Known Rome: Total War Cheats

Started by Private Clark, July 09, 2008, 09:19:06 PM

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Private Clark

Shamelessly ripped off of RTWHG. To enter them press ~ during gameplay to access the console, then enter the following:
  • bestbuy - Training units costs 10% less in campaign mode.
  • oliphaunt - Gives player unit of giant "Yubtseb" elephants in selected army or settlement.
  • toggle_fow - Toggles Fog of War.
  • add_money <number> - Gives player that amount of denarii. (Example: add_money 40000)
  • add_population <city name> <number> - Increases population of named settlement by up to 4,000. (Example: add_population Carthage 4000). If you enter a negative number (Example: -4000) it will reduce the population of the settlement instead.
  • auto_win <attacker/defender> - Automatically wins the game for the attacker or defender. Enter before auto-deciding a game. Example: auto_win attacker)
  • give_trait <character> <trait> <<level number> - Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.
  • process_cq <city name> - Instantly completes all buildings in queue in specified city. (Example: process_cq Carthage)
  • create_unit <settlement/captain/general> <"unit type"> <amount> <experience> <weapon upgrade> <armor upgrade> - Create any unit that your Faction can use (max amount of 5 Units, 9 Experience, 3 Armor/Weapon). The unit type must be the name in the Type field of Export_Descr_Unit.txt
  • jericho - Destroys walls as artillery does. Often must be done several times to make a breach.
  • move_character Z X Y - Moves character to location, where Z is character name and X Y are coordinates. (Example: move_character Tigranes 103 43)
  • force_diplomacy - Forces computer to accept next diplomatic proposal. (Example: force_diplomacy accept)
  • invulnerable_general - General specified is invulnerable. (Example: invulnerable_general Tigranes)
  • season - Changes season to that specified. (Example season summer)
  • show_cursorstat - When on the Campaign Map, enter this code, then press the ` key. It will give you the x,y coordinates of the spot your mouse is hovering over.
All cheats can only be used once per RTW session prior to patch 1.3. After using a cheat, to use the same cheat again you must restart RTW, load your game, and do it again. With patch 1.3 and after, cheats may be used multiple times however. Any settlements with multiple names must have each separated by an underscore. For example, Carthago Nova would be "Carthago_Nova". We are not responsible if cheats ruin your game.


CN2's song of the decade? - Heavy glow - Hot mess