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Messages - Ethelwulf

Pages: [1]
Rome - Total Realism / Re: Ancient Nabataea
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:06:40 AM »
Hello everybody!

I've been researching the ancient near east for over two years now, I'm currently helping with semitic research for Vae Victis (rome 2), Europa Barbarorum 2 (medieval 2) and Age of Bronze (rome 2) and I am glad to be an addition here.

Tomorrow or possibly the day after I'll dump some basic information about the socio-political landscape in Nabataea and its evolution from a semi-nomadic society into a hellenized mercantile kingdom. Hopefully after that we'll be able to restructure the rosters, for which I shall also post information.

I am able to do the rosters in their native Nabataean dialect of Aramaic if that is preferable please let me know.

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