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Messages - BrokenIronSights

December 18th, 2013

A day that will live, in infamy (For Warhammer: Age of Reckoning players)

BUT FRET NOT! The game has been reborn, in free to play, private server format! These guys are trying to reboot the ol' Warhammer fantasy MMO with a private server from, basically, scratch. They have to create the entire server source from scratch. They've been at it for a while, but needless to say it has its fair share of issues. Not only would it be nice to get more players on board to keep the population up, they also need help at almost every end of the game. Both reasons I've posted here. Enough citizens of Exilian are fans of the venerable Warhammer Fantasy IP that I thought I could dig up some interest, and many of you are skilled programers! Hop over, see what you think, even give it a whirl if you're so incline.

See you on the battlefield,


General Gaming - The Arcade / Dwarf Fortress
March 20, 2015, 06:08:55 AM
Found this text based fortress building/ adventure game called Dwarf Fortress.  It looks like a really fancy MUD with a crazy amount of depth. I'll be checking it out soon, and thought others on this site would like it too. Not 100% sure what it's all about, but it has a crazy large fan base. :) Let me know what you think!
Announcements! The Town Crier! / Re: We are seven!
March 20, 2015, 05:59:33 AM
I... I'm not clear on that other team, but.. They're awful! EXILIAN FOREVER!


Happy birthday you magnificent she-beast.    :arwen:
Will the game feature different armor and damage types with different effects on each?

For example, If someone's armor is a shield, as opposed to armor plating, it'll deflect types of laser weapons more effectively than solid projectiles such as bullets or AP shells from missile launchers. Or the other way around, how ever it works better. :)
That was a work of Homer correct? I really need to get on reading his stuff.
Just since build 17, it peaked my interest a while back but I just started playing. I'll  have to download the update soon and give it a go. I love the concept, it's like age of empires but more fun! :D
I definitly understand that, I run into the same problem more often then not. It tends to lead me to cut ties with things of minor or non-essential interest. Luckily for me this forum is in my top three. :) Though I've sunk more than enough time into it, it's such a casual game you can sink about 5-10 minutes a day and not miss much. If you ever want to give it a try please do, I find it very enjoyable so far. MUCH more depth than I've ever seen with similar games.

p.s. Never did see that one. :o
Yeay! ^.^ I contributed to feed!
Spears of Arda / Re: Where to begin?
March 15, 2015, 11:40:22 AM
My thoughts are as follows:

- Keep the ruleset lightweight and easy to pickup/follow.
- Keep all special rules/limitations faction specific to give the factions a flavor.
- Make most of the lists/list restrictions scenario based, so someone that's played/knows the game can have everything ready and worked out.
- Make it as easy to teach as possible.
- Ensure that durring gameplay, your playing your opponent, not the rules.
Spears of Arda / Re: Where to begin?
March 14, 2015, 04:30:19 PM
Around the War of the Ring would be best I feel, as it's the era that most fans are the most comfortable with. If we used a Valhalla style stat/warrior generation system (Making troop skill be any of: Levy, Milita, Trained, Veteran, Hero, Bezerker) then we could make humans one-size-fits-all but restrict specifics based on culture? For example, if you making a warband for Rohan, then your infantry would have to be restricted from "Levy/milita" to "Veterans" to represent that rohan restricts its infantry to either "Villager with a weapon" or "Royal guard" and have the Rohirim be either "Trained" or "Veterans", as they're the main fighting force.
Spears of Arda / Re: Full Rules or Supplement?
March 14, 2015, 04:18:20 PM
That could work! I'd only be so active but I'd be happy to help. :)
Rhododactylos, or "rosy fingered" in greek is 18th version of 0 A.D. to be released.

More info can be found Here

Top New Gameplay Features in This Release
Nomad Game Mode: Players start with only some citizen soldiers and female citizens, and no civil center, and must build a base from scratch.
In-Game Technology Tree: Allows players to see which faction can research what technologies, when and for how many resources.
The default AI, Petra, now supports saved games.
Toggle groups of units between marching in formation and breaking formation.
New Seleucid buildings: The new buildings are the house, storehouse, farmstead, towers and temple. The Civic Center is a placeholder for now and will be updated before the Seleucids are finished.
Hey guys! Haven't seen a thread in regards to this/these games in particular, and they're ones I genuinly enjoy playing.
(I'm aware of the internet game thread, I would just like to see a more "empire management / text based" specific thread.)

First off, we have Illyriad.

This is a free to play, high fantasy, city building browser game with more depth than any of its kind. The community is the most new user friendly I've ever seen, and the "pay to win" really doesn't exist. Yes you can pay to speed things up, but it's only by a %. The "Prestige" as it's called lets you speed up building, trading, troop movements, and continue a "Premium" account status. They dish out one Prestige point every 24 hours, etc... If you log in 5 days a week you can keep your premium status forever.

Low points:
- Fairly slow paced: at first it can take only 30 seconds to build something to level 1. However as you progress it can be quite awe inspiring as you see, later on, that it takes even up to 30 days to unlock tech.
- Very little graphics: If you like watching the epic clash of armies, this isn't the game for you. However I almost see this as a plus as it lets you truly feel like the ruler of a kingdom, as logistics are the focus of the game.

High points:
- Super friendly community: Simply by saying "Hi, I'm new here." you'll have people sending you resources left and right to more quickly build up your city,
- New player friendly: Noobie smashing is generally frowned uppon my the community, and if it happens you'll be helped back onto your feet in no time.
- Fairly slow pased: Though it might seem like a low point for some, the games pace allows you to not have to constantly be watching your faction, though I have been the past few days, and if you're attacked you have plently of time to call for/ recieve aid from your alliance/ other players.
- Not your standard fantasy setting: Though the races that might seem familar, each has their own flavor that makes the setting fairly unique.
- Not Pay-to-Win: As I mentioned, the game doen't use the standard "pay for coins, this happens instantly and 10x more powerful" model when it comes to its currency.

Now I'll be honest, that link is a recruitment link and I will be slightly rewarded if you play the game. HOWEVER in order for that to happen you have to invest a decent amount of time into the game. Even if the game didn't have a referal link system, I'd still be writing this thread. I feel like this game could capture the imagination/attention of many of Exilian's members. If you DO decide to give the game a try, please use the provided link and add "Errik" to your friends list. I'll be happy to share what I've learned and what I have to help you on your way.

Much love,

P.S. I will add more games I play as time goes on, I'm also looking for more games of this type (preferably without the pay to win model.) Feel free to add (referal) links to the thread so we can all benefit from this. Just be sure to explain what the game's about.
Looks like my kind of game! I'd like to see it take the shape of Warmachine over 40k, as I think those mechanics tend to work a bit better. I'm excited to see how the art pans out and would love to participate in any alpha/beta you have available. :)
General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Playlist
February 28, 2015, 11:10:23 PM
I enjoy me some folk every now and then, it just happens to be crossed with metal more often then not. :D