warhammer for total war rome, still alive?

Started by wstewart, March 08, 2016, 09:45:34 PM

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Im pretty new.... well.... very new to modding.  just curious if this mod is still accurate for total war rome (gold edition).  Looks like a great little group of people you guys have here.  Lots of cool things here!


The mod is released, and downloadable. There's no current work happening on it as it's more or less complete, whilst hypothetically we could add more features in terms of new city plans or buildings we'd need people with new/different skillsets. We can't add any new factions or units as a result of ingame coded limits, which was a major factor in the reason to stop work.

That said - if anyone wants to make tweaks, new mini-campaigns, add-ons, etc for this mod I'm very happy to provide advice and support.  :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


There are really many problems in the game. Beastmen should be around the Empire because the Wood Elves and the Empire hate them. There are really many missing units!. Vampire Counts do not expand nor does the Dark Elves and most other factions. The Dragon Islanders should be removed with a different faction since no one uses them. I suggest borrowing models from other mods like LoTRW. For example, their Ent Model can be used for the Wood Elves' Treekin. The AI really suck. I want to help, but I don't have Mod Skills.


Jubal, the mod creator, has stated previously a few times that the mod is considered complete. More features like improved AI, removal of a faction to add another, add new units and re-doing models, this is extra content that is outside the scope of the mod. If you want it badly then you've got to do it yourself.

Quote from: Seduce on March 16, 2016, 09:49:18 PM
I don't have Mod Skills.

This is a problem but you can overcome it with the help of mighty videos and endless forum posts from people who love to give tutorials on such things. You can read a guide on how to do it over on TWCenter or Heavengames (http://rtw.heavengames.com/rtw/mods/tutorials/modding_faq/index.shtml). We aren't the best place to ask as everyone here except for me is too busy to write guides that have already been done. And I'm busy writing other guides that have already been done, trying to get a novel done, critiquing TV, video games and movies.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


I could try but not right now, maybe soon. I'm interested in this mod because it's one of the best in rome total war.



Ive been doing quite a bit of tweaking for the past 6 months (modifying a few (stress hardly any) unit balances, removing the rapid accumulation of traits/ancilliaries for characters).
I am very interested in this mod, think its pretty great but would be onboard to help with some modifications if you need some.

hit me up with your ideas!



As usual, I've not got much time for doing actual modding work but if I can advise at all on how to do things I'm very happy to :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...