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Messages - Hyper Galaxy

Yes, this is an earlier design of is aquatic form.
Quote from: Jubal on August 27, 2015, 09:56:25 PM
All I really know about Ecco is that Tom Baker did the voiceovers (which was an excellent move, and one I'd definitely advise emulating, though I imagine he's not doing much work nowadays and certainly not at indie-affordable prices!)
Fortunately for us, we don't really have a need for any real voice work. But here is a concept piece for the aquatic environments. Might help you get a slightly better idea of how we will these areas will play.
Quote from: Jubal on August 26, 2015, 03:48:20 PM
So what are the controls/gameplay like? Is it a bit platformery with upgrades available, or are there puzzles to solve etc too?
Hi, So as far as controls are concerned they will vary a bit depending on what stage of evolution you are in.  For example on of the forms, is an aquatic one so the environment will be closer to that of an Ecco The Dolphin game and the player will have a more 8 directional movement style of play.  The game is an action platformer that will have upgrades, maybe some light puzzle solving; but we are focusing more attention on the combat and making really fun boss fights. We are currently working on putting together a game play trailer that will explain visually everything the game is working to achieve.
Quote from: Jubal on August 22, 2015, 01:39:28 PM
Ooh, that is a nice idea! And yeah, look forward to seeing what variants/forms are available :)

(Also is it just me or is the specimen really kind of adorable?)
Thanks! if you would like to see some preview of the other forms check out our twitter and facebook pages.  We recently had a playable demo at the Too Many Games convention, we had a few people who thought the specimen was adorable too.  ;D
Quote from: Colossus on August 22, 2015, 11:39:39 AM
Nice premise, those 3 screenshots are all with the creature in the same form though? Cool artwork, the use of colour is reminiscent of Bastion and Transistor.
True, at the moment most of the screenshot/art are of the creature in its third evolution out of five total. We have released concepts on our twitter page and our facebook page feel free to check em out.  Also, so glad you like the colors!
Hello Everyone, I thought I would take the time to share a new project we are working on.  The Specimen is a metroidvania in which you take control of a small creature who has been abducted by a highly intelligent extraterrestrial race.  After the countless experiments these aliens have subjected you to, you will gain the ability to evolve into more powerful forms, wreaking havoc on the ones who tampered with the specimen's DNA.

I hope you guys like it!
We also have a few screenshots to share:

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