Election Results: June/July 2017

Started by Jubal, July 16, 2017, 06:10:52 PM

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Election Results: June/July 2017


BASILEUS (Head of Staff)
Glaurung (IND) was ratified to continue in the post with 5 votes.
Nobody voted against, and there were no abstentions.

Glaurung (IND) is duly re-elected as Basileus.

SEBASTOKRATOR (Voting Members' Officer)
No candidates stood, the post is still open

SPATHARIOS (Senior Moderator)
Gmd (IDE) was ratified to continue in the post with 5 votes.
Nobody voted against, and there were no abstentions.

Gmd (IDE) is duly re-elected as Spatharios.

TRIBOUNOS (Tribune & Adjudicator)
No candidates stood, the post is still open.


MEGADUX (Executive Officer)
Jubal (FIF) was ratified to continue in the post with 5 votes.
Nobody voted against, and there were no abstentions.

Glaurung (Independent) was ratified to continue in the post with 5 votes.
Nobody voted against, and there were no abstentions.

Thanks to everyone who took part: we'd like to encourage more members to think about becoming voting members and more voting members to think about whether they could spend a small amount of time volunteering on the staff team. We're currently desperately stretched, as evidenced by the fact we have two key staff positions unfilled and no positions were actually contested. It would also be good if more people voted - five voters of around seventy is pretty low. Thanks of course to all who took part, and hopefully we'll be back up to strength on the staff team soon!
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...