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Messages - GriffinPyros

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Yes, I'm mostly out to see it completed, even on a stripped down scale from the original concept. It's a third person, 3d space sim in a 6x environment. So, think Homeworlds or Freelancer as far as freedom of movement. That is all done already, it's mostly just giving the game a usable UI and waiting for the coder to get his hands back on his engine again. The game, at its core should handle like Howmworlds 2 or Eve Online. The engine has the potential to be treated as an MMO though we have no intention of making an MMO out of it, since that takes away from the community a lot. The game has built in mod support so we can allow the community to run their own servers. As mentioned, much of the engine is complete, we just need to put skin on the bones. I'm not expecting to compete with Eve or Star Citizen, just want to make the game immersive and fun to play.

Ok, I just got in contact with the original developer of the engine we're using, he gives us his blessing to continue using the engine. He's been unable to rebuild his PC since late 2014 and can't continue work on the engine without a decent PC. Aside from that, I should be able to get the game to work if we can get the UI and assets in.

I'm trying to dig through the engine right now, see what is working and what needs to be "fixed". The engine is pretty easy to add new content to as far as models, textures, stuff of that nature. I may need to have someone with more experience in coding than myself, so basically anyone, to look over the engine and see how much work it would be to get it working vs just dropping the engine entirely. When I was running the project in the past I was in charge of getting everyone else assigned with tasks. I was the one running the project and had very little hands on which I didn't like, but did it cause that's what I was needed to do, keep everything running smoothly. We have over 2 years worth of documentation written up but words on a text document do not equal game unless thre are able people to work on it.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

I was recommended by a user of the forum to inquire about assistance here on a project I'm working on. I'm currently working alone and have been for some time without any real movement on a project that has been in development for some time. I'm developing a simple space sim and have access to a hand crafted engine designed specifically for this type of game. I need one or two people, passionate about the genre, that want to work along side myself to see this project completed.

If you want to contact me outside the forum, I'm most easily reached via Steam and Skype by the same name.

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