside.
I lost my penknife (like properly, turned my room out and no luck), I'm all sad :(
Well, was sad anyway, but just little things can be last straws I guess.
Where did you last see it?
In my room :P
Which has now been turned upside down about four times in search, so I think it's genuinely gone. Probably fell in the bin during week one.
In your room is not overwhelmingly specific... But i it was a while ago, fair enough.
It was probably taken.
I don't think most people would just steal something like that...
Also, CG, check your FB wall.
Well sure, most people wouldn't. The point is some would. :P
It will be a few hours before I can check it. :(
Right, I shall thusly donate to the cause. :P
I recommend the movie Gravity. That is all.
Can you recommend a halloween costume to fit in with the theme of kitchen utensils? I'm thinking a spatula or spoon would be easy enough to make, but I'd prefer to be a brevil sandwich toaster.
Don't just toast it; breville it. :P
I guess a cardboard box that's a decent size could quite easily be made into a toaster?
Do a fridge with a door that opens up to find a six pack.
And a sausage with a couple of eggs.
Now we're cookin'.
Yes, exactly.
But first he will need to find a stove.
Well the theme's been cancelled, but if I can I'll be producing a fridge costume.
Just finished watching Angel.
God I've missed that show.
Even though the last third of the last season is just heartbreaking.
It's been awfully quiet lately...
Here's some geek porn to get things started again.
I chuckled.
Is that your own table there Mr Wolf?
I wish.
I have no money for hobby stuff.
Being a student and all.
Even when I manage to make some money I end up spending it either on food, rent or scholarship. :)
Pah, who needs food when you can have a bitchin sword?
You still need food to wield your swords.
But you can make the peasants bring you food if you have swords.
Unfortunately I see no submissive peasants around.
Being a vampire would make things so much easier.
Except going to classes during daytime.
Scratch that.
Night classes?
There's no such thing.
Just classes which start in the morning and end 10-12 hours later.
Take the same classes while in New Zealand?
Can't fly.
Too much risk.
I could catch sunrise and burst into flames.
Carpal tunnel.
Hadron collider with me being the accelerated particle.
Now you're talking! They should build one that extends around the planet!!! :o
I feel oddly empty.
Beer tends to be a good filler. And bread too. I'd die for some bread with olive oil and oregano, with a bit of merkén (a chilean spice, try it if you have a chance)
But if you were dead you wouldn't be able to eat it.
An excellent point.
unless you were undead and only driven by a desire to feast upon human flesh....
But he wanted bread. :P
It was more an emptiness of the soul than the stomach, though the stomach emptiness is a thing too.
Eat, and be merry.
Just like a hobbit.
Eat and be Frodo. Haha! I just made a joke! Heh. :)
Yay Pangolins :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all! :)
And to you :)
I have much to be thankful for today. But primarily, thanks for Irish women. And for whoever invented amaretto, this armadillo is munch as feck.
Let's take a moment to thank God/Evolution/Universe/Internet tube cats for Irish women.
And Scottish women.
And women in general.
(especially redheads with funny accents and an occasional freckle here and there)
Yes my good man.
And now I'm thankful that I haven't sobered up from the pub crawl yet, because when I do, I'm going to be ballsed up.
Usual temporary apologies for being a rather armadilloty admin. Am ill. Again.
We are all the armadilloty admin.
Are we a hivemind now? :P
That was pretty darn funny, gotta say.
DEBUX! (http://topmoviez.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/arnold-schwarzenegger-kindergarten-cop-150x150.jpg)
Uh, yeah. End of semester happened. Needed to get the furthest away of things that reminded me of video games (which didn't work entirely, but hey)
We are glad you could join us.
Thankses. Howes ares youes doings?
Fines. :) Youes?
Later today or sometime tomorrow I'll get this Christmas competition started :)
Was a word ever decided on or are you waiting for the announcement?
Nobody ever gave me any feedback on words in the thread, it all went dead, so I was just going to pick one.
And what will you be picking? :)
Um, what's all this about?
Jubal's planning to murder you, but he's been having trouble deciding on which method to use.
Huh?-What's this?
Sontar-huh? :P
Quote from: Pentagathus on December 11, 2013, 05:15:28 PM
Jubal's planning to murder you, but he's been having trouble deciding on which method to use.
Is it bad that I just want to give Strax a...
sontar-hug? :P
Only if it's bad that I want to put him in the oven for dinner.
Don't kill my little potato warrior friends! :(
But they're filled with fluffy white yumness.
Aw :/
We have a competition! :)
Who can eat the fluffliness fastest? :D
You know what's great? The movie Almost Heroes.
Just read through these quotes: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119053/quotes
Can't wait for M&B 2.
I already have two projects in mind.
One fully developed with almost all needed resources completed.
And the other one in early stages, but with fully developed story line, concepts and soundtrack.
I approve of this post. A lot. ;D
so what are going to be the biggest changes with bannerlord?
The map? Maybe the graphics improved a little bit, maybe character creation too. I don't know. I feel sieges can be improved quite a bit.
From what I've seen, everything has improved a lot.
Especially graphics. Which is the hardest part to follow.
- - - -
Also, word of the week.
- frotteurism is a paraphilic interest in rubbing, usually one's pelvis or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual gratification.
finally a name for my hobby!
New word of the week?
This is really quite cool, puts ads on your new tab page but they autodonate to charity every time you open a tab. :)
I wonder where all the Saws disappeared to?
Also PG...
Somewhere... over the rainbow...
the lost but not forgotten *cue the last post on bugle*
Ok, it's time for a new Word of the week..
And it's
I know, it's a fairly common word, but this time I'd like to give my own
twisted personal view of this beautiful assemblage of random
armadillo letters.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines debauchery as:
Quote- extreme indulgence in sensuality
- bad or immoral behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.
But why is debauchery always presented in such bad manner?
Let's see the list of related words:
Quotebad, badness, blackness, evil, evildoing, ill, turpitude, villainy, wickedness, wrong; atrociousness, evilness, heinousness, sinfulness, unscrupulousness, viciousness, vileness, villainousness; devilry (or deviltry), fiendishness; corruptness, debasement, degeneracy, degeneration, depravedness, dissoluteness, dissolution; indecency, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness, looseness, perversion, pervertedness, wantonness; abomination, anathema, taboo (also tabu); criminality, reprehensibleness; baseness, despicableness, dirtiness, lowness, meanness; lousiness, miserableness, wretchedness
But how come not a single thought was given about presenting this wonderful verbal expression in at least some kind of positive meaning?
That's why I'd like to share these two (possibly fictional) stories and let you decide.
Let's look at our pal, and let's call him Johnny.
Johnny is a 30 year old guy, works in an office, has stable incomes and his own personal apartment. Way to go, Johnny.Now lets look at our pal, Super Johnny.
Super Johnny is a guy who appears to be around his early thirties, but you can't really tell due to his debauched lifestyle. Super Johnny has seen things. He's done things which ordinary Johnny will probably never experience. He works in an office, and it's one hell of place, some would say. Indecency and corruption on every step. Fortunately, Super Johnny has had his share of such experiences, and manages to accomplish things quite effectively in his own way, no questions asked. Why? Because he is Super Jonny, with this psychopathic charm and this is his natural territory.
His apartment. Now that's a whole new story. Let's just say that this place has seen it's share of indulgence, sin and immoral behavior.
Super Johnny, you're one sexy beast and one of rare creatures worth knowing, no matter the cost.I hope I have proved my point.
Thank you for following this second part of "Word of the week". I'm Silver Wolf and I don't like turtles too much.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
What's your stance on other reptiles? :P
Well I'm fine with reptiles.
Turtles are okay, I guess. But I'm not crazy about turtles. They look funny when they eat. I guess that's a plus.
Also tortoise sounds so much better. Turtle sounds like turd.
I found a baby turtle in Cyprus. Unfortunately it was dead and decapitated; they have a difficult start to life :/
I had a pet turtle for one day when I was a kid. Then the next day I took it back exactly where I found it.
I didn't do much. I fed it and it still didn't look even remotely happy.
Did you give it anywhere to swim? Aquaticness is a thing.
Oh, no way. It was a hydrophobic land-raider-tank dinosaur relict. It would rust and then explode when exposed to a body of water.
Joking aside, it was a Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni), which really had a weird name in English by the way, but that's not the point. The point is that they're not so fond of water. :P
Ohh, I thought you said it was a turtle not a tortoise. Hermann's tortoises are lovely :)
Wow. I never knew that there was a difference.
I always tough that turtle was just an American version of tortoise.
Now that's embarrassing.
As a side-note, I'm seriously thinking about growing my hair to shoulder length and a short beard.
Hmm, apparently the usage differs. In Britain generally freshwater and seawater ones are referred to as turtles and land-living ones as tortoises. Apparently this doesn't make any sense taxonomically, but it's what we do. :P The Americans on the other hand refer to all of them as turtles, but still sometimes call land-living ones tortoises.
Also some of the freshwater species are called terrapins for no reason at all, just to be confusing. :D
In 3 years of studying biology I've learned that taxonomy is just one huge work-in-progress mess.
Holden: You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down...
Leon: What one?
Holden: What?
Leon: What desert?
Holden: It doesn't make any difference what desert, it's completely hypothetical.
Leon: But, how come I'd be there?
Holden: Maybe you're fed up. Maybe you want to be by yourself. Who knows? You look down and see a tortoise, Leon. It's crawling toward you...
Leon: Tortoise? What's that?
Holden: [irritated by Leon's interruptions] You know what a turtle is?
Leon: Of course!
Holden: Same thing.
Leon: I've never seen a turtle... But I understand what you mean.
Holden: You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon.
Leon: Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden? Or do they write 'em down for you?
Holden: The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.
Leon: [angry at the suggestion] What do you mean, I'm not helping?
Holden: I mean: you're not helping! Why is that, Leon?
[Leon has become visibly shaken]
Holden: They're just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they're written down for me. It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response... Shall we continue?
'Tis a sad day
I think I may agree with him that he (and everyone else) would've been better off if he'd designed a lawnmower. :P
Certainly a historic moment though.
Could you imagine such large scale killing with a lawnmower though? Such a mess...
Quote from: comrade_general on December 24, 2013, 12:52:24 AM
Could you imagine such large scale killing with a lawnmower though? Such a mess...
And the best part... It's a Peter Jackson movie. :D
And that would be the world we would live in if Kalashnikov had designed a lawnmower. xD
I've played RTW2.
TW has changed a lot since MTW2.
I don't like it.
The battles finally have some kind of organic feel, possibly due to pretty animation. Battles are a lot harder though. I just kept loosing the first few.
And they feel so much more random. In MTW2 I could easily defeat a superior foe with limited forces, IN RTW2 I can barely get a close victory on even odds.
And diplomacy is finally kind of sorted out. There's place for improvement, but nonetheless it's is light years from what we had in RTW1 and MTW2.
But I don't want to talk about menus, campaign maps and town. Such a mess. Horrible, boring, unintuitive and impractical. Definitely the worst in whole series.
Title change! :)
Happy Christmas/Yule everyone!
O.o Now way!
Oh Santa Goblin :D
I has a tablet!
Please avoid Who spoilers until later - got to help move my Grandma, she's only been out of hospital for a week and it takes two of us to move her safely.
2 Years to the very day since I joined this brilliant site!
Quote from: Jubal on December 25, 2013, 07:35:53 PM
Please avoid Who spoilers until later - got to help move my Grandma, she's only been out of hospital for a week and it takes two of us to move her safely.
Avoid Facebook. :)
Quote from: Othko97 on December 25, 2013, 08:23:58 PM
2 Years to the very day since I joined this brilliant site!
And fear not, CG, I am doing!
Huzzah for Othko! ;D
I'll be 5 in a month or so...
Not far off six for me!
Two days will be 'xactly 5.5 for me since we're talking about it. :P
Seen the special, conversation can commence :P
Me too. It's a good one.
Probably the last Doctor Who for me. And what an end. :D
I have yet to see it; farewell to MS starts in 15 minutes then it's on.
I'm afraid not.
Matt was the only interesting Doctor (probably because he acted very much like me in real life).
All the others were merely acceptable and that's why I've never been a fan of this series before.
But we've no idea what's to come.
More thoughts about RTW2.
Macedon phalanxes are ridiculously overpowered. I destroyed a three times bigger army and lost 0 men.
Chariots are practically useless.
Horsemen a bit less so. They can be useful for flanking in some situations, but they're still generally not worth their price.
I've still not got it :P
I don't plan to.
Work has recommenced on my Themes and Sources. :(
Campaign map.
The approach to city building and everything else concerning cities is completely changed. For the worse.
Restrictive and boring sums it up quite accurately. Town garrisons are now automatic and you have no ability to choose free upkeep units yourself.
Population affects the number of buildings you can have in your town. Maximum of 6 in your provincial capital and 3 or 4 in other towns. And one or two of those building slots will always be taken either by settlement type or food production.
Population gets mad and start rioting if you have smithy, farms or walls in town. Taxes have only a minor role in overall happiness. Seriously?
You can't lead any armies without generals.
So what happened to me is that I've conquered the whole Britannia (except Ireland), and now I have 5 settlements and I'm stuck with a total of three armies.
Now I must launch an invasion on Ireland and leave all of my provinces completely undefended.
The whole system is idiotic to say at least. It's horribly restrictive and forces you to play the way somebody intended you to play. There's no fun in that.
My advice: skip the game.
Hopefully they won't make the same mistakes with Warhammer TW.
I wish they had a demo. Would be really nice.
I think it already did that...
Not this one, the next one!
Winter is surely not coming between midwinter and midsummer? :P
Winter is forever coming! (Until we spin out of orbit of the sun... than it's going to be forever here.)
Quote from: Jubal on December 30, 2013, 02:55:10 PM
I think it already did that...
I beg to differ we've had one frosty(ish) night so far
Quote from: comrade_general on December 31, 2013, 02:03:59 PM
:( I've been told and even have told myself which is which over and over again but I keep on forgetting. :(
Happy new year, all!
New year, new title! We're going to the future! At a rate of 1 second every second!
I'm sorry but that is DEFINITELY a tortoise. :P
Happy new year all! Sorry for being late, as usual (can't expect more of a chilean anyways)
Hey debux! ;D
Hiya! Good to see you regardless of when you turn up, as ever. :)
Dern Mondays.
Uni application done (again) now the waiting begins (again)
Where applied you?
Yay, well done on getting it complete :)
aberystwth, hertfordshire, kent, sheffield, southampton
all for foundation years in physics
woo being stoopid :D
Sad day! My glorious BMW died!! :'(
Aw, how old was it?
28 years!
I might be able to reanimate it though.
Necro-engineering? :P
That is an impressively old car :)
Quote from: Jubal on January 15, 2014, 03:36:57 PM
Necro-engineering? :P
That's not a bad description of what I might be attempting. :P
I finished my coursework and handed it in. I may need necromancy, let alone necro-engineering. Need rest.
Did you rest?
(and yeah, I haven't been very consistent... I just wanna play da vidgaimz sometimes :P )
Who doesn't want to play da vidgaimz??
I'd swap for some rest, or some completed work, one or t'other.
Wow, that man has a huge neck!
Ok CG, you are behind this.
That's a fact! ;D
Awh, I liked the wolf :/
I have no idea what you're talking about. :P
Or so you claim... dun dun DUN!
Plot twist; the wolf was actually a dog!
Cross a space exploring sloth.
Essay day tomorrow again... I know far too little about the topic :s
Good luck! :D
Aye, Jubal!
Someone remind me to download this when I get home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dUAicLZ5R8
Well we won't know when you get home, so it would make more sense for you to check exilian and read this thread to remind yourself when you get home.
I'll be home in 2.25 hours. :)
Why couldn't you just say 1 hour and 15 minutes?
Quote from: The Khan on January 27, 2014, 11:16:52 PM
Why couldn't you just say 1 hour and 15 minutes?
Because that would be an hour too soon? :P
Quote from: Jubal on January 28, 2014, 12:22:52 AM
In the sense that 2.25 is easier to type than two hours and fifteen minutes. :P
You home yet CG? If so, remember to download that thingymabob.
Thanks, Penteh!
No idea where to put this or if it's of any interest?
You can probably make a post about it in the announcements?
And January 2014 hits 2000 posts. Well done, all :)
Yay! How's Portugal? Partially exploded at least.
Partially exploded and completely lactose intolerant.
Probably gluten intolerant too, judging by the force of explosion.
I just found Battlefield Bad Company for Xbox360 in my mailbox.
WTF mate?
do you have a 360?
Hang on, don't we start a new Booze Up after 1000 replies?
Portugal doesn't seem to be using a spoon to eat that cereal.
Quote from: Othko97 on January 31, 2014, 08:16:57 PM
Hang on, don't we start a new Booze Up after 1000 replies?