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Messages - Tusky

Pages: 1 ... 447 448 [449] 450 451 ... 453
Do you know Spotify pays the artists out per play or do folks have to buy the songs, etc.?

It's per play on there.

Checked out some of your dev stream. It was interesting. I knew animating took a while - but was illuminating to see you working first hand. Like the thought you need to put into shading to make it look correct for 2d.
You're right in that 3d you don't necessarily need to worry about it so much particularly since the engine renders the lighting etc for you and the model will just pick it up - makes me feel lazy!!

Pangolin Games / Re: The Exile Princes
« on: April 01, 2018, 08:11:52 AM »

Looks really cool! I love the style you've used. It looks like interactive medieval art :)

Honoured to get a mention too. I'll feel a bit weird playing it, mind you, if I have to roam the land slaughtering herds of myself!

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Guess Who Will Post Next... II!
« on: March 31, 2018, 07:39:53 AM »
Car x4

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 31, 2018, 07:39:04 AM »

Sounds like a good solution.
Also makes me intrigued as to what you're working on!

Ah it is showing up when I search on the spotify site. Must be something to do with my actual client & caching a previous search or something. I should think it'll be there for everyone else.

I just added it to playlists from the web :p

Norman Bates from the Psycho series (but not "Bates motel")

What's the best research?

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 30, 2018, 08:44:09 AM »


Although I just ran a search in my Spotify client and it's not there just yet. I think sometimes it can take a few days to process from the time that you submit it?

I'll keep checking and let you know.

General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Playlist
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:06:49 AM »

Since it's Friday* here's a cheesy fin-rock hammer I'm enjoying very post-ironically.

It's got fireworks and everything.

* If you don't happen to live somewhere that has Easter bank holidays or don't work Monday to Friday, please read: Thursday

That's troubling news.  :(

Strange that the WWF dont seem to have added them to their list

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 29, 2018, 08:36:10 AM »

I agree with clock in that it depends on what you are aiming for.

Killing characters you have grown attached to is something that you feel very keenly and that emotional loss can be part of the enjoyment. A game that does this well I think is Xcom or darkest dungeon, but another good example would be GOT. As you say the main trick for this method, and my main problem in Xcom is that you need to give the player enough of a say as to if they die or not. Xcom I found sometimes the death of my beloved squad members to be the result of an unfair/random set of favourable rolls for the enemy. But if you are able to reduce or eliminate this randomness and make the cause of death completely preventable & based on the player's skill or knowledge of the environments you have created then you could create a challenge for the player which isn't frustrating. Darkest dungeon is an example of how you can have both injury and death and have it as a key feature of your gameplay.
Some not exactly applicable examples but I think worth mentioning are the sexy brutale or the last days of summer - where the whole point of the game is to prevent the death of the main characters

Going with immortal & injuries route is obviously better (and probably easier) if you need to guarantee they are alive for some plot.

Injuries knocking you back in terms of progression may be frustrating but at the same time goes back to my previous point, if you make it not be random then it can be an enjoyable part of the challenge.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 28, 2018, 07:51:06 AM »

Oh god. What have I done?!?

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