Dance: The Willow Tree

Started by Scarlet, August 30, 2013, 09:23:02 AM

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The Willow Tree

Dance Type: Jig

Number of bars: 48

Set type: 8 couples longways sets

Top couple gallops down to the bottom of the set.
Top man gallops back up with bottom lady, leaving his partner

Bottom man and top lady gallop up to the top.
Bottom man reclaims his partner and they gallop back down to the bottom

Top and bottom couples strip the willow from their ends towards the middle.
Two end couples meet in the middle where they hold hands in a circle and raise their arms to make arches.

Remaining couples cast out and pass through the side arches, meeting their partner in the middle, before passing back out through the arches at their end.
All swing (if time).
like a bruise that would never go away, but she would cherish it for ever.

gellthîr i melethron nîn

nínim in menil