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Topics - Jubal

Pages: 1 ... 90 91 [92] 93 94 ... 131
Announcements! The Town Crier! / Another Birthday...
« on: November 23, 2013, 06:42:17 PM »
I think the time (and relative dimensions in space) has come to say a happy birthday - a happy fiftieth birthday - to a rather special person. Or persons. There's sort of twelve and a half of them or something. And we think they're rather awesome for saving time and space a few bajillion times.

Here's to adventures in time and space, wherever they may lead us.
Here's to companions found and lost, past, present, and future.
And here's to the Doctor, for all his sterling work over the last fifty years.

Enjoy the anniversary, everyone! Let's go save the day!

Cepheida / Species File: Gruth
« on: November 18, 2013, 10:49:23 AM »
The Gruth: Species File

The Gruth (pronounced gutturally; the "Gr" is most correctly done as a throat growl, with a short "uh" for the u) are one of the commonest starfaring races. They are the main species in the Verwynn Empire, ruled over by Verwynn knights, but many also serve as mercenaries and in other roles.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Doctor Who / The Grand Who Chatter & Discussion Thread
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:30:57 AM »
Whovianism abound!

The 50th anniversary is coming up! Speculate and stuff here!

And if you haven't done so, watch as the eighth doctor gets literally only his second ever visual episode...

Warhammer; Total War / Vote for WHTW!
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:58:47 PM »
We've been nominated for best New Mod in the TWC modding awards! Voting is open until the 27th; please hop along and vote for WHTW!

Tabletop Games - The Game Room / A revamp of... chess?
« on: November 04, 2013, 11:36:32 PM »

Chess has problems.

Not for most of us, perhaps - not for the bluffers and the fudgers and the seat-of-the-pants players who prod a path through matchups in which each side's strategy is a winsome, wobbling comedy of errors. No, chess has problems at the grandmaster level. Those people who really love chess, that devoted few who have given their lives to it and for whom chess really should be a great game? They're not getting a great game - and they haven't been getting one for a while.


Viable options, strategic interest, years and years of expert play. Put it like that and it's not surprising that a few years back Sirlin turned his attention to chess. The end result? Chess 2: The Sequel, a comprehensive rebuilding of a centuries old pursuit, which Burns is currently in the process of turning into a video game. "Chess 1 was a hit, no doubt about it," Sirlin writes in the introduction to his ruleset. Quite.

What do people think? I'd certainly give it a go, it sounds pretty interesting.  :)

Okay, so this is one of those threads everyone hates where someone says "I have a cool mod idea but don't have time to do it".

Actually, more to the point in this case, I don't have a completed game to mod. But one day I hope this will come out of the pipeline, because it's an idea I've been kicking around for a while that fixes most of my biggest RTS bugbears.

What bugbears are these?
- the building of a city, as happens in an RTS, takes years in general. And local resources do not simply deplete in a linear fashion over decades; trees, for example, have a fantastic and exciting tendency to grow.
- cities don't actually exist in a vacuum, or even with just one connection to someplace like in AOE3
- When a city gets big, it gets busy. People live, work, love, die, etc, there. What definitely does not happen except in RTS games is that it becomes an empty shell where the populace spend all their time outside the city gathering natural resources and inside the city there are just a ton of troops.

So, what's the plan?
- The plan is essentially to have a lot of vital inner-city activities that bring the city to life, and to make resource gathering only part of the overall economy
- There are three strands to the idea: trade, resources, and city life

- The major difference here will be trade points on the map whereby neutral traders will spawn and wander around visiting markets etc
- A "trade resources" counter added, with trade resources creatable with different new "city life" options
- Trade will become the major source of gold, but it will be in payment for goods or taxation on trade and not just money out of thin air for walking a donkey a mile and back

- Trees/plants that grow or at least are far denser packed. Because, you know... trees do do the whole growing thing.
- More clumped but longer lasting mines, such that protecting gold mines is really important
- A lot of maps with no gold mines, so trade is vital from an early stage

- This will include needing to task workers on industries for them to function effectively (such as the blacksmith)
- Also far more things that need doing around the town - holding religious festivals and having market stalls to attract traders
- New citizen units; sophists for the Greeks, for example

Questions and Suggestions - The High Court / A website overhaul?
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:17:10 PM »
I think this should be a job to look at in the next few months.

The current front-end website looks good, it's pretty swishy and nicely formatted. However, it is simply too hard to keep up to date.

Things we could do to improve this:
- Consolidate the navigation using PHP include statements. This would make adding new pages vastly quicker.
- Consider simply replacing the mod pages with the mod's download thread OP; again, this would save generating a whole load of new content for the site
- In the long run, we might want to look at content management systems. Having lots of projects and doing all of them via raw HTML is an undeniably slow system.

At present, the content is unwieldy and often out of date. Some of our biggest mods don't even have pages on the website, and the structure makes little sense either given the structure of what we do. For the moment I'm very tempted to just cut down to having the main pages for sections (RTW, M&B, etc) linking to the relevant subforums for particular mods, as unless we get another person working in the content branch who can do those updates the current system simply isn't functioning that well.

Thoughts, anyone?

Tutorials / Editing Effects/Anims Sounds in Rome Total War
« on: October 29, 2013, 11:12:39 PM »
Okay, a few pointers here, from my experiences editing descr_sounds_units_anims:

- New sounds need to be 8-bit WAV format, anything else makes the game crash
- When inputting them into the file, you need the full filename including the .wav ending
- As far as I can tell, it's more or less impossible to remove the "chattering effect" - any sound you put in will be stretched, and will sometimes be played slow, sometimes fast, over the top of one another etc. Even if you only put one sound clip in.
- Thus it's possible to add music or whatever instead of voices, but pick a really short clip that can be played over itself without too much bother.

So an entry looks like this:
event DRUID_CHANT mindist 1 volume 0 minPitch 1 maxPitch 1 randomdelay 1 rndvolume -15 priority 100 probability 0.1 probradius 0
folder Cambridge/data/sounds/Voice/Human/Generic
The event is hardcoded, the attributes:
mindist no idea
volume is the basic volume, lower = quieter, most seem to be about -20 so 0 may be about the loudest?
minPitch and maxPitch I think may determine how much skew you can get on the sound, though I may be wrong.
randomdelay - having this low seems to increase the buzz/chatter effect, at 0 it's pretty much a buzz, at 1 there's chatter but it's not so rapidly repeating
rndvolume no idea
priority no idea
probability Seems to be the probability of an individual member of the unit starting to make a noise?
probradius Unsure, though if you're too far away from the unit you won't hear the noise regardless, so I think once you're within that radius the probability of hearing an individual increases (such that with a piece of music, if you're just on the boundary of the radius you're most likely to hear one person in the unit playing the tune without interruption).

Ta-da, a brief and useless tutorial.

Stories and AARs / Exilian Chain Story
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:47:12 PM »
Hello, this is the Exilian Chain Story thread!

Sections will be up to 250 words each, on a rota that is kept in the discussion thread here:

- ALL discussion must be in the other thread
- This thread is for story posts only, in rota order, other posts will be deleted
- If 14 days pass and the writer has not gotten their section done, or if the writer skips, it is the next writer's turn

The Khan
Death Nade

CURRENT TURN: Death Nade from the 6th of September

I just came up with this as an interesting discussion topic: it's the Golden Joysticks today, one of the larger gaming awards ceremonies. There are a load of categories for different sort of game - indie, best storytelling etc - but no awards for modding or community groups/sites other than YouTube game shows. Surely if YT channels get an award game sites and modders, equally critical parts of most game communities, should? What do you all think?

General Gaming - The Arcade / Ultimate General: Gettysburg
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:34:19 AM »

A game made by the creator of RTW's DarthMod, focussing specifically on gettysburg but they might later edit the engine to do other battles of the era too. :)

It looks pretty interesting, I'm keen to see more information on how it's going to work; the idea of making a couple of Guns, Swords and Steam battles in it has occurred to me if modding is easy  :)

OK, so basically how this works is it's like a 3 word story except it's more like a 250 word story and it keeps to a bit more topicality and development. Each person takes it in turn to develop the story - don't go totally at right angles, though definitely put your own spin on it.

I'd like to run a couple of chains but we'll see how many people sign up. We'll do it openly, so you know who's written what as we go along. Basically you sign up to a rota, when it gets round to you you will write a 250 word section of the story in the story thread. All posts other than story sections in the story thread will be deleted. Chatter will occur in this thread.

Sign up! Be part of this thing! Or things!

Story thread:;topicseen

(I will plan on being second on the list, though I'll make an OP to the story topic that also lays down the rules)

The Khan
Death Nade

CURRENT TURN: Death Nade from the 6th of September


How uncomfortable/comfortable are people with this sort of wealth inequality? Are current business practices working well enough in terms of wealth and income distribution?

For all chatter about the Clangers.



The Great Baths - RTW Discussion / WHTW Swap
« on: October 14, 2013, 12:50:30 AM »
So, let's do this?

Which faction would be good?

My initial shortlist would be:
- Undead have the advantage of seeing the most of the world, as they have bases scattered around the world, and a nice variable unit selection. Good for going on horde rampages with too.
- Luccini are probably the most fun of the human campaigns and are likely to fight Orcs, Skaven, Araby, Dwarfs, Brets, and Empire, which is a nice selection. Could also work as a migration campaign.
- Dragon Islanders tend to be one of the best choices for migration campaigns as long as you don't want to go to the New World - I think trying to strike out and send an overland force to Nekehara (read: Egypt) could create a very fun campaign, expanding into the Tilean Sea (Read: Med).


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