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Messages - Venitius

Well I did do this yesterday:

Spoiler: click to toggle

thinking of editing the plume and the badge for Prussians. I have made a few weapons, you'll see them in MM. They're confidential at the mo.
M&B Mods - The Explorer's Society / World War 2
April 03, 2010, 10:09:05 PM
I'm not really sure why you want heads of state as faction leaders, seeing as they never actually fought.

I'd suggest you do Europe and the med, that way you can go in more detail and use corps/division commanders as lords with the commanders of the Armies as Faction Leaders. You can just give the US a few bases in the UK and a lot of Italy, knocking off Italy as they had surrendered by 1944.
Doesn't really look like a WWII cannon I know of...

Anyway, I feel like making a few weapons.
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Who said it?
April 03, 2010, 03:58:20 PM
M&B Mods - The Explorer's Society / World War 2
April 03, 2010, 03:43:26 PM
No offence, but that research looks like it's from Wikipedia with all the [1]s and the [2]s etc.

I don't think the BR1 troops should get medals, just a standard field uniform with the patch would be enough. The map needs several tweaks, like adjusting land masses and proportions and stuff... For example a wierd shaped South-West Asia and a large Mediterranean.  And a massive Eurasian mountain range and no Tibetan plateau. Isn't it Madras and New Delhi anyway? In theory, Italy should be mostly Allied after the Invasion of Italy..
M&B Mods - The Explorer's Society / World War 2
April 02, 2010, 11:35:02 PM
I'd just like to mention that the Big Red One Trooper doesn't have the Big Red One patch, the map is pretty screwed up with quite a few errors in it, and one of your Germans has the flag of the German Empire as an armband.

I personally think the Axis should be separate, or at least not named the German Alliance. Spain, I believe, was kinda neutral, as was Portugal.

Alternatively you could just put the Axis and the Allies and the Neutrals and just make generic troops. And in theory the F.F.I. should be in too.

Anyway, good luck I suppose.
