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Messages - uanime5

All maps combined.
As someone who's modded the Shogun 2 map extensively I can say that the campaign map can be edited. I have been able to add both Korea and China to the map, along with many additional regions in Japan. Remaking the sea is difficult but not impossible, you just need to make the map, make all the map files, then add the ports.

Shogun 2 does have slings as there are units that throw fire bombs. However it does not have shield or javelin animations.

Regarding map size I've attached a few images below to show the different map sizes. Green is the largest M2TW map I made, red is vanilla R2TW, blue is the vanilla Shogun 2, purple is Shogun 2 map area where settlements work correctly, and yellow is the maximum size I can make Shogun 2. For some reason if you go too far left or too far right the campaign buildings (settlements, farm, towns, ports) won't appear. Though they are marked by a flag and can be attacked.

If we're not going to make a huge map in Shogun 2 or make the map very different to Rome 2's map we may as well use the Rome 2 for this mod since it will be significantly less work (fewer units, unit cards, map is already made, etc).