The Versions of HRTW

Started by ahowl11, December 20, 2011, 11:44:07 PM

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There are essentially 4 versions of HRTW, divided into two categories based on the maps we will be using, the vanilla map and the Mundus Magnus Map

Very Simple mod.
Vanilla Map; No new cities or terrain
starts in 280 B.C. ends in 14 A.D.
Cities will be owned by the most historically accurate faction
Some city name changes
One Roman faction,
Three new factions: Illyrians, The Bosporan Kingdom, The Nabataean Kingdom;
Many new reskins as many of RTW vanillas units are generic.
The deletion of many units such as Wardogs, Arcani, and Druids.
Only the Rebel faction will be able to recruit Peasant units
Historically Accurate Faction Symbols for each faction
Historically Accurate names for each faction
Faction Changes: Egypt now Ptolemaic Empire, Parthia now Kingdom of Atropatene, Spain now Iberians, Scythia now Sarmatians
Senate missions and offices have been removed

Along with the features above, 2.0 will feature:
RS2 Environments
Overhaul of city list plus many new cities to get the most historically accurate scenario of 280 B.C.
Many new units pulled from other mods such as: THS, Persian Invasion, XGM, XC, Rise of Empire
Ported units from BI and ALX (will be edited)
Will run on BI's exe (Night Battles)
Diadochi TW's Wooden Walls
New walls for Greeks and Romans
Better Water mod
Sky Mod
Some other stuff that I will post later, when I'm 100% sure that I will implement it :)

For now we know 3.0 will feature this:
Mundus Magnus 4.0
New faction list (we have it made, will reveal it later)
Completely new unit rosters made by our team

4.0 Will be close to a complete over haul
RS2 Environments for Mundus Magnus 4.0
Rome Total History, A map made by Philadelphos, integrated with Mundus Magnus 4.0
Many features

Each version will be updated as we go, so stay posted! :)
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Good to see you here again; sorry about the decoration at the moment, we've been fixing some bug attacks and doing a system upgrade.  :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


^ What he said. ;)

I'll see about getting those UI's done for you...


I like it here! it's just that much of the chaos goes on at TWC.. thanks comrade_general, those UI's are essential to the release here is what I posted for the team group at TWC, its a list of things to do before we release 1.0

1. Edit descr_strat to make it historically accurate
2. Give Nabataeans, Illyrians, and Bosporans correct name lists
3. Edit Roman Family Tree
4. Fix Nabataean Strat textures
5. Implement rest of units including Hameleona's edited units
6. Give each faction Historically Accurate Faction Symbols
7. Make any remaining reskins/Finalize Rosters for 1.0
8. Implement all finished UI's
9. Test
10. Release
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Updated OP, my team and I have taken the past week off due to the holidays. We needed it! Merry Christmas everyone and happy New Year from the HRTW team!
Here are some things we have done:
Have new models for the German and Briton Archer Warbands (simple head swap)
New Model for Town Watch (Cape removed)

Many units have been implemented and tested

In the coming weeks I hope to implement the rest of the units, edit and complete each unit roster, edit the descr_strat for historical accuracy, get the UI's for the units, and have new faction symbols/banners made for each faction! Then I can release..
I'm hoping to maybe release before the 17th of January, as that day begins classes for school :)

Enjoy the Holidays!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


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Epirus has been a topic of concern. In 280 BC they played a huge role.
Also Nabataeans didn't really come around until 168 BC
I'm looking to maybe change that for the second version, its still in thought with the team right now
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I'd swap the Illirians for Epirus, otherwise it's going to get quite congested around the Balkan area, unless you add a good amount of regions there. Besides, I've read the explanations the EB team has given not to having Illiria as a nation, due to their individual tribes not being notoriously powerful, nor having ever been able to unite. I'd suggest leaving them as powerful rebels maybe, with a few armies hidden around the woods (I believe they were good ambushers, but my memory might be playing tricks)

On the other hand, Epirus played a particulary notorious role only during Phyrrus' reign, and it wasn't very known for being long or anything. You might want to strech the game a bit farther back, if that were the case.

Um, another doubt :P Are you guys going for 2TPY or 4TPY? Just out of curiosity
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I don't know man, it's a tough call. You have a point about the Illyrians, but at the same time I know many people would like to see them.

We are probably going to have a 4 year script for the final version of HRTW
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Yeah, I also have my small weak spot for an illyrian faction, it's a pretty interesting rooster. Maybe taking out Britons, since they never played a very significant role aside of their island? Just suggestions, but I guess you are the best to decide over this.

and also, good to know about the animations... the grasshopper hastati were getting on my nerves on vanilla :P also nice about the 4TPY script, it's hard to get affectionate with vanilla FM's when they die so fast :P
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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We are keeping the Britons as well. One of our team members is Edorix who is an expert on the Britons, so they should be very interesting. If we decided not to include them it would break his heart. I believe we should replace the Nabataeans, but everyone on the team says otherwise. But Epirus plays such a huge role! It's hard to figure out, really.

And yes we were thinking the same things.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Please everyone who views this go here and read it. Post if you want, just let me know what you guys would like to see
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?