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Messages - svramj


Vasnika Kauntika (Mercenary Indian Spearmen) men from wild tribes with moderate training, expected to ward off chariots and cavalry and not engage heavy infantry or elephants.

Vasnika Dhanuska (Mercenary Indian Longbowmen) men from wild tribes with good formal training in archery, can engage in close combat with 2 handed broadswords but not expected to.

Srenibhata (Indian Guild Mercenary) men from private war guilds and corporations. equipped with axe,swords and wooden shields, breast plates, proficient in throwing javelins/darts. highly trained troops but like any mercenary are loyal to their guild masters, chiefs and corporations they trained at.

Vasnya Kamboja Asvanika (Mercenary Gandaran Cavalry) medium heavy cavalry armed with javelins and equipped with swords and hoplon like shields for close combat. best for flanking but not suited for direct charging.
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Re: Mauryan Swap Faction
April 24, 2014, 06:43:45 PM
Yes, I'm from India. India had and still has a rich culture and sophisticated ancient military tradition. 
RTR 0.5 Imperial Campaign / Mauryan Swap Faction
April 24, 2014, 12:54:03 PM
The mauryan empire will not be represented with complete scope because we only have the north-west part of the empire within the scope of the map. Therefore one administrative division of the empire will be represented in game.

Faction Name : Taksashila Mahaksatrapa, 280 BC

The great satrap of Taxila, was the northern administrative division of the Mauryan empire. The Mauryan empire, at its peak, ruled with 5 administrative divisions. 1 central government operating from the Imperial capital of Pataliputra under the direct rule of the Emperor (Saamraat) and 4 provincial governments with their own capitals ruled by a royal prince (Kumara), who were usually the emperor's sons ruling as his representative. The Kumaras had considerably high autonomy in running their respective administrative divisions. The 4 divisional capitals were Taxila (North), Ujjain (West), Tosali (East), Suvarnagiri (South).  The Northern satrap was a home to diverse ethnicity ranging from Indo-Iranians (Kambojas), Greeks (Yavanas) and Gandarans apart from Indians.

Faction Leader: Susima Maurya, 29?, garrisoned at Taxila

The Kumara of the Taksashila Mahaksatrapa, Susima Maurya (born 309? BC) was the eldest son and rightful heir of emperor Bindusara Maurya. Though history eventually had his brother Asoka Maurya, Kumara of Ujjain (eastern provinces) in succeeding the throne, Susima played an important role in the empire during his father's reign. Taxila, a home to diverse ethnic groups was prone to rebellion and was often blamed upon Susima for his arrogant administration. Susima was believed to have harbored ambitions of his independent kingdom if at all he's denied his fathers throne and immediately challenged and killed by his brother Asoka after their father emperor Bindusara's demise.

Faction Heir: Asoka Maurya, 24, general

Asoka Maurya (born 304 BC), The Kumara of Ujjain sent to quell rebellions at the north, who eventually killed Susima and ascended to the throne. Asoka played key role in suppressing the rebellions under his brother Susima's rule and consolidating the empire's position in the north-west provinces and former Greek satraps.

Tusaspha, 45?, garrisoned at Archosia 
The Yavana (Greek) governer of Archosia in the Mauryan empire. His Greek name is not known.

Political Situation

The great satrap of Taxila being the frontier of the empire benefited from foreign trade. This was an era of peace with the Yavanas (Greeks) after repelling their attempts to invade and establishing trade relations with Seleukis and Tulamaya (Ptolamaic empire). Yet this was a period of transition for consolidating the position. The policy of the government did not differ much compared to the imperial capital at Magadha. But Taxila is notable to have had former Greek settlers, Gandaras working in the provinces governance and military. War against the Greeks and other powers are inevitable with all powers attracted to lush green and fertile regions of the Sindh. But for now, the relationship with Seleucids is strong.

Military - Recruitment
Mauryan empire followed a clear pattern of recruiting armies (as per mentioned in Arthasasthra). The recruitment happened in 6 different kinds as follows

Maulabala - men enrolled from families hereditary warriors. It is mandatory that these must form at least 50% of the total number of the army while the remaining 50% are of different kind recruited on the order of preference. These are full time standing armies and loyal only to the ruling dynasty by sharing their interests.
Bhratabala - recruited from volunteering citizens and considered lower than maulabala. These men may be raised quickly in times of war and may be disbanded in times of peace. These are men recruited for the occasion and see war more as a fortune to earn than duty to the state. But on the long serving men recruited under this system may also get promoted to maula on recognition of their services and commitment to the state.
Srenibala - bands of mercenaries from private war guilds who are loyal to their masters (Srenimukhya) and their corporations. And hence given importance only next to Maulabala and Bhratabala who are loyal to the Kings.
Atavibala - men recruited from wild tribes
Mithrabala - armies from allied kingdoms
Amithrabala - enemy armies bribed or captured
Include the Indian AOR mentioned below in spoilers also as faction units, followed by them are additional faction specific units.

Kauntika (spearmen) recruited from wild tribes (Atavibala) and volunteering citizens (Bhrata) with moderate training, expected to ward off chariots and cavalry and not engage heavy infantry or elephants.

Dhanuska (Longbowmen) recruited from wild tribes and citizens with good formal training in archery, can engage in close combat with 2 handed broadswords but not expected to.

Vaaru (war elephant), the best war elephants in the world that a general can get. carries it master/rider along with 3 bowmen. The elephants are part of Maula recruitment.


Khadgadhara (Swordsmen) recruited from hereditary warriors and citizens willing for professional enrollment (Maula) and volunteering citizens during invasions (Bhrata). These men form the bulk of the army, well trained, equipped with slashing swords, darts/javelins and long rectangular shields. Wear no armor but silk shirts which is a good protection against arrows.

Utkrsta Khadgadhara (Chosen Swordsmen) recruited from the elite among hereditary warriors (Ksatriya) under the Maula (Imperial standing army) recruitment, These men will form 1/3rd of the swordsmen bulk. They have handsome salaries and exceptionally trained and equipped with broadswords, mail armor, circular iron re-enforced wooden shields and darts/javelins, and headgear were thick turbans. They were equipped to suite a  fighting style that is more expressive and fierce compared to their lesser counterparts.

Gadahasta (Macemen) recruited from the elite among hereditary warriors (Ksatriya) under the Maula (Imperial standing army) recruitment. The wield a Gada (heavy Indian mace) is a prestigious honor among the Ksatriyas. It requires exceptional physical prowess and years of practice and only the veterans in the army perfect it. A casual blow from a Gada can bend the best of armors and break bones. These men are provided with the best mail armor available in the arsenal and shorter bell shaped wooden shields. The Gada is good weapon against elephants and with enough of these men in the army can be a good counter weight against elephants.

Laghu Asvanika (Mauryan Light Cavalry) recruited from hereditary warriors and citizens willing for professional enrollment (Maula) and volunteering citizens during invasions (Bhrata). These are quick hit and run missile cavalry with javelins to skirmish the enemy. They carry a short bell shaped wooden shield and slashing swords but can't expect them to engage on prolonged combat against heavy troops. 2/3rd of the cavalry will consist of these men.

Urdhvasana Asvanika (Mauryan Heavy Cavalry)  recruited from the elite among hereditary warriors (Ksatriya) under the Maula (Imperial standing army) recruitment and will form 1/3 of the cavalry along-side the Kambojas and other heavy cavalries. They are equipped with the best mail armor, broad swords, bell shaped wooden shields and spears for charging. They can engage on prolonged combat against light and medium heavy troops. Indian cavalry were best suited only for flanking.

Yodh Ratha (Mauryan Chariots) are heavy Indian chariots made of wood with iron reinforcements carrying up to 6 men and pulled by 4 horses. The crew may consist of 1-2 riders, 2-3 archers and 1-2 shield bearer armed with a sword for close combat [we may just have 1 rider and 3 archers in-game]. They were used as mobile missile platforms, quick battle field transports and even as direct charging machines to complement the lack of super heavy cavalry in the Indian armies. They chariot crew were also best equipped with quality longbows, swords and mail armor. These are part of the Imperial standing army (Maula). The art of chariot warfare was also considered prestigious among the Ksatriyas (hereditary warriors).

Indians were experts in elephant warfare and their armies were always built around elephants. I'd recommend representing this by giving Mauryans 15% discount on recruitment and 10% reduction on upkeep compared to other factions.

Kalpita Vaaru (Armored elephant), are armored counterparts of the best Indian elephants. They are armored using heavy Iron mail and carry 3 men armed with javelins, along with its rider. It is mandatory to have atleast 1/3rd of the elephant corps equipped with armor. They are also part of the Maula (Standing army) scheme.

Rajanya Vaaru (Royal elephant), are heavier armored counterparts of the best Indian elephants that serves the Kings (Bodyguard unit). The royal guards are skilled bowmen and combatants who follow their king on elephants.

Generals/Kings , equipped with decorated metal body armor and mail armor covering the lower body, quality broadswords and sport precious golden jewelry and royal clothing. They also wore decorated headgear augmented with gold and tiger skin cape to signify their leadership.

Captain, equipped with mail armor covering their torso, quality broadswords and round iron re-enforced wooden shields, headgear usually thick decorated turbans.

Unit Leader, a mace-man with round iron re-enforced shield, turban and short tiger skin cloak.

Priest, bare bodied with war paints, flowing hair, carrying seashell horn and slashing sickle.

Flag bearer, silk shirts, slashing swords, flag.
Kauntika (spearmen) recruited from wild tribes and volunteering peasants with moderate training, expected to ward off chariots and cavalry and not engage heavy infantry or elephants.
Dhanuska (Longbowmen) recruited from wild tribes and citizens with good formal training in archery, can engage in close combat with 2 handed broadswords but not expected to.
Srenibhata (Guild mercenary) recruited from private war guilds and corporations. equipped with axe,swords and wooden shields, breast plates, proficient in throwing javelins/darts. highly trained troops but like any mercenary are loyal to their guild masters, chiefs and corporations they trained at.
Vaaru (war elephant), the best war elephants in the world that a general can get. carries it master/rider along with 3 bowmen.

Gandaran AOR (north-west India, baktria and slightly to the west)
Gandhara Yodha (Gandaran Infantry) men with proficiency in both spear and sword combat, Greek influence evident form use of round hoplon like shields.
Kamboja Asvanika (Gandaran Cavalry) medium heavy cavalry armed with javelins and equipped with swords and hoplon like shields for close combat. best for flanking but not suited for direct charging.

This would do for the Indian AOR, I'll come up with concept art later. Mauryan specific units will have 4/5 additions over these units.