Please look into adding the following mabye...
Advance formations... " going to look like an idoit if i can't find them"
A simple Read_me file with command if such formations existances.
Increase the overall bonus of pathfinding/ increase the overall speed at which armys can move? Or something when it takes 15 Mins to get to the othersides of the map, it's a wee bit painfull, the ship idea works great. Mabye being able to hire wagons in citys that boost speeds another +5 or something?
... therea are other things but i think i'm brain dead at the moment, meh i'll got fool around with it and mabye they will come.. " wishs i could go take over a town or 2, and start changing the productions or something...
PS anyone figujre out why getting a Town is good at all, it's not like you can recuit troops there, or train them there, or hire generals there?
Advance formations... " going to look like an idoit if i can't find them"
A simple Read_me file with command if such formations existances.
Increase the overall bonus of pathfinding/ increase the overall speed at which armys can move? Or something when it takes 15 Mins to get to the othersides of the map, it's a wee bit painfull, the ship idea works great. Mabye being able to hire wagons in citys that boost speeds another +5 or something?
... therea are other things but i think i'm brain dead at the moment, meh i'll got fool around with it and mabye they will come.. " wishs i could go take over a town or 2, and start changing the productions or something...
PS anyone figujre out why getting a Town is good at all, it's not like you can recuit troops there, or train them there, or hire generals there?