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Messages - Splashy

Jesus the SMF theme scene has evolved, it's not long ago that Exilian style themes were as good as you could get.
Haha no.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
November 10, 2016, 09:19:07 AM
Haha no.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Change a Letter III
November 06, 2016, 12:26:00 PM
Would eating some corn make you feel better?
A CNN news reporter
Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
November 06, 2016, 12:20:27 PM
Quote from: Jubal on October 31, 2016, 10:58:03 AM
I mostly just know Garry's Mod from weird YouTube videos. What's it like as an actual game?
It's very dependent on modders to have a replayable experience. The basic mechanics used in sandbox, with no modification are basic FPS movement, very basic gunplay, entity ("props) creation, ragdoll manipulation, and basic NPCs.
Modifications are the main idea of the game, and they're relatively easy to create as the scripting language used is gLua, a very slightly modified version of Lua. There's a ridiculous variety of gamemodes, but the most popular are;
Various types of roleplay - Dark (basically cops and robbers with the occasional homeless person), military, star wars... harambe
Trouble in Terroist Town - Very similiar to mafia, albeit with more action based gameplay.
Murder - Simplified version of mafia, albeit again with more action based gameplay.
Prop Hunt - Hide and Seek where you disguise yourself as an object before hiding

Unfortunately the commnity is generally awful tweens and teens, but the few good people have kept me coming back for so far about 700 hours.
The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Re: Hello
November 04, 2016, 05:26:09 AM
Quote from: Jubal on November 03, 2016, 01:12:56 AM
Hi, welcome :) How did you find us, btw?
Not the most exciting story - I was searching for something in my browser history and then I saw a site that I'd never heard of. (or rather, didn't remember) I decided to check it out, and here I am.
Sorry I couldn't provide you with any useful statistics, if I remember I'll be sure to let you know.
I play Garry's Mod far, far, far, far, far too much

I am staff on a roleplay server

Insurgency & CS:GO are pretty good too, although I'm absolutely armadillo at both of them.
General Gaming - The Arcade / Re: Pillars of Eternity
October 31, 2016, 04:21:46 AM
-I'm not the brightest of the bunch-
The Welcome Hall - Start Here! / Hello
October 31, 2016, 04:19:20 AM
Hello everyone
I came across this forum rather randomly and thought it looked pretty interesting, so I may as well stick around.

There's not much to say about me. I'm 25, I have a fairly boring office job, I'm from the land of deadly animals and attractive women, Australia.
I hope I can stick around, the community here seems like a nice bunch.