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Topics - Muizer

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Rome - Total Realism / Regions and settlements. Input appreciated
« on: October 23, 2016, 04:43:20 PM »
This weekend I've been working on the regions map. I've transferred the ones of the old map using some 100 corresponding points (islands, promontories, river mouths, confluences). That went well enough I think. However, for settlement locations, I much prefer to rely on coordinates. I've found coordinates for most of them, but some I have not been able to trace. In a couple of other cases, the names were ambiguous. It would help me a lot of someone with more historical knowledge than I have could provide the coordinates of the following places. If available, coordinates of the nearest modern town are often sufficient.

Dahaea   Igdi
Chorasmia   Dzanbas
Massagetia   Chiric
Saka-Issedonia   Chigu
Taklamakan   Kasia
Epirus   Taulantia
Albania   Gatara
Chattia   Amisia
Siracena   Uspe
Sarmatia   Roxanace
Scandiae   Thule (I don't think anyone ever thought this was a settlement?)
Venedia   Amadoca
Cimbria   Treva
Aestia   Drusa   
Olbiana   Olbia (there's several Olbias in the ancient world, which one is this?)
Aegyptus-Ptolemais   Ptolemais (there's no less than 3 settlements with that name in Egypt)
Hadramaut   Ubar (this one seems to be rather speculative, but it could be near Shisr in Oman?)
Caledonia   Devana

For the following I have coordinates but these places are speculative, being approximate, contested and/or having multiple contenders)
Teutonia   Laciburgium
Suebia   Luppia
Rugia   Rugium
Lugia   Calisia
Budinia   Gelonus
Hyrcania   Zadracarta
Cotinia   Asanca
Odrysia   Orestia
Borysthenes   Gerrhos

I also note most names have been latinized. I don't know if that was a conscious decision, but IMHO, given the timeframe it seems to make more sense to use the greek names from which they were derived.

That is not all. Quite a few settlements simply are not in the position the old map showed them to be and in some cases are in fact outside of the region they're supposedly in.  I don't really want to mess with the historical decisions about borders, but in most cases coordinates do not lie. Border corrections will be needed.

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