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Topics - Jubal

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Raiders and Traders / Beta Testing
« on: February 22, 2009, 02:09:35 PM »
Ok, I'm sure y'all got the hang of registering, and the gameplay shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but I'll post notes and changes and bugfixes and stuff here.

Silver Wolf

Start by registering, click on Raiders and Traders from the main menu, then try playing around with settings, pressing 'End Turn' when you are done. Just aim for the biggest city at the moment.

~None for now~

Raiders and Traders / Beta testing signups
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:43:11 AM »
We has server! I expect to get a beta up in the next few days. :D

I'm gonna want testers, so sign up here!

Testing team;
Silver Wolf

Southern Realm / Vote; Map Expansion
« on: February 12, 2009, 06:17:19 PM »
These are the map expansion options; what do y'all think?

Southern Realm / Tutorial
« on: February 07, 2009, 07:42:01 PM »

A few pointers for y'all....

wasd = movement as usual
i = inventory OR change ship orders
j = skill key 1 (Brace Spear/Battle Rage)
k =  skill key 2 (Sprint)
h =  skill key 3 (Rally Troops/Area Attacks/Focus)
block+attack = Shield Bash


Assassin's guild;
Go to Harlaushia (it's pink and in the east)
Go to the tavern
Go down the stairs, turn left and along the corridor, go through the door.
Go straight across the courtyard and go through the door.
You should now be on a rooftop. Talk to the assassin to start a fight.
When you have finished a fight, talk again to the assassin to gain assassin skills when in most fight scenes.

Doaghan Village
Is north of Wercheg. The only person you can talk to for now is Anador, their leader. You just need to do a brief quest for him and find his brother and he'll teach you Barbarian skills.

Tataca's Fort
Is near Lacontia. If you complete a short task involving some bandit hunting for Tataca he'll teach you troop leader's skills.

Jarren's Rock
Is in the ocean off Wercheg. You can find Jarren in the tower, who will sell you ther services of pirate raiders, and on the smaller rock island there's an open-air tavern.

Veluca University
Go to Veluca
Go towards the castle gate, then turn left up the stairway. Acorss the courtyard, then right up a second, new staircase.You can then find your way with a couple more left turns past the city banker to an area where there is a long downwards staircase, a bridge above it and several doors and terraces. Many of the doors let you into different areas of the university, which you need t get to for the find a healer quest and to find Rihok who will pay you for hunting trophies.


Using Ships
You can buy ships at most ports. They do cost quite a bit; you can buy longships or galleons. Naval battles are pretty self-explanatory, just press "i" to change what the ship's doing, although most of the time there's no need to at all.

Khergit Rebellion
If you complete the Red Khergit claimant rebellion, their troop tree changes as the Khergit are forced out and the old tribes take control.

Militia Command
To become a militia commander, talk to any guildmaster and ask about bandit problems.

You can gain renown by paying Tipo the storyteller at the four ways inn.

Find A Lawman Quest
Hint #1 ;
Spoiler: click to toggle

Hint#2 ;
Spoiler: click to toggle

# Spoiler if you're totally stuck ;
Spoiler: click to toggle

Announcements! The Town Crier! / Upgrade!
« on: February 02, 2009, 11:04:47 AM »
Welcome to Exilian, ZetaBoards Style!

It may take time to re-style the site, but we hope the transitions will be as smooth as possible.


The Staff...

Announcements! The Town Crier! / Use the friggin' WIKI
« on: January 28, 2009, 06:34:31 PM »

Write articles! Add pcitures! Add content! Go! Go! Go!

General Chatter - The Boozer / Talk your own language
« on: January 28, 2009, 06:24:25 PM »
Talk your own language in this thread - whatever it is! :lol:

Welcome to BoozeUp Mk. 2, it's the same as BoozeUp 1 except we charge you 3,000,000% more to post.

Yep, still free.

And remember, spam in the spam forum, not here. - Marcus

Announcements! The Town Crier! / WHTW new release!
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:47:04 PM »
Check the WHHTW new release out!

(It's got an installer! Yay!)

Warhammer; Total War / NEW BETA RELEASED
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:41:10 PM »
This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of Daemons and sorcery, of battle and death until the world's ending. These are the End Times.

This is ...

Warhammer; Total War, the mod that brings Games Workshop's fantasy universe to Rome; Total War, has released a new beta version! The beta is still custom battles only, but has a wider range of factions and unit choices than ever before. Also, as many people had trouble wth the old version we have a new installer to make getting to the battlefield even easier!


Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / Gaza
« on: January 17, 2009, 07:28:33 AM »
It's a mess, but who do you blame? What needs to happen to resolve the conflict?

Raiders and Traders / Danaan
« on: January 12, 2009, 10:02:47 PM »
This is for discussing ideas and info on the Tuatha de Danaan.

Based on and named after a genuine Irish myth, the Danaan are semi-magical beings who brought culture and light to the lands before being killed off by younger races. They are constantly engaged in a spirit war with the only semi-existent Fomorians, the eldest race who they vanqushed in long times past. Fomorian raids are unexpected events and will pose a randomised danger to the Danaan in-game. As well as the Danaan warriors, highly skilled (but also vindictive and aggressive, not to mention totally untrustworthy if you're not a Danaan) the Danaan can call on many greater creatures or spirits to aid them. However. they are the hardest race to grow with, and they will grow and advance agonisingly slow compared with even the Dzongka. When they reach their full power, they are a race few would relish attacking, though.

Raiders and Traders / Dzongka
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:57:29 PM »
This is for ideas/info for the Dzongka faction.

The Dzongka are dwarfs, but with a theme clearly not suited to the Norse style culture of most other fantasy wolrds. THier theme is based on medieval Bhutan, in the E Himalayas - keeping with mountains, but changing drastically the culture and outlook of the race.

Raiders and Traders / Hanau
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:55:29 PM »
This is for ideas/info for the Hanau faction.

I have two entirely separate basis points for the hanau; their echnology and ethos belongs to Renaisaance or Enlightement Italy, whereas the fundamentalsof thier culture are based in polynesia, where I got the base idea of these people from.

The Hanau first appeared in designs for my Nervillsaga mod, but were a good idea so I recruited them for this...

Raiders and Traders / Progress
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:28:37 PM »
This won't mean much to some people, but I'll post progress in here.

Today; sorted login and load game function, just need to connect it to SQL table. Savegame function needs writing soon.

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