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Topics - Rob_Haines

Pages: [1]
General Gaming - The Arcade / Summer Games Fest
« on: June 10, 2024, 10:42:18 PM »
I've been watching some of the E3-replacement games shows with my wife this year, mostly as it's become something of a tradition. Given how rough a year it's been for the game industry, it's been fascinating to see how much time's been given to interesting indie titles, and I thought I'd share a few of the games that looked promising so far to me:

Has anything caught your eye?

General Gaming - The Arcade / Elden Ring
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:27:06 PM »
Ahead of the forthcoming DLC, I've been diving back into Elden Ring over the past few weeks, with two goals: to set up a new faith-build character suitable for the DLC, and to do an in-game photography project that I've wanted to do since I realised how absolutely beautiful this world is.

Slash-cut to me trying to play Elden Ring without the HUD, and regularly jumping off my horse and backing my butt up against nearby rocks so I can force the camera to clip through my character and I can get nice clear screenshots xD

A few examples (with only *very* early-game spoilers):

~ Rob

The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Hi there!
« on: May 27, 2024, 12:22:54 PM »
Hi folks!

I'm Rob, a statistical programmer, miscellaneous creative and doting catdad from Wales. In my spare time, I write microfiction and essays on fiction and videogames, take photos of nature and pleasing textures, and play the piano.

I know Jubal from Mastodon and other online communities, so I thought I'd poke my head in and say hi!

~ Rob

Pages: [1]