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Messages - HanSolo

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Tolkien & LOTR / Re: Middle-earth General Election: Hustings Round!
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:51:49 PM »
The SSS and Shagrat deny the claims that he would have failed the challenge of Isildur - if Elrond didn't take it and later Gandalf, Aragorn, Galadrial (the witch) and Faramir all didn't take it then neither would Shagrat have! It is a cruel Evish attack on the character of Shagrat and other Orcs just because we pointed out THEIR FAILNGS and OPENED PEOPLE'S EYES to Elvish propaganda!

This includes the comments made about Shagrat's previous occupation and employer. Shagrat doesn't deny that he worked for the Dark Lord - when He returned to residence in Mordor He pressed into service every Orc living there, torturing and killing those who did not. Here Shagrat showed his strength of character in that he didn't fall when his home was occupied: he rose like a Numenorean from the ashes of that land to a position of authority not mere slavery. If you read the account of the Red Book the Hobbits have been s good as to compile, Shagrat always obeyed orders, even to his own endangerment amongst fellow servants of the Dark Lord. Shagrat was not selfish - he surrendered the precious Shiny Shirt to the Dark Lord and was promised its return. (Here the grievance given by the Mouth of Sauron occurred where he took the Shiny Shirt for reasons of torture and didn't keep hold of it, failing to return it to Shagrat as a reward as promised). Order is needed and following orders of whoever is in command is of first priority.

Here the SSS do begrudgingly agree with Macho that a Police Force with scary initials instead of a name is a brilliant idea. Middle Earth is a vast lad and control needs to be kept. Everyone loves military might though - Men of Rohan and Gondor delight in swordmanship as much as Dwarves delight in making weapons or Orcs in sniffing blood. Shagrat promises to continue fulfilling people's delights in this industry and to improve everyone's lives in making a stronger National Identity through a Unified Army and Police Force. Volunteers will be warmly welcomed by Shagrat even before the Election to show their Support and to Encourage other voters to also support the mighty Shagrat.


Tolkien & LOTR / Re: Middle-earth General Election: Hustings Round!
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:05:41 PM »

After being blocked by despicable powers from participating in this debate, the SSS begins by pointing out that the people of Middle Earth DO NOT WANT endless arguments about tax and trade - the SSS believes that the past methods of trade were effective so don't fix what isn't broke! But more on that later...

So now that you have skipped passed these pointless arguments, hear now the truth that our glorious leader, Shagrat, has discovered and that will revolutionise Middle Earth:


Now Shagrat is not being racist: as an Orc, he is distantly related to Elves. But it is still their fault. They made the Silmarils which, as everyone knows, should have been shared not hidden away in a vault. It is because the Elves didn't believe in sharing that the Great War of the First Age occured, and all the mess in that. In the Second Age, the Elves made the Rings of Power and again didn't like sharing: they started a War with the Dark Lord because they thought He wanted to steal their Rings. When they did think of the solution of "destroy the One Ring to make Peace" they didn't do anything about it! Thousands of lives of Orcs and Men and Dwarves and even Elves were lost in the Third Age 'cos the Elves just watched Isildur trot off with the most dangerous Jewelry the world had ever seen - if Shagrat had been there, he would have knocked Isildur out and chucked the man and the Ring into that volcno, no questions asked!

But even though Shagrat was not there then, HE IS HERE NOW! To solve all of Middle-Earth's problems he will encourage the Elves to migrate out of the land. They've already started; they all say they want to; they're just a bit slow and lazy. They also like meddling too much. So Shagrat proposes get the Elves to leave quicker, and then repopulate their lands and redistribute their wealth and everyone will be happy.

People say that Orcs are the common enemy of all: NOT TRUE! Dwarfs don't like Elves and haven't for centuries (apart from the odd one or two exceptions). Ents feel let down by Elves who no longer bother to talk to them. Hobbits are in awe of them due to propaganda, but the majority want them as far away as possible from their nice ordered homes. Men talk of past alliances with Elves but have secret fears of Elvish bewitchment and greed - just ask the Rohirrim!

Aside from the Elves, the SSS has many excellent and well thought out plans. Any extra funding needed for the land will come from Mithril Mining seeing as how there's no Balrog in Moria anymore - Shiny Shirts for EVERYONE! Shagrat even has plans for dual ownership of the mine between Orcs and Dwarves. IMPOSSIBLE! You say? NO! Shgrat shouts! He will force the two to see eye-to-eye and stop their pointless feuding fights - any who don't will be severely re-educated!

As for Dragons, Shagrat welcomes a greater electorate as - as thinking beings even if not regularly shaped - dragons would be welcome to vote for Shagrat alongside the rest of Middle-Earth!


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