HHTTAI: An Introduction

Started by Jubal, August 08, 2012, 05:04:54 PM

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This course deals with the aspects of history other than simple information content. History is not simply about words on a page; it is an art and a mental discipline with its own methodologies and schools of thought. The skills of the historian are the main focus of this course.

The key elements covered will be as follows:
Cause, effect, and counterfactualism
Historiography – the basics
Hypotheses and arguments
How to deal with numbers
Sources and source analysis

There will be reading lists to help you along the way, and a lot of verbal tutoring. You'll be assessed via skype or MSN, preferably verbally, in the style of an Oxbridge interview. The first thing I'd like to do in the course is do a mock run of the assessment - which will obviously be scary, but throwing you in at the deep end helps assess where you are to begin with and which areas you most need tuition on.

General course queries and discussion can go here!

Current students:
The Khan

Completed the course:
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...