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Messages - TheCheese

Pages: [1]
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Progress, News, Updates
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:59:31 PM »
I haven't had any CTD since deleting map_height and such. I have fought two battles against the Gauls, a couple against some rebels, and one against the nearby Greeks.
Everything is so much smoother and faster than any other mod I have tried, I bumped everything to its highest setting except AA, and I can play in 1600x900 during battles and the campaign map. I read somewhere script-intensive mods can slow you down a bit, maybe that has something to do with the lag in other mods. (or does this mod just have really efficient scripting?)
I did notice that the Hastati have a red sprite rendered for outside of the FOV, but upon zooming the men are all garbed in light blue, leaving the far end of the line red still (I am aware the visuals are not yet final.)
Wanted the note that the campaign map is totally sweet, and the mini-map is really well done too. The battle ai hasn't shown any deficiency yet, but I have yet to have anything large scale.

So. The CTD isn't universal, and I haven't found anything major in bugs yet.
I will have a proper beta-test report done by this evening.

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Progress, News, Updates
« on: January 23, 2014, 05:50:19 AM »
I haven't gotten too far in my Julii campaign unfortunately. I will have a large chunk of time tomorrow to dedicate though, and I'm excited from what I have played so far. Probably 6-8 turns. Two campaign battles, and one custom battle. Everything runs really smoothly, even on my nvidia 6600  :o
I have nothing negative to report actually. I am naturally on the look out for bugs or anything out of place- but yesterday I noticed a list of things needing to be tested still, like specific units in action etc... Anything specific I should look for as I play Julii?
Props again to everyone involved in development thus far!

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing
« on: January 23, 2014, 05:43:51 AM »
Hey Mausolos, I have really good experience with a freeware program for windows called "Take Ownership".
A google search of Take Ownership Windows 7 will bring up with a link.
It avoids all need to turn off UAC and allows a simple right click to take ownership of files that windows says you can't edit. (for instance, If you install Rome into program files (x86), then install a mod into it, and it doesn't work due to UAC, just right click your rome folder and take ownership, and then all files will be editable, a reinstallation will not be necessary, UAC be damned)
User Access Control is a pain when modding anything on windows 7, but I've been using this program for years so I haven't dealt with it for awhile thankfully.
Hope that helps!

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:45:50 AM »
I did not. Even saw that noted in the instructions too. I imagine that should do it, trying now.

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:36:43 AM »
This is a bit noobish I'm sure, but I get consistent CTD's when I press Start Campaign. I imagine my attempt at a making a copy/pasted clean install folder of Rome was unsuccessful. If that sounds about right, how exactly would I make a clean install? Just a reinstallation of vanilla?

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Progress, News, Updates
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:50:19 AM »
I fancy myself an adept writer. I will definitely write an AAR for the final release if needed when the time comes. In fact, if there is any demand for creative writing not yet being provided, let me know :)

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:32:43 AM »
Sounds perfect, I will start a Julii campaign tonight.

RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:13:24 AM »
Greetings all!
By invite of ahowl from TWCenter, I am here as an enthusiastic beta tester for the new Realism project! So let me introduce mahself!
My name is Casey, I live in Oklahoma, USA, and spend my time as a general layabout, wastrel, philosopher and ancient military strategist. I love reading, writing, drawing, video games, hiking etc. I also wash dishes at a burger joint.
I have no experience in modding any Total War game, but I have modded the Elder Scrolls series of games, so learning how to mod Rome isn't immediately daunting, I could potentially learn.

I'd like to mention that I'm new to the Realism mod series, being currently engaged in my first campaign in fact, in RTR VII as Sparta. I am enjoying it tremendously and I am very excited to be a beta tester for a new project!

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