Anyone got good ideas for minor and simple quests for the player to do?
Currently there is for quests:
1x carry a letter
1x kill 12 goblinoids
1x get enough logs to fix a bridge
1x fetch water for a dying goblin
1x go and break into a house in Dorudor, kill a guard, then answer riddles to obtain a sacred Dwarfen orb
And other moneymaking:
1x pit fights
1x cutting corn
Thoughts for more quests and tasks? Preferably they shouldn't involve adding new locations (so no "epic dungeon crawl quest of epic death" ideally :P)
Find missing child?
Hmm, that could work, though I'm not sure how easy it'd be to make it an actual challenge. I could just give a random chance of finding it in different locations but that doesn't really amount to much fun. Actually having the child move in a rational way around the map could be more tricky. Good idea though, keep them coming :)
Solve a murder mystery.
Murder mystery's not a bad plan, but if it had any real complexity it could be a very big job indeed...
More ideas now needed!
What gave me that idea was a similar small quest in KotoR. I think it was just a logical reasoning sort of thing; question a couple people and examine the area and figure out what really happened and accuse the correct person. You could probably code it so that it is different every time.
That sounds quite possible. Noted!
Any other thoughts? :)
You can never have too many dungeons to clear. Maybe rescue some idiot who got lost then escort them home?
Side quests galore: