Ryan's Python Software!

Started by lordryan756, October 24, 2011, 09:45:08 PM

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Hello, Exilian! 'Tis I, Ryan! I'm here to show off some of my Python games/software/stuffz that I've been playing with! (Note, I will be putting "Ref#" in place of links. The links can be found at the bottom of the page)

First off, I need you to download the latest version of "Pygame" for anything to work. Link is here: Ref1!

Okay, moving on. I've been watching Python tutorials for a few days now, after getting "Pushed" into it by SotK(Adam) and his "Township" game (Found here: Ref2). I've been watching "TheNewBoston"(Ref3) on Youtube, so he helps a lot with understanding the code. So, without further adue, here're some of my programs!

---Line Draw V1---

This program, you guessed it, draws lines! I think this one is sort-of fun to play with. I got another idea to add when I figure out how to implement said idea :P


1)"F5"(Read "How to play Software")
2)Click where you want a line to start (1st click)
3)Click somewhere else/where you want the line to extend to (2nd click)
4)Click on somewhere else, and it makes a 3rd point and connects to 2nd point.
4b)It just makes it all connected. Read "Planned Features"
Left/Right Click - Adds a new line/point
C - Clears point data / New line-thingy
Planned Features:
1)Ability to start a new line/string/whatever (Via R-Click)
2)Ability to change color of the line(s)
---Line Draw V2---

This program, you guessed it, draws lines! I think this one is sort-of fun to play with. Improvement of Line Draw V1


1)"F5"(Read "How to play Software")
2)Click where you want a line to start (1st click)
3)Click somewhere else/where you want the line to extend to (2nd click)
4)Click on somewhere else, and it makes a 3rd point and connects to 2nd point.
4b)It just makes it all connected. Read "Planned Features"
Left/Right Click - Adds a new line/point
C - Clears point data / New line-thingy
R - Makes the current line "Red"
G - Makes the current line "Green"
B - Makes the current line "Blue"
Note: If you haven't hit "C" before pushing R/G/B, it turns that line R/G/B. Push "C" then R/G/B for best results
Planned Features:
1) Way to delete/clear the board/screen

How to play the Software:

1) Download the latest release of "Pygame"(Ref1)
2)Go into "Start">"All Programs" and look for "IDLE (Python GUI)"
3)Save a shortcut to the Desktop
4)Open the IDLE
5)"File">"Open" and find the Software you want to use/play(Note: it save the Software in ".file", so at the drop-box, change from ".py .pyc" to "All Files")
6)Hit "F5" and wait for it to load
7)? + Profit (Read: Fun =D)

Note: I will be using Mediafire until the ability to upload a file directly to the forums is re-added. Sorry for the inconvenience :(

Ref1 - http://www.pygame.org/downloads.shtml
Ref2 - http://www.exilian.co.uk/township.php
Ref3 - http://www.youtube.com/users/TheNewBoston


I'm piggybacking on a shamefully insecure wireless network, but will take a look when I get home next week hopefully.  :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Okay :P. Working on the final version of "Line Draw V3". Hopefully it'll include a Temp Save/Load option, more colors, and the option of "Hold and Move mouse to paint" sort of thing. Maybe have it up tonight :P