Space Hulk - Video Game

Started by Clockwork, July 27, 2013, 07:11:17 PM

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Here we are lads and lasses, for those among us who liked the recent X-COM: Enemy Unknown or even the destructible interiors of Frozen Synapse we have: Space Hulk.

Space Hulk (Games Workshop) is a spin off boardgame from Warhammer: 40 000 in which the player controls a team of Space Marine Terminators (big guys in heavy red armour with more guns than an M1 Abrams tank). Pitted against these angels of death are the Genestealers, aliens who are actually very much the like one from the 70's film, Alien. All this is set aboard a large, seemingly derelict spaceship called a Space Hulk with creaking corridors and the echoing halls one might expect. In this game the team of Space Marines are trying to wipe out the Genestealers before they can get to an inhabited planet to cause devastation and ruin, as per usual.

Having only viewed the video on the website linked and a recording made by a journalist my opinion should count for very little. Having said that despite being a huge fan of the Warhammer setting I think this game looks rather lackluster. There are an advertised 12 missions (wow, 12? That must take...almost 3 hours to complete) and I can't see a huge amount of variation between any of the ones shown. The game does offer a good looking, clear UI and the models are very well done albiet with slight clipping if a pack of Genestealers appears, but which game doesn't?

There is multiplayer whereby one team plays as the Genestealers, trying to trap and surround the Marines while not being shot into a million pieces in gory hi-def. Given that the 'stealer side is relying on traps and timing, there is probably a bit of waiting around until some unwitting cybergoon steps onto the wrong square. All in all I'd imagine it's a fun affair for fans of the genre, fans of Blood Bowl released by Cyanide will not be dissappointed.

I would be fine with the flaws and I bet that at least a few of them will be fixed prior to or shortly after release however for it's price tag of £22.99 on Steam I think it's bad value for money.

All in all 6/10.

EDIT: Hugely repetitive and keeps the bad things about Space Hulk without adding and cool new features. Wouldn't reccomend.
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