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Messages - Captain Carthage

Okay, let's try...

Poetry Slam – Classical

Short Story Contest and

Oulipo - The Wonderful O.
Spamfest! / Re: What kind of awesome are you?
August 18, 2012, 11:54:56 AM
Zom zom zomady zomzom.
They do ok with hockey (dry) and shooting I think.
Finished/Dead Mafias and RPGs / Re: Axiosa: OOC Thread
August 17, 2012, 04:28:16 PM
Something thing with an awesome title, like Ranger or Tree Stalker.
Quote from: comrade_general on August 16, 2012, 09:59:19 AM
Quote from: Ashanorath on August 16, 2012, 12:54:55 AM
*sigh* USA has population of 300mil and wants to compare to countries with less than 1/4 of that
According to this logic China and India would always get at least three times as many medals as the US, since they have populations of around 1.2 to 1.3 billion. ;)

Haters gonna hate.

You are both silly, the USA does well because its pours a metric ton of cash into its athletes.

India is to poor for that and China? I don't know, maybe they only focus on certain parts of major cities? Maybe they lack opportunities?
"What purpose do you have up there Priest? Refuge? Missionary work?"
How significant, would a group of well equipped, well trained and well meaning group of time travelling scientists and soldiers suddenly appeared in North America about two centuries before the arrival of European colonists?

(Assuming they are stuck there and can cause no paradoxes.)
T'is a mighty good song, I thought I might give it a try.

With my complements,
I have a mountain and a small fudal kingdom so far.

Inhabited by Humans, Goblins and the ocasional Angel.
Do I know where that takes us?

Testing local or geographical knowledge.
Norbayne / Malik Usabad Semi-professional Mesmer
August 09, 2012, 04:07:10 PM
That's right fools I'm writing fan-fiction for a game that's not even written yet. *horrid cackling*

Hello there my name is Malik Usabad, only son of Rasmar Usabad I was born and raised the city of Borasport, I'm a mesmer, and I'm often running for my life.

Have you ever tried distance running on cobbled roads? No? Good, don't if you can avoid it and especially if you like your feet. Now at this point you're probably wondering why I was doing this if it's so terrible, well you see it was either the running and ruining my feet or getting caught by the black ball of pain and fear chasing me and having everything ruined. In short it sucked to be me that night.

It was half past two according to the small church clock I had just ran past illuminated by a surprisingly large moon. I was far from the Pleasure District so the streets were dead and the people were rich enough that they wouldn't hear us through the thick walls of their homes. So let's review: monster on my heals, no chance of help and not hope of killing it, well I was buggered. Or rather I would have been if there wasn't junction coming up.

So right at that point with something truly disgusting and scary breathing down my neck; one of me ran into that crossing and three of me ran out. You see mesmers specialise in illusion magic, the alteration of being's perceptions of the world in long terms. So it was a just matter if creating two copies of myself for the beast to pick from. Now they weren't very good copies emphasised by the fact they had no front. Oh give me a break, I was under a lot of stress and they only needed a back anyway.

My dirt brown work robes were easy enough to project and the hood removes the need to render hair. All of this is completely intentional of course; as you will find out I'm not the best in a fair fight and I run away, a lot.

One day when I was out on contract a knight asked me how I could draw satisfaction from such a dishonourable life (long story), well let me tell you seeing that stinking squealing mess of a thing barrel left as I calmly rolled to the right, was pretty freaking satisfying. Equally satisfying was the howl of frustration that from around the corner as the fur-thing's pray vanished into thin air, now that did get people's attention and lantern lights started to appear the windows and the synchronised boot falls of the Night Watch (impeccable timing as always) were headed my way.

Taking this as my queue to leave I slipped in to a back alley and fell over a sleeping cat who was not best pleased and I had the scars to prove it for a least a week thereafter. On the bright side, I still had two arms, two legs, twenty digits and face; so that was nice I guess.

And there you have it, that's the night that set me down the path to uncovering one of the most terrifying secrets of my carrier. Pretty cool eh.

What? Oh yeah I should probably tell you how things got to that point, well...
General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Omegle Lulz
August 09, 2012, 12:56:31 AM
And with a great and terrible scream the necroposting took place and the thread drifted from the depths like some horrid floater.

Warning: rude language to come.

Stranger: Im a dragon

You: Hi this is Dan

Stranger: Hello, yes, this is Dragon

You: I have potatos for sale

Stranger: *takes them and flies away*

You: Bastard


Stranger: I'll bring them back

Stranger: Some of them, at least

You: Now will starve

Stranger: No you wont

You: I hope you're happy dick-bag

Stranger: You were SELLING them

You: To get get money

You: to eat

Stranger: Look, I've got a better idea

You: if I eat noting but potatos I will die

You: so I sell them

You: to buy meat

You: go on

Stranger: Look, give me a minute or two, and you'll have something better to sell

Stranger: More expensive

You: This better be portugaling good

Stranger: Done

You: What now?

Stranger: I made potato vodka

Stranger: I'm winning

You: Let's go get armadillofaced and pick up whores!

Stranger: Hell yeah

Stranger: And you can also sell some of it, you know, for cash

You: And they all lived happaly ever after

Stranger: You mean we dont get to see the party?

You: Not till the sequal

Stranger: Damn

Stranger: Roll the sequel

You: Our bugit was very small

You: Next time roung we'll relie on flashy effects insted of good character and clever writing

You: round*

Stranger: Or we could, you know, actually get drunk as portugal and film it

You: I don't know

You: Where are you?

Stranger: My cave

Stranger: Want me to pick you up?

You: Got a thing with the wife tonight

You: She fells I love the potatos more than her

Stranger: Do you?

You: So very very much

You: I sleep in the potato shed

Stranger: Have you ever portugaled a potato?

You: I bathe in potato mulch

You: I have carved potato children to replace my normal armadilloty ons

You: ones*

Stranger: Answer the question

You: I don't know

Stranger: You dont know whether or not you've portugaled a potato

You: Well it comes down to what you coun't as a potato

You: for example do you count potatos animated by dickish wizards as still potatos

You: ?

Stranger: YEah

You: well in that case I have made sweet sweet love to a potato

Stranger: I portugaled a lion once

Stranger: It was AWESOME

You: bitch ran off with the wizard

You: What happend to the lion?

Stranger: Nothing special

You: Where are we exactly that we can grow potatos and have lions?

Stranger: I dunno actually

Stranger: ...the zoo?

You: Oh man I hate te zoo

You: I tried to see potatos there once and I got bet up my monkeys

Stranger: The monkeys are extra chill stoned

You: Little bastards

You: Hold the Phone!

Stranger: What?

You: How did you fement vodka in about three seconds?

You: Are you a wizard?

Stranger: Nah

Stranger: I kept the potatoes and gave you some of the vodka I already had

You: Where did you get vodka?

Stranger: I made it of course

You: With potatos?

Stranger: Yeah

You: Have you stolen from me before?

Stranger: No

You: You have, haven't you!

Stranger: Nope

You: I don't belive you

Stranger: I only steal from the guy on the other side of the lake

You: He gorw onions

Stranger: He's secretly growing potatoes


You: I'll rip he face off

You: his*

Stranger: Relax

Stranger: Have a drink or two

You: Right that's it I'm off to burn his house down

You: Wish me luck

Stranger: No

Stranger: Chill, you're overreacting

Stranger: Are you drunk already

You: Come oooooooooon

You: Your a dragon

You: You like to burn stuff right/

Stranger: Yeah...

You: Come ooooooon It'll be fun

Stranger: Okay.... but only if we go to the zoo after

You: We'll throw his wife in the like

You: Shure whatever you want buddy

You: Let's go

Stranger: Climb on my back

You: Onward trusty steed

Stranger: *takes off*

Stranger: You know what I've always wanted to do?

You: portugal a potato?

Stranger: No

Stranger: Get an entire zoo stoned and open up all the cages

You: We could kill everyone

You: and take their wives

Stranger: Huh?

You: and their their potatos

Stranger: Nah, I'd rather not

You: We're here

You: Alright you

Stranger: OH armadillo, WE ARE?

Stranger: *crashes*

You: Come out with your hads- AGHHHHH

You: This seem like a good place to end thank you very much good sir but now I must sleep

Stranger: Good might sir
Right, where do we start?
I would like to hear your voices; I feel I would enjoy the experience.
Finished/Dead Mafias and RPGs / Re: Axiosa: OOC Thread
August 04, 2012, 09:08:34 PM
What is my route to social ability?