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Messages - FlashHeart07

Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
November 05, 2016, 06:13:40 PM
Sadly Im out guys. Adult life is taking too much of my spare time and I simply dont get the time it takes to properly do these unit cards. Sorry. Best of luck with the project. :)
I will still be available if anyone need help doing the unit cards.
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 19, 2016, 03:29:55 PM
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 19, 2016, 12:32:06 AM
Its not the model or something like that, which is the problem. Even in the tutorial there are problems with assigning the textures.
I might find a solution, but for now Im focusing on infantry units. But I must say, that it was a lot easier to find the correct unit model for the texture when the two were named similiar. :)
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 18, 2016, 10:34:57 AM
The positioning of the javs shouldnt interfere with the icons applied to the unit card in game. Looking at the Persian infantry (the one which is zoomed the most), it looks better than the rest. But they might need some space at the top, meaning that I will most likely go with the positioning observed with the Persian Immortal.

Im currently on holiday in Singapore, but besides Cavalry units, I should be able to get a couple of cards done each night.
Help especially with the cavalry units is more than welcome. For some reason they just dont work as intended on my computer. Got problems when adding the textures.
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 18, 2016, 09:18:57 AM
I will do that
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 18, 2016, 05:36:10 AM
The image is so small that displaying the entire unit will make him look extremely small and it becomes difficult to differentiate between certain units.
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
October 17, 2016, 06:46:47 PM
If V or Fox could perhaps upload a preview of one of their battle icons. I would like to see how you guys are doing them
Rome - Total Realism / Re: [WIP]Unit Cards
September 28, 2016, 04:56:44 PM
Thanks. :) These are only previews, so yeah minor adjustments here and there will most likely be needed. :)
Will try and rotate the peltast
Yes Im using 3DS max
Rome - Total Realism / [WIP]Unit Cards
September 26, 2016, 11:05:05 PM
A couple of previews of the unit cards V and I are currently working on. :)
If you have any suggestions to the pose, please feel free to post them.
The current stances might not be final

Hey Guys :)
Not much to say really. Have been following the development of this mod from time to time, but havent really gotten around to contribute much. Did some historical research on the ancient germanic tribes, but thats about it.
But Im looking forward to hopefully be able to contribute in some way.
Unfortunately Im often busy modding Rome 2. As a Member of the Divide et Impera team and the coming release of version 1.2, we got a lot on our hands.

If I can be of any help at some point, I will :)
Will be checking out this forum from time to time
Glad to see that you are such a persistent man, ahowl