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Topics - Vile Shrubo

General Chatter - The Boozer / Gamer's thread
August 28, 2008, 12:28:36 PM
i personally used to like it but i have recently quit and think its rubbish, sad and dont even get me started on the graphics!
say whether or not you like the nintendo wii.
I am a rather lazy person, so i prefer not to swing the remote round or move.
Don't go for JUST saurus, just ask dripping d how good a giant is against them.( his giant stuffed my heroe and champian in a sack) then mushed about 5 more of the unit).

Don't go for JUST skinks either there shooting is good, with poisened attacks but weaponskill 2 and toughness2 are pretty useless.

What you really need is a couple of units of skinks for shooting support, a unit of kroxigors for taking out big or tough units (3 strenght 7 attacks), some saurus for general mushing, any of the following are good if used wisely and correctly, combat general, scouting shooter, or magician.

Very big Do... And no army is complete without the almighty, bonecrushingly good STEGADON!!!  These are immensely powerfull, the howdah (wooden shack) gives the skinks a 2+ armour (on a skink), they inflict d6+1 impact hits, immune to phsycollgy, cause terror and best of all its got a giant bow on its back which counts as a bolt-thrower (1 str5 shot). awesome or what!!! :o                                                         

please comment on how you would use them and how you would beat them(if you could). B)
my least favourite charachter would have to be, the green knight!
I say lizardmen are my least favourite army
I say they should, damn them all!

OMG who voted no!!!! :o
General Chatter - The Boozer / Chavs
July 20, 2008, 04:29:13 PM
Why would you want to be/become a chav?
General Chatter - The Boozer / Since it's 'Boozer'
July 18, 2008, 08:31:10 PM
If you vote, No-one will be accused of being an alchaholic. ;)                                                         
Im not an alchaholic either.
My favourite character would have to be Tehenhuain the red crested skink of sotek. Imean he has the same weapon skill as kroq-gar, a skink with weapon skill 6!!!   :blink: