A Guide to Party Member Relationships

Started by Andalus, November 09, 2008, 01:26:01 AM

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I thought it might be useful if we built up a list of the varying relationships between all the characters you can recruit to your party. I don't know what use it will be, but its something to do in this lonely M&B forum.

This is only based on those I have come across, and that I can remember.


Alayen (Vaegir)
Likes: Ymira
Dislikes: Nizar, Marnid

Artimenner (Rhodok)
Likes: Lezalit
Dislikes: Jeremus

Bahestur (Khergit)
Likes: Rolf
Dislikes: Katrin

Borcha (Khergit)
Likes: Marnid
Dislikes: Klethi, Deshavi

Bunduk (Rhodok)
Likes: Katrin

Firentis (Swadian)
Likes: Jeremus
Dislikes: Katrin, Nizar

Jeremus (Rhodok)
Likes: Firentis
Dislikes: Artimenner, Rolf

Lezalit (Geroian)
Likes: Artimenner
Dislikes: Ymira

Marnid (Geroian)
Likes: Borcha
Dislikes: Alayen, Baheshtur,

Nizar (Khergit?)
Likes: Matheld
Dislikes: Alayen, Firentis

Rolf (Foreign)
Likes: Baheshtur
Dislikes: Jeremus, Deshavi


Deshavi (Unspecified/Nord)
Likes: Klethi
Dislikes: Rolf, Borcha

Katrin (Swadian)
Likes: Bunduk
Dislikes: Baheshtur, Firentis

Klethi (?)
Likes: Deshavi
Dislikes: Borcha

Matheld (Nord)
Likes: Nizar

Ymira (Swadian?)
Likes: Alayen
Dislikes: Nizar, Lezalit

I have probably missed someone out, and I know for certain not all the relationships are here. I will add more if I remember, and the same to you people. Fill the gaps! ;)
Du bist kein Schmetterling! Du bist nur eine kleine Raupe in Verkleidung!


Deshavi's from Kulum (but isn't by birth a Nord)
Alayen is from Rivacheg
Lezalit' specifically Geroian

Bunduk is with Katrin
Marnid and Borcha
Bunduk and Katrin
Matheld and Nizar
Klethi and Deshavi
Baheshtur and Rolf
Artimenner and Lezalit

Borcha and Klethi
Nizar and Firentis
Ymira and Lezalit
Deshavi and Rolf
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I've put 'em in.

Klethi and Borcha? I'd have thought they'd be kindred spirits, the little thieves!

You know, sometimes I think the goings on of my party would make a good soap. It's weird how they can all be getting along fine, they you hire someone new and they totally upset the apple cart!
Du bist kein Schmetterling! Du bist nur eine kleine Raupe in Verkleidung!

Son of the King

Ymira and Matheld don't get along from my experiences.