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Messages - Spike

I do the modelling myself  ;D
major ahistoricalities are fixed now...

no more corinthian helmets on horse

proper judean royal guard

and moar
many thanks for the useful tips  ;)
ugh..... colours that the game doesn't like? wow, that explains everything...

is you have a list on colours I should avoid for regions?

many thanks Comrade
sometimes, I wonder why if I add more than one region at a time, I got a message-less CTD?

oh, here's the latest map so far
btw, comrade, why the map goes on CTD if I put the city at the coast? I meant I tried to put tyre, but it always failed
speaking about slow but steady progress o mapping

here's the map progress.... duh....  ::)

BTW, Comrade, all that left is now just putting correct regions and stuffs, wanna help in this too?  ;D
Many thanks comrade :  ;D

now, I just need to put proper regions and all would be done! WOO HOOOO!!!!
haha thanks, don't worry,  we'll be patient :D
latest test build has been released, the only flaw here is there is no campaign T.T
ok thanks, I'll send the files after I finished this, the last factions to receive units is Iranian factions (media and persia), and they are half-done now
the difference is Arabian peninsulla should be represented at full (we have Saba there), and Etiophia as well

and the map goes to further east at india...

I have rough map_heights of it maybe I'll send it later, still busy with modelling