Author Topic: Sleuth  (Read 1695 times)


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« on: October 11, 2011, 01:31:18 AM »
Our newest mafia game made me think of this old classic ms-dos game that I used to play when I was but a small boy. Back when our computer could only handle 2.5" floppy disks.  8)

"If you're looking for a very original puzzle game, this one could be it. Sleuth involves attempting to solve a murder mystery, by exploring a house and questioning suspects. The graphics may be crude by today's standards (good 'ol DOS ASCII) the game itself is very cool. It's different every time you play, plus you can add your own name in (or the names of your friends) as the suspects. Neat!"

Anyway, its here.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 12:18:22 AM by comrade_general »